
fǎn yìnɡ nénɡ lì
  • reaction capability;reaction
  1. 那需要运动员有高超的技巧、冷静的头脑和迅速的反应能力。

    It takes great skill , cool nerves and the reflexes of an athlete .

  2. Agent是具有感知、自主、反应能力的一个自主实体。

    Agent is an independent entity with complex abilities of awareness , independence and reaction .

  3. 非扩张组的瞳孔反应能力明显优于扩张组(P<0.01)。

    There was a better pupil reaction in patients with fourth IVH and no dilation ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 利用IP速度控制器的快速反应能力来保证系统的快速性,共同实现系统的性能指标。

    The IP controller , which has the ability of rapid response , is applied to satisfy the rapid performance .

  5. 快速反应能力是获得OEM客户订单的制胜关键。

    The quick reaction ability is the key to obtain the OEM customer orders .

  6. 计算机辅助设计在轴承设计上的应用(简称CAD),大大缩短了轴承开发的周期和提高了轴承设计的快速反应能力。

    The application of computeraided design ( CAD for short ) to bearing designing greatly shortens the cycle of bearing development and raises the quick response ability of bearing designing .

  7. Agent是一个具有自主能力、交互能力、反应能力和预动能力的软件实体,能代表用户或其它程序,以主动服务的方式完成一组工作。

    Agent , bearing autonomy , sociability , reactivity , and pre-activeness , is a software entity , and able to stand in for other users or programs to complete work on its own initiative .

  8. 蓝光2h诱导增强的向光性反应能力在0-8h的黑暗中可以保持1h,随后便自行逐渐减弱。

    The enhanced phototropic capability by 2h blue light could be kept within 1h , and declined gradually under 0-8h dark condition .

  9. 在现代企业中建立基于Web的虚拟企业平台系统,适应了企业现代化发展的需要,可以帮助企业提高企业综合管理水平以及市场反应能力,以应对全球日趋激烈的市场竞争。

    So this virtual enterprise platform base on Web we set up in modern enterprises meets the need of development , and it can help enterprises improve the level of integrated management and the ability of responding to the market .

  10. 小鼠截肢后48h脾淋巴细胞对PHA刺激的增殖反应能力受到了明显抑制(P<0.01)。

    The PHA ' induced spleen lymphocyte proliferation was markedly depressed 48 h after amputation ( P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 4例肺癌带瘤生存者长期随访的结果表明病人的OT皮试反应能力增强、肿瘤进展过程呈减慢、生活质量改善;

    Four long term followed up lung cancer patients also showed enhancement of OT skin reactivity , improvement of quality of life and slower tumor growth .

  12. 研究结果表明栉孔扇贝中存在免疫致敏(immunepriming)现象,短期刺激可以提高扇贝的免疫反应能力,增强扇贝机体对相同病原物的抵抗能力。

    All the results suggested that there was immune priming in the scallops and a short-term stimulation could give the scallops an enhanced immune ability to the secondary stimulation by the same pathogens .

  13. EMERALD采用了签名分析和静态轮廓两种方法对事件进行监控,对整个网络具有全局监测和反应能力。

    Signature analysis and statistical profiling are combined in event monitoring to provide localized real-time protection of the most services on the Internet .

  14. 该法不但可以反映出活性SiO2、Al2O3火山灰反应能力差异,还可得到火山灰反应速率常数和表观活化能等有用的动力学参数。

    The new method can differentiate the pozzolanic reactivity of active SiO2 and Al2O3 , and obtain the useful parameters , such as reaction rate constant and activation energy .

  15. Intranet的应用给企业带来了革命性的变化,大大提高了工作效率和市场反应能力,使其更具竞争力。

    The application of Intranet has brought the revolutionary changes to enterprises , and improved the working efficiency and reaction ability of the market greatly , which make enterprises more competitive .

  16. 要素的整合能力、跨国产业增殖链的建构能力以及对东道国市场条件适应性反应能力,是有效资本型FDI的三大核心能力。

    Three key abilities for effective capital type FDI include : the ability of reassembling essential factors , the ability of forming value-added chain in transnational industry and the ability of appropriately reacting to the market condition of host countries .

  17. EFE矩阵综合加权分析表明,DS公司对外部机遇或风险具有较强的反应能力。其次,对DS公司内部环境进行了分析。

    The EFE matrix using synthesis weighted analysis indicates that DS Corporation can respond exterior opportunities or risk strongly . Secondly , the internal environment of DS Corporation is also analyzed .

  18. 实施VMI的制造型企业能有效降低库存,提高运作效率和对市场的反应能力,并对整个企业管理产生深远的影响。

    Implementation of VMI in manufacturing enterprises can effectively reduce inventory , improve operational efficiency and ability to respond to market , and has a profound impact on the enterprises management .

