
  • 网络reflector lamp;IRL;IRLS
  1. 带反光杯的白炽灯测试用灯泡应当有最宽的扩展光束,MR型测试灯应当有分色反射灯。

    Incandescent reflector test lamps shall be of the widest beam spread available . A Type MR test lamp shall have a dichroic reflector .

  2. 回到厨房后,我们用空鱼缸做了个简陋的孵卵箱,上缘夹着一盏反射灯。

    Back in our kitchen , we constructed a primitive incubator from an empty Fish aquarium , clamping a reflector light to its upper rim .

  3. 装有能投射到某一特定方向一束光的反射镜的灯。

    A light source with reflectors that projects a beam of light in a particular direction .