
fǎn duì dǎnɡ
  • the Opposition;opposition party
  1. 这份报纸已经成为反对党的官方喉舌。

    The newspaper has become the official mouthpiece of the opposition party .

  2. 提案遭到反对党的抨击。

    The proposal was assailed by the opposition party .

  3. 反对党领袖要求首相宣布进行大选。

    The opposition leader challenged the prime minister to call an election .

  4. 反对党从政者在议院的议员席提出了抗议。

    Opposition politicians registered their protest on the floor of the House .

  5. 反对党议员指责女部长玩忽职守。

    Opposition MPs charged the minister with neglecting her duty .

  6. 首相参与了和下院反对党议员的激烈争论。

    The Prime Minister was involved in a heated exchange with opposition MPs .

  7. 反对党的声音被有效地压制了下去。

    The voices of the opposition were effectively smothered .

  8. 反对党已渐占优势。

    The opposition party was in the ascendancy .

  9. 反对党的一些政策已被政府照搬照用。

    Some of the opposition party 's policies have been appropriated by the government .

  10. 反对党领袖遭软禁。

    Opposition leaders were put under house arrest .

  11. 各反对党都在利用政府存在的问题捞取政治资本。

    The opposition parties are making political capital out of the government 's problems .

  12. 反对党议员席那边响起了欢呼声。

    There was cheering from the Opposition benches .

  13. 这仍然是两大主要反对党之间一场势均力敌的较量。

    It is still a close contest between two leading opposition parties

  14. 早期的选举结果表明保加利亚的反对党可能已获胜。

    Early returns show Bulgaria 's opposition party may have won .

  15. 反对党保守党对这些数字提出一番不同的解释。

    The opposition Conservative Party put a different interpretation on the figures

  16. 两大右翼反对党合计赢得29.8%的选票。

    The two main right-wing opposition parties together won 29.8 per cent

  17. 反对党大约赢得了55%的选票。

    Opposition parties won about fifty-five per cent of the vote

  18. 反对党在竞选中以高票获胜。

    The opposition won a handsome victory in the election .

  19. 反对党关注与大多数人切身利益相关的问题,从而赢得了人们的支持。

    The opposition gained support by concentrating on bread-and-butter matters .

  20. 反对党认为卫生大臣逃避了所有决策难题。

    The Opposition reckons the Health Secretary has ducked all the difficult decisions

  21. 议会中80名反对党成员全部递交了辞呈。

    All eighty opposition members of parliament have handed in their resignation .

  22. 对反对党的任何举动都想加以嘲笑的心理过于急切了。

    There is too great a readiness to sneer at anything the Opposition does

  23. 结果显示反对党的作用微乎其微。

    The role of the opposition party proved marginal .

  24. 通常情况下,反对党议员质询大臣们时,只是在进行党派斗争。

    Usually when Opposition MPs question Ministers they are just playing party politics .

  25. 反对党的数量没有限制。

    There is to be no limitation on the number of opposition parties .

  26. 反对党威胁发动民众进行非暴力反抗运动。

    The opposition threatened a campaign of civil disobedience .

  27. 主要反对党都抵制此次选举。

    The main opposition parties are boycotting the elections .

  28. 反对党以不合法为由拒绝接受选举结果。

    The election was dismissed as illegitimate by the opposition

  29. 面对反对党这一重大诉求,当局立场坚定。

    The authorities proved unyielding on one crucial opposition demand

  30. 反对党领导人现正强烈要求宣告这次选举无效。

    Opposition party leaders are now pressing for the entire election to be annulled