  19. 有研究对SCL-90和数字搜索能力测验进行相关分析发现,有抑郁、精神病性症状的新兵反应能力较低[1]。这就提示研究者数字搜索测验在人员筛查过程中有一定的辅助作用。

    The investigation between SCL-90 and searching number had showed that the recruits with dumps and psychosis had lower ability , which suggests that searching number play an assistant role in selecting people .

  20. 工业使用情况表明:FBD型CO高变催化剂在低汽气比条件下能够长期运行,活性下降不明显,抗副反应能力很强。

    This was proved well when the catalyst was put into industrial application : it can keep high activity at low stream gas ratio atmosphere for long terms , and effectively restrain side reaction .

  21. 对游泳12周后的老龄C57BL/6小鼠脾脏T细胞对ConA的增殖反应能力、NK细胞活性及IL-1活性进行了研究。

    This study was designed to examined the effect of 12-week-swimming training on cell proliferation responses ( stimulated by ConA ), cyto - toxic activity of NK cells and splenic cell IL-1 production in aged mice .

  22. 并行工程结合供应链管理及ERP思想,依托现代信息技术,在产品开发和物料供应等环节整合企业资源,为企业提高市场反应能力和顾客服务水平、增强核心竞争力等方面提供强有力的支持。

    For concurrent engineering combining SCM and ERP thought , relying on the modern information technology and management thought , It offers powerful support for the fact that enterprises improve the reaction ability of the market and customer 's service level , strengthen the key competitiveness .

  23. 从内部结构、财务、采购、生产、库房、销售等多方面介绍了ERP在企业管理中的重要作用和实施方法,证明通过实施ERP可以快速提升企业的反应能力、工作的效率和效益。

    Introduce the important role and implementation of ERP in business management from the internal structure , finance , procurement , production , warehouse , sales and other aspects . Prove that the implementation of ERP could quickly enhance the response ability and the product efficiency .

  24. 在正畸牙齿移动过程中,糖尿病大鼠骨质反应能力降低,胶原代谢较弱,牙齿移动时MMP-2呈规律性变化,与牙齿正畸骨改建关系密切,在牙齿移动中起着重要的作用。

    DM alveolar bone reactive potency decreases in orthodontic tooth movement , weak collagen metabolism . MMP-2 ′ s activity changes regularly , in close relation to bone remodeling , and plays an important role during the orthodontic tooth movement .

  25. 构建以GPRS和短信为通信方式的煤矿安全监控系统,投资小,可靠性高,维护简单,可实现对瓦斯浓度等关键数据的完全共享和监控,形成全方位的快速反应能力。

    The mine safety monitoring system based on GPRS and SMS communication have some characteristic such small investment , high reliability and easy maintenance . This system will be able to monitor and share some critical data such as gas concentration and enhance rapid response capability .

  26. 在人胎脾细胞LAK活性诱导,增殖反应能力的基础上,探讨了人胎脾LAK细胞制备,质量控制及临床应用的安全性,可靠性及疗效。

    Based on the LAK cells activity induced from human fetus spleen cells and their proliferative reaction , evaluation was made on the preparation of human fetus spleen cells , the quality control , the safety and the clinical effect .

  27. Brooks行为主义的思想改变了机器人的传统设计方法,更加注重机器人的自适应性以及快速的反应能力,它通过机器人自身对环境的感知,来建立环境模型。

    Brooks ' behaviorism changed the traditional design method . It paid more attention to the adaptability and rapid response capability of the robot . The idea requires that the robot can build environment model through its own perception .

  28. Sternberg双重任务测验能够较好地评价飞行员的快速反应能力和实际操纵能力等。

    Conclusion The multiple criteria evaluation system for flight ability was established , Sternberg dual task test can be used to evaluate the rapid reaction ability and the actual operating ability of pilots .

  29. 结论服用常规单剂量莫达非尼(200mg)对飞行工作能力无明显不良影响,并有明显提高机体应激反应能力、降低主观疲劳感的作用。

    Conclusions Modafinil given at routine , single dose ( 200mg ) had no significant adverse effect on flight performance , and could significantly enhance the ability of stress reaction and lower the subjective fatigue level .

  30. 实验提示,电针能提高实验性VD大鼠的自发运动量和避暗学习反应能力,与改善脑循环,提高SOD、Cortisol、NE、DA、5-HT的活性密切相关。

    Conclusion : Electroacupuncture can promote the amount of autonomic activity and the response ability of learning escape dark in the animal model of VD , which closely related with improving the cerebral circulation , enhancing the ability of SOD , cortisol , NE , DA and 5-HT .