
fǎn chā
  • contrast;definition;contrast grade
反差 [fǎn chà]
  • (1) [contrast]

  • (2) 照片、电视画面等上面黑白对比的差异

  • (3) 不同事物或同一事物的不同方面对比的差异程度

反差[fǎn chā]
  1. 红色与黑色反差强烈。

    Red and black make a striking contrast .

  2. 2022年冬奥会火炬旋转上升,如双色“飞舞丝带”重叠,内部的红色丝带如火焰升起,与外部的银色丝带形成强烈的反差效果。

    The 2022 Olympic torch spirals upward to resemble two overlapping rising flames , with the outer one plated in silver to produce a striking contrast .

  3. 精致的门面同室内的简朴形成强烈反差。

    The elaborate facade contrasts strongly with the severity of the interior .

  4. 浅色太阳镜色彩柔和,皮肤白皙的人戴上不会与肤色形成强烈的反差。

    On fair skin , pale shades are delicate enough not to overpower your colouring .

  5. 眼部周围的绯红给人病弱之感,能激起异性的保护欲,而湿亮的头发则又产生一种反差的小性感。

    The red around the eyes gives the impression of being unwell and in need of looking after , while the wet-look hair provides a contrasting sexy feel .

  6. SPOT全色波段山区影像反差增强方法研究

    Contrast Augment Approach in SPOT Full-color Waveband Image

  7. 这种管线数据管理的现状和社会对其的需求已构成强烈的反差,因此建立一个基于GIS的应用系统&城市地下管网信息系统相当迫切。

    So , to create a application system ( urban pipeline information system ) based on GIS is very urgent for us .

  8. TN型液晶器件的显示反差对厚度或波长的依赖性

    Depth-dependence and wavelength-dependence of the contrast ratio of the twisted nematic liquid crystalline device

  9. 如何看待我国民营上市公司EVA与MVA的反差问题

    On the Issue of Non-consistence Between EVA MVA in Chinese Private Listed Companies

  10. 在美国,这些CEO挣著几乎不道德的工资,却对扶持民众漠不关心,这种巨大的反差该结束了。

    The party is over for the disparity in our country between CEOs making almost immoral salaries and not being interested in lifting people up .

  11. 显然,CNTs的存在影响了膜结构,从而提高了复合膜的光反差和着色效率。

    Obviously , the presence of CNTs has the strong influence on the multilayer structure , leading to high optical contrast and coloration efficiency .

  12. 结果表明,PVAⅠ、PVAⅡ减慢扩散转移过程并降低版材的反差,而PVP对扩散转移过程有轻微促进作用。

    The results showed that PVA ⅰ、 PVA ⅱ could retard the diffusion process and reduce the plate contrast , while PVP could accelerate the development slightly .

  13. SAR图像上舰船尾迹的检测主要取决于分布目标所在区域与背景海面在散射系数上的差别(即反差度大小)。

    The effect of the detection of the wake of ship in SAR images primarily lies on the different of radar backscatter variations between the region covering the distributed targets and the background sea surface .

  14. 介绍了伪距实时反差分GPS技术在车辆监控系统中的应用,具体涉及了系统的方案设计、系统配置、定位算法以及本系统的性能特点。

    The application of pseudorange real-time inverse differential GPS technique in the vehicle monitoring and control system is presented and the scheme design , hardware configuration , the algorithm of positioning and performance of the system are specifically concerned .

  15. kkr的合伙人将不会利用这宗交易兑现他们的股票,这是另一个与百仕通上市形成反差的地方。

    KKR partners will not be cashing in their shares in connection with the deal another contrast with the Blackstone listing .

  16. 这也将与奥巴马政府对克莱斯勒(chrysler)和通用汽车(generalmotors)所采取的行动形成反差,这些行动是向这两家困境中的汽车制造商提供进一步支持的条件。

    It would also mark a contrast with the actions that the Obama administration has taken as a condition of providing further support to troubled automakers Chrysler and general motors such as the vetting of business plans .

  17. 芬兰的XXX是一个引人入胜的旅游目的地,不仅是因为这里有各式各样的服务,还因为它是一个充满强烈反差的地方。

    Finnish XXX is an attractive destination not only because of the variety of services available , but also because it is a region full of contrasts .

