
yǐn qíng
  • engine
引擎 [yǐn qíng]
  • [engine] 把(如热能、化学能、核能、辐射能和升高的水的势能等形式的)能量转变为机械力和运动的机器,即发动机

引擎[yǐn qíng]
  1. 引擎用钢丝吊索吊了起来。

    The engine was lifted in a sling of steel rope .

  2. 对引擎的性能在不同的挡上做了试验。

    The performance of the engine was tested at different settings .

  3. 我试着用搜索引擎检索,但找不到任何相关信息。

    I tried googling but couldn 't find anything relevant .

  4. 卡车靠着一棵树停了下来,引擎空转着。

    The truck came to rest against a tree , its engine racing .

  5. 量油尺是用来探查引擎中的剩余油量的。

    A dipstick is used to measure how much oil is left in an engine .

  6. 发动引擎!

    Start up the engines !

  7. 他们教我们拆卸、安装汽车引擎。

    They taught us how to strip down a car engine and put it back together again .

  8. 发动引擎!

    Start the engines !

  9. 你可以把最近见过的某人键入搜索引擎,看看在互联网上能查到什么相关信息。

    You can google someone you 've recently met to see what information is available about them on the Internet .

  10. 机务人员关错了引擎,随即飞机坠毁。

    The crash occurred when the crew shut down the wrong engine

  11. 他坐上了驾驶员的位置发动了引擎。

    He got into the driving seat and started the engine .

  12. 单引擎飞机在亚利桑那州西部的一个干涸的湖底着陆了。

    The single-engine plane landed at a dry lake in western Arizona

  13. 我熄掉引擎,靠惯性转过弯去。

    I switched off the engine and coasted round the corner .

  14. 还有几次事故主要是起飞时引擎出现故障造成的。

    There were also several accidents mainly caused by engine failures on take-off

  15. 当引擎关掉时,这个装置会自动切断点火开关。

    The device automatically disconnects the ignition when the engine is switched off

  16. 他听到敞开的门口外的汽车引擎运转正常。

    He heard the car engine running sweetly beyond the open door .

  17. 飞机起飞之后不久,就有一个引擎出现故障,随即便一头撞上了大楼。

    The plane slammed into the building after losing an engine shortly after take-off

  18. 子弹从汽车引擎盖和挡风玻璃上弹飞了。

    The bullets ricocheted off the bonnet and windscreen .

  19. 引擎发动了,油门加大后车冲下了山坡。

    The engine started , revved and the car jerked away down the hill

  20. 我刚发动引擎时,引擎冒出火星,发出长长的嘶声,然后就熄火了。

    When I started the engine it sparked , fizzed and went dead .

  21. 他试着启动船的引擎,但没发动起来。

    The boat 's engine misfired after he tried to start it up .

  22. 最后一架轰炸机的引擎声渐渐消失在远方。

    The sound of the last bomber 's engines faded into the distance .

  23. 她坐上车,发动了引擎。

    She got in and started the motor .

  24. 飞机猛烈撞击地面,致使一个引擎陷到了地下16英尺处。

    The plane hit so hard that one engine was buried 16 feet underground .

  25. 引擎盖下喷出滚滚的蒸汽。

    Steam billowed out from under the bonnet .

  26. 他发动引擎,驱车而去。

    He gunned his engine and drove off .

  27. 我们沮丧地等了5分钟,让飞行员预热引擎。

    We spent a frustrating five minutes while the pilot warmed up the engines .

  28. 结果引擎最终沉到了运河底。

    The result was that the engine ended up at the bottom of the canal

  29. 点着引擎后我们就开走了。

    The engine fired and we moved off .

  30. 我们打开了车子的引擎盖,他开始仔细查看发动机。

    We opened up the car bonnet and he started poking around in my engine .