
  • Gravitational equilibrium;granitational equilibrium
  1. 本文研究了在水溶液中无机氧化物表面的极化现象与pH值的关系以及静电引力平衡所致的离子吸附作用。

    This paper describes the polarization on the surface of inorganic oxide in water solution , the relation to the value of pH and the absorption of ions by the balance of electric gravitation .

  2. 不管是哪一种下场,这颗叫做“WASP-18b”的行星可以为天文学家们提供丰富的资料来源,使他们了解影响所有恒星系统的微妙的引力平衡作用。

    Either way , the planet called WASP-18b should provide astronomers with a mother lode of data about the delicate gravitational balancing act that affects all solar systems .

  3. 球对称恒星的引力平衡与平衡态附近的振荡

    The Gravitational Equilibrium of Spherically Symmetric Stars and the Oscillation near the Equilibrium

  4. 这里有一个平衡,引力的平衡,由于氯离子带有负的净电荷,钠离子带有正的净电荷,但是它们两个,没有考虑净电荷,电子。

    And there is this separation which is a balance of attractive forces because the chloride is net negative and the sodium is net positive , but both of them , regardless of net charge , have electrons .

  5. 发酵后期表面疏水作用显著增加,游离巯基之间相互作用形成二硫键,使分子间的斥力与引力趋于平衡,有利于水牛酸乳蛋白质凝胶网状立体结构的形成。

    The surface hydrophobicity increased significantly in the late fermentation , free sulfydryl had formed disulfide bond , making attraction and repulsion between the molecules equilibration , which was helpful to protein gel mesh three-dimensional structure of buffalo yoghurt formation .

  6. 这些违反地球引力的石头平衡艺术作品没有使用任何胶水或者钉子,仅仅依靠艺术家不辞辛劳地把石头一块块叠起来并使其保持平衡。

    These gravity-defying sculptures were created without glue or pins-just painstakingly balanced on one another .

  7. 基本上,由于引力斥力最终平衡,从而使体积增长存在上限,这个上限比我们发现的这个黑洞要小得多。

    Basically , you have two forces balanced together which sets up a limit for growth , which is much smaller than what we found , said Bian .

  8. 引力下的球面平衡结构

    The Spherical Equilibrium Structure in Gravitational Theories