
  • 网络repeat action;reciprocal action
  1. 路面板的疲劳断裂是UTW路面的主要破坏模式,据此提出以控制行车荷载反复作用在板内所产生的荷载疲劳应力不大于混凝土弯拉强度作为路面板厚度设计的标准。

    The fatigue rupture of the pavement slab was confirmed as the main destroy model , and the criteria that the fatigue loading stress induced by the repeated traveling is controlled not to exceed the flexural-tensile strength of the concrete was used to design the thickness of UTW .

  2. 动载反复作用下土工格栅加筋路基性状分析

    Analysis on character of reinforced subgrade with geogrid under cyclic loadings

  3. 软岩巷道在周边爆破反复作用下的损伤疲劳破坏

    The fatigue damage and breaking of rock affected repeatedly by blasting stress wave

  4. 桥梁的整个生命期就是车辆反复作用的累积损伤过程。

    Bridges ' whole life is a course of cumulative damage under automobile loading .

  5. 应力波反复作用下断续节理岩体疲劳破坏试验研究

    Experimental study on fatigue failure of intermittent jointed rock masses subjected to repeated stress wave

  6. 潜艇在上浮下潜的过程中承受着反复作用的由外部水压力所产生的随机载荷,耐压壳体面临着疲劳破坏。

    Submarine endures repeating stochastic loading by outer hydraulic pressure in the course of floating and submerging .

  7. 刹车荷载反复作用下沥青路面剪切动响应三维有限元分析

    Analysis of Shear Dynamic Response of Asphalt Pavement under Repeated Brake Loads by 3D Finite Element Method

  8. 本文主要针对沥青混凝土路面在周期性变化的外界环境温度和行车荷载反复作用下的疲劳特性进行研究。

    This paper mainly researches the asphalt concrete pavement structure fatigue performance under seasonal environment temperature and repeated vehicle load .

  9. 循环荷载反复作用后土体多种指标变化特性沿深度具有显著差异性。

    The physical and mechanical indices of silt changed after the action of cyclic load and vary remarkably along the depth .

  10. 型腔表面在热负荷的反复作用下可能会发生四种形式的损伤:热疲劳、相变、回火和塑性变形。

    Surface of die occurs four damnification such as thermal fatigue , phase change , temper and plastic distortion under heat load .

  11. 在吊车荷载反复作用下,疲劳强度不足,因而出现疲劳破坏。

    Under the repeated loading of the cranes , the fatigue strength of the columns is insufficient , and fatigue failures occurred .

  12. 药物成瘾是脑内相关核团和细胞在药物反复作用下发生适应性变化的时间依赖过程。

    Drug addiction is a time-dependent course during which specific nucleus or cells in the brain adapt to repeated exposure to the drugs .

  13. 在车辆荷载的反复作用下,高温时产生的永久变形和车辙是沥青路面的典型破环特征。

    At the effect of repeat traffic loading , the permanent deformation by hot weather and rutting is typical symptoms of asphalt pavement damage .

  14. 计算了客车车辆通过钢轨轨头横向凹坑时,同一个转向架的4个车轮反复作用下钢轨初始波磨形成和发展情况。

    The corrugations on the rails under the 4 wheels of the same bogie when a car passes through the lateral dent are calculated .

  15. 围岩松软、呈层性显著以及受爆破震动和开采动载的反复作用是回采巷道的基本特征。

    Soft and thin-bedded characteristics and dynamic load action from mining and blasting shock are some basic features of the actual mining roadways in coalmine .

  16. 水泥混凝土路面加铺层受到车辆荷载和温度的反复作用,结构设计时需考虑其疲劳性能。

    Cement concrete pavement with overlay withstands the repeated actions of traffic and temperature , so the fatigue property must be considered in structure design .

  17. 研究表明,路面路基结构的沉降变形主要来自地基路堤土层的固结压密沉降和交通荷载反复作用下路面路基各结构层的累积残余变形,路面路基结构发生过大的沉降变形会使路面过早破坏。

    Research results show that the settlements of the road structure mainly come from the consolidation and the accumulative residue settlements under the cyclic loads .

