
fǎn wù zhì
  • antimatter
  1. 反物质/物质反应在医学成像有实际应用,注意正电子放射断层摄影术(PET)。

    Antimatter / matter reactions have practical applications in medical imaging , see Positron emission tomography ( PET ) .

  2. 会上讨论到了宇宙黑洞和反物质。

    There were seminars on black holes and antimatter .

  3. 对反物质运动的支持者来说,租赁现正流行。

    For proponents of the anti-stuff movement , renting is in .

  4. 再看看这些:同位素,带电粒子,反物质,中微子

    But isotopes , particles of electricity , antimatter , neutrinos ,

  5. 反物质的物理基础和微观特性

    The Basis of Physics and Micro - Property of Antimatters

  6. 反物质就是寻常事物的镜像。

    Anti-matter is the mirror image of ordinary matter .

  7. 近代物理;唯心主义;因果律;反物质;相对论;

    Modern physics ; Idealism ; Law of causality ; Antimatter ; Relativity ;

  8. 正电子是电子的反物质。

    Positrons are the antimatter counterparts to electrons .

  9. 然而,物质带有一种电荷,反物质则带有相反的电荷。

    However , matter has one charge , and anti-matter has the opposite charge .

  10. 反物质的相互作用选矿药剂评述

    Interaction of antimatters REVIEW OF MINERAL PROCESSING REAGENTS

  11. 物质与反物质在正常条件下接触时会彼此毁灭。

    Matter and antimatter destroy each other when they come into contact under normal conditions .

  12. 反物质的存在及反氢的制造

    Existence of antimatter and production of antihydrogen

  13. 电子和质子构成了普通物质,但正电子是反物质粒子。

    Electrons and protons are forms of ordinary matter , but positrons are antimatter particles .

  14. 相同数量的物质和反物质会相互抵消,这也不妙。

    Equal amounts of matter and anti-matter will cancel each other out , not good .

  15. 男:那是因为物质和反物质基本上是对立的。

    M : That 's because matter and anti-matter are basically opposites of each other .

  16. 零点融合就是你的灵魂物质和反物质双方集聚在一起的时候。

    Zero Point Merge is the coming together of matter and antimatter aspects of your soul .

  17. 接触物质时会将其毁灭的反物质似乎在宇宙中很罕见。

    Antimatter , which annihilates matter upon contact , seems to be rare in the universe .

  18. 物质和现在更奇特的反物质将几乎没有空间相互回避。

    Matter and the now more exotic anti-matter would have had little space to avoid each other .

  19. 物理学家认为等量的正物质和反物质应该在宇宙大爆炸的过程中形成。

    Physics suggests equal amounts of matter and antimatter should have been made in the Big Bang .

  20. 这种提升方式中,反物质会碎裂掉落而让光在提升中被极化。

    In this type of ascension the antimatter splits off leaving the light polarized in the ascension .

  21. 物质世界与反物质世界

    Material World and Anti world

  22. 每产生10亿个反物质粒子,就有10亿零一个物质粒子形成。

    For every billion particles of anti-matter , there were a billion and one particles of matter .

  23. 反物质与反物质能

    Antimatter and Antimatter Energy

  24. 反物质及其应用

    Antimatter and Its Applications

  25. 依照物理学的标准理论,反物质宇宙应该看起来与我们自己的宇宙相同。

    According to the standard theories of physics , the antimatter universe should look identical to our own .

  26. 虽然依靠反物质的推进器系统目前还只存在于科幻小说中,但是反物质是就在现实当中。

    While antimatter propulsion systems are so far the stuff of science fiction , antimatter is very real .

  27. 既然已经观察到了反物质毁灭,现在,科学家们想看到它的诞生。

    Now that they have witnessed the death of antimatter , the scientists hope to see its birth .

  28. 物理学家认为任何的基础物质都有一个反物质“表兄”,反物质与正物质的拥有一致的物理特性,但是带有完全相反的电性。

    Each of the fundamental particles known has an antimatter cousin , with identical properties but opposite electric charge .

  29. 例如,电子的反物质就是带正电的质子。

    For instance , the antimatter opposite of an electron , known as a positron , is positively charged .

  30. 此外,反物质同样应该具有吸引其它物质的引力。这句可能是说物质和反物质都受到引力的作用[:?:]

    Furthermore , it is thought that gravity should pull on matter and antimatter in just the same way .