
  • 网络force of attraction;Force of Attraction Principle;the principle of the force of attraction
  1. 牛顿观察物体往地上落,演绎出运动原则和引力原则,并将这些原则扩展到地球的运动和环绕太阳运转的行星的运动。

    Newton took the principles of motion and of gravitation as deduced from observations of earthbound objects and extended them to the motions of the earth and of the planets around the sun .

  2. 从光传播媒介对应于局部优势引力场这一原则出发,解释了迈克尔逊-莫雷实验、菲索流水光速实验和光行差现象。

    The results of Michelson-Morley experiment , Fizeau experiment and aberration of light were explained based on the new principle .