
  • 网络gravitational lensing effect
  1. 非尺度无关谱宇宙学模型的强引力透镜效应

    Gravitational lensing effect in a cosmological model with a non-scale-invariant spectrum

  2. 讨论了整个星系团的引力透镜效应。

    The gravitational lensing effect from the whole cluster of galaxies is discussed .

  3. 用相关分析方法检测引力透镜效应

    To Determine the Gravitational Lens Effects with a Method of Correlation Function

  4. 简并中微子天体的引力透镜效应

    Gravitational Lens Effects of Degenerate Neutrino Celestial Objects

  5. 引力透镜效应:对宇宙中致密天体分布的一个可能限制

    The Effect of Gravitational Lens : A Possible Limit on the Distribution of Compact Objects in Universe

  6. 他们通过各种技术绘制了大量“暗物质地图”,包括星系团的引力透镜效应。

    They 've created numerous " dark matter maps " using different techniques , including gravitational lensing of galaxy clusters .

  7. 暗物质的另一个特点是引力透镜效应,跟光通过一片抛光玻璃发生的现象相似。

    Another hallmark of dark matter is gravitational lensing , similar to the effect of light passing through a piece of polished glass .

  8. 月食引力效应观测结果引力透镜效应月球探测势在必行

    The Consequence of Observation Gravitational Effect During the Lunar Eclipse Occurrence