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  • antigravity
反引力[fǎn yǐn lì]
  1. 亚特兰提斯人拥有超次元量子物理学的知识,并理解到可以使绕着圆柱晶体逆转之特定磁力场而创造出反引力波。

    The Atlanteans had the knowledge of hyper-dimensional quantum physics and understood that counter rotating specific magnetic fields around cylindrical crystals created antigravity waves .

  2. 膨胀学说告诉我们,早在很久以前,宇宙的体积在不到一秒钟内被一种反引力驱动而发生了无数倍的膨胀。

    Inflation says that very early on , the universe expanded in size by more than a trillion ( num. ) fold in much less than a second , propelled by a sort of antigravity .

  3. 黑暗能源是有点像反引力。

    Dark Energy is a bit like anti-gravity .

  4. 所有船都使用侧推进器和/或反引力来控制运动,空气动力学设计是不合适的。

    All ships use side thrusters and / or anti-gravity to maneuver , aerodynamic designs are out-of-place .

  5. 最初,这些电容器是以重力方舟水晶所造,被用作「反引力」之用。

    The originals of these capacitors were created with the ARK Crystal of Gravity , and used for anti gravitation .

  6. 在牛顿近似和弱场近似下,相应于矢量场的反引力与相应于张量场的吸引力互相抵消,使得检验粒子在球对称静态引力场中的加速度为零,这显然与牛顿万有引力现象矛盾。

    In Newtonian approximation and weak gravitational field , acceleration of a particle in a spherically symmetric and astatic gravitation field is zero . The result is obviously not in agreement with gravitational phenomena .

  7. 这主要是通过美国专业号5255452来完成的,它被授予给迈克尔和两名合伙人,理由是他们创造反引力的奇思妙想和方法。方法是一双鞋,鞋子里安装着狭槽,可以勾住地板上的可伸缩挂钩。

    This was accomplished by way of US Patent No. 5255452 , granted to Michael and two partners for their " Method and Means for Creating Anti-Gravity Illusion . " This method was a pair of shoes , footwear with slot in the heels to hook onto retractable pegs in the floor .

  8. 弗兹最近的、也是最反地心引力的《X战警》项目,是制作万磁王鞋子&他用这双鞋子在自己工作室的天花板上行走。

    In his most recent and most gravity-defying X-Men project , Mr. Furze set out to make Magneto shoes & magnetic boots he used to walk on the ceiling of his workshop .

  9. 一位网友说道,“真不敢恭维山谬•米库拉克的发型审美,”而另一位网友则表示:“他的发型很反地心引力啊!超爱!”

    Sam Mikulak made a mistake with that hair , ' said one user , whilst another noted : ' Sam Mikulak 's hair defies gravity and I love it ' .

  10. 根据美国专利局的一份摘要显示,这种鞋子的名称为“反地心引力错觉的方法与器具”,其发明人包括迈克尔,以及他的两个来自加州好莱坞的服装设计师,名叫迈克尔·布什和丹尼斯·汤普金斯。

    According to an abstract from the United States Patent Office , the shoes were a " system for allowing a shoe wearer to lean forwardly beyond his center of gravity , " and the inventors listed included Michael , as well as two residents of Hollywood , California named Michael Bush and Dennis Tompkins .

  11. 此外,反物质同样应该具有吸引其它物质的引力。这句可能是说物质和反物质都受到引力的作用[:?:]

    Furthermore , it is thought that gravity should pull on matter and antimatter in just the same way .