  18. 多孔混凝土作为沥青混凝土路面的基层时,和面层一起受到车辆荷载和温度的反复作用,结构设计中需考虑其疲劳性能。

    As base course material , porous concrete withstands the repeated actions of traffic and temperature , so the fatigue property should be considered in structure design .

  19. 桥梁结构在荷载的反复作用,特别是超载车辆的作用下,会产生各种损伤或局部破坏。

    Bridge structures in the load repeatedly under the action of the overload vehicles , in particular , can produce all kinds of damage which include local damage .

  20. 许多运营桥梁包括按抗裂度设计的有限预应力混凝土桥梁在使用阶段出现裂缝,并随着车辆荷载的反复作用,裂缝不断扩展。

    Many existing bridges include prestressed concrete bridges , which were designed obeying the rule of cracking strength , cracked and their cracks propagate unceasingly under automobile loading .

  21. 贫混凝土用于路面基层时,由于受到荷载应力和温度应力的反复作用,需研究其疲劳特性。

    Fatigue property of lean concrete should be studied when the material is set as base course since it withstands the repeated actions of load stress and temperature stress .

  22. 在恶劣气候条件和车辆荷载的反复作用下,沥青路面产生过大的永久变形或车辙是其典型破环特征之一。

    Under the influence of severe climatic conditions and repeated traffic loading , the excessive permanent deformation caused or rutting is one of the typical symptoms of asphalt pavement damage .

  23. 在长期的车辆荷载循环反复作用下,钢桥面板中横肋与纵肋翼缘的焊接部位先开裂,之后弧形缺口处才开裂。

    Under long period vehicle load circulate recent actions , welding position between steel decks ' cross ribs and longitudinal rib flanges first cracks , and then curve gap cracks .

  24. 车辙是沥青路面在交通荷载反复作用下产生的竖向永久变形的积累,是路面的主要损坏形式之一。

    Rutting is the accumulation of permanent deformation when asphalt concrete pavements are under the repeated application of traffic loads , and is one of the major damage of pavement .

  25. 药物成瘾是精神活性物质反复作用于大脑引发的一种长期适应性改变,并被认为是一种慢性复发性的脑病。

    Drug abuse is recognized as long-term adaptation in brain which is resulted from repeatedly usage of psychoactive substances . Therefore , drug addiction is also presumed as chronic and relapsing encephalopathy .

  26. 在交通荷载的反复作用下,检查井普遍存在沉降严重的问题,严重影响了行车安全和城市美观,给国家造成不必要的经济损失。

    The common existence of severe settlement of urban road manholes under the traffic cyclic load seriously affects the driving safety and city appearance , and brings unnecessary loss to our country .

  27. 移动车辆荷载反复作用会导致桥梁疲劳损伤甚至破坏,移动荷载识别是桥梁健康监测的重要措施之一。

    Moving loads identification is one of the important measures for health monitoring of bridge because the cyclic action of moving loads may lead to fatigue damage or even failure of the bridge .

  28. 铝合金压铸模承受炽热压铸合金与模具润滑剂的激冷激热反复作用,极易在表面发生失效。

    Aluminum alloy casting dies have to endure the action of thermal stresses caused from molten casting alloys and the chilling lubricants again and again , and are easy to induce surface failures .

  29. 荷载作用产生的裂纹主要是指荷载反复作用引起的疲劳裂纹。

    Fatigue Crack occurs under repeated action of load , features map cracking with longitudinal crack ( generally deformation is not distinguished ) , and occurs mainly late in the service life of pavements .

  30. 同时,随着交通运输的快速发展,我国既有公路钢筋混凝土桥梁承担着日益繁重的交通荷载,在这种荷载反复作用下很容易引起桥梁的动力破坏,也越来越受到桥梁工程师的关注。

    With the fast development of transportation , the existing reinforced concrete road bridges in China are undertaking increasingly large load whose alternative action can easily result in the dynamic failure of the bridges .