  18. 从Aki和Richards在弱反差条件下给出的PS波反射系数近似公式出发,提出了一种在小角度入射范围内的PS波反射系数近似公式。

    On the basis of the P-S wave reflection coefficient equation given by Aki & Richards for weak contrast media , a new approximation formula for the small incident angle is presented .

  19. 影响印片颗粒指数值的两个主要因素是彩色相纸的反差修正系数a和彩色负片的覆盖力系数ECP;

    The two main factors affecting print grain index accuracy are contrast amendment factor a of the color paper and cover power efficiency E CP of the color film .

  20. IEA关于石油需求增长低于预期的警告,与实物市场吃紧、推动基准油价涨至半年新高的现状形成反差。

    The warning about lower-than-expected oil demand growth contrasts with signs of tightness in the physical oil market , which has driven benchmark prices to their highest level in six months .

  21. 日渐好转的市场情绪与各国际机构的持续悲观论调形成反差。譬如,国际货币基金组织(IMF)仍然预计,发达经济体今年只能实现微幅增长或零增长,2010年将出现微弱复苏。

    The improving mood contrasts with the persistent gloom among international organisations , such as the International Monetary Fund , which continues to expect little or no growth among advanced economies this year , followed by a weak recovery in 2010 .

  22. 本届展览跨越巨大时空,看到了不同时装的共性与反差:皮尔•卡丹(PierreCardin)1968年设计的一件3D热成型裙与渡边淳弥(JunyaWatanabe)2015年设计的一件类似风格时装并肩而立;

    The show leaps across decades to find contrasts and commonalities : a Pierre Cardin 3D heat-moulded dress from 1968 next to a similar 2015 work by Junya Watanabe ;

  23. 正如平壤方面也许已经意料到的,国际社会对其炮击延坪岛(YeonpyeongIsland)的反应,在语气和内容上都大相径庭。朝鲜将寻求利用这种反差。

    Just as Pyongyang may have anticipated , the responses of the international players to its bombardment of Yeonpyeong island have differed significantly in tone and substance – a contrast North Korea will seek to exploit .

  24. 结论EDTA法显带染色体能基本满足辩识的要求,稳定性和可重复性较好,但在方法学上有进一步探索的必要,以提高染色体深浅带带纹反差。

    Conclusion : Chromosome banding by EDTA method can meet the routine need for chromosomes discrimination with better constancy and reproducibility , but it is much needed to further improve its effect on enhancing the contrast of dark and light bands of chromosome .

  25. 第二,介绍了反差增强函数的PDE实现方法,并且设计了基于区域的分段拉伸函数。第三,提出了结合梯度、散度、和反差增强函数的变分模型的能量泛函。

    Second , I introduce the PDE method of contrast enhancement function , and design a region-based segmentation stretch function Third , I propose an energy function of the variational models of gradient , divergence , and the contrast enhancement function .

  26. 与此形成反差的是,同期,布伦特(Brent)原油价格下跌了7%,伦敦金属交易所(LME)铝价下跌3.9%,铜价只上涨了1.1%。

    In contrast , Brent crude oil prices have slid 7 per cent over the same period , while on the London Metal Exchange aluminium prices were down 3.9 per cent and copper prices were up just 1.1 per cent .

  27. 该膜材料的电致变色性能提高了,其在620nm的光反差可达到20.3%,着色效率为91.5%。

    The composite material displays enhanced electrochromic performance , with the optical contrast of 20.3 % and coloration efficiency of 91.5 cm2 C-1 at 620 nm .

  28. 彩色透明正片,即彩色反转片,以C-41工艺冲洗.可获得反差大、色饱和度高的负像,对于鉴别犯罪现象的痕迹物证极为有效。

    Color Diapositive Film , i. e. color reversal film , can be processed with C-41 yielding a negative image performing higher contrast and higher color saturation very efficient for identifying traces of material evidence at crime site .

  29. 由此可见,慕尼黑是一个极具迷人的有鲜明反差的城市。

    Munich , then , is a city of fascinating contrasts .

  30. 中西人体艺术反差的文化渊源

    The Cultural Origin of the Sino-Western Differences in the Nude Art