
  • 网络benefit principle;Benefits-received principle
  1. 具体说来,必须遵循普遍受益原则,始终代表最广大人民的根本利益;

    We should follow the public benefits principle , and always represent the basic interests of most people .

  2. 受益原则在税收制度中的应用

    The Application of Benefit Principle in the Tax System

  3. 第二节主要研究税收公平原则的两个衡量标准&受益原则和负担能力原则。

    The second section mainly research two criteria of tax fairnessprinciple : benefit and load indicators .

  4. 在社会主义初级阶段,高等教育成本的分担应考虑受益原则和支付能力原则二个方面。

    In the elementary of the socialism , sharing responsibility for education cost should consist of profit and endurance .

  5. 改进后的分配方法较好地实现了费用分配的受益原则,有利于为企业经营决策提供较为准确的航次、航线成本信息。

    The new approaches will provide information of more accurate cost of shipping lines and voyages for company to make correct policies .

  6. 我国农村经济发展极不平衡,农户之间的收入差距十分明显,根据税收公平原则和受益原则,农村不应该成为永久性无税区;

    China 's rural area should not be a tax-free one forever , according to the principles of fair taxation and gain from taxation .

  7. 但政府在行政介入过程中难免存在一些过度,在一定程度上与合作组织的民办、民管、民受益原则相冲突。

    However , the government will inevitably use some administrative means in the intervention process . It must conflict with the principles of public benefit .

  8. 本文同时提出了高等教育成本分担的基本原则,即受益原则和能力原则。

    Meanwhile , this paper puts forth the basic principles for cost-sharing of higher education : the principle of benefit and the principle of ability .

  9. 为了保障退耕农的长期利益,也应尽快确立养护者受益原则,建立退耕生态林收购制度。

    To guarantee the peasants'long-term interests , the principle of " keepers'benefiting from keeping " and the system of " eco-forest buy-in " should be established as soon as possible .

  10. 受益原则的理论基础是交换说,它认为税收是一种市场交易关系,遵循市场分配原则和规则公平,因此它在收入分配上是中性的。

    The theory of benefit principle is based on the theory of exchange . It believes that taxation is a relationship of market transaction , taxation follows the principles of market sharing .

  11. 破坏者付费,保护者受益原则、受益者补偿原则、公平性原则、政府主导、市场推进原则和分步推进是生态补偿的基本原则。

    The basic principles are : " Destroyer pays off and protector benefits "," Beneficiary compensates "," Fair principle "," Lead by government and promoted by market " and " Promoting step by step " .

  12. 流域生态补偿的原则应当遵循保护生存权、发展权原则、开发利用者负担原则、谁保护、谁受益原则、公众参与原则。

    The principle of ecological compensation in river basins should include the protection of rights to subsistence and development principles , the developers and the users taking the responsibility principle , who protect who benefit principle , as well as the principle of public participation .

  13. 信托受益权原则上可依法自由转让和继承,但是要注意受信托文件中限制性规定及相关规定。

    In principle , the right can be inherited and freely transferred in accordance with law , but relevant provisions and limitations in the trust documents should be taken into consideration .

  14. 物业税具有充足的税源,以房地产评估现值作为计税依据,从内涵上体现了税收的受益对等原则,而物业税的征税对象决定了其鲜明的地方税特征。

    Property tax has plenty of tax resource , in real estate appraisal value as plan tax basis . From the connotation , reflects tax benefit from the principle of reciprocity . Property tax levy object determines its distinctive local characteristics .

  15. 各国在制定发展战略时,应当奉行以人为本、人民受益的原则,以全面提高人的素质、改善人民物质文化生活为目标。

    While formulating their development strategies , various countries should follow the principle of giving first place to human development and to people 's interests , with the aim of enhancing the people 's quality in an all-round way and improving the people 's material and cultural well-beings .

  16. 其中,根据财力与事权相匹配的原则、受益范围原则、收支配比原则等,对事权划分进行调整。

    Among them , in accordance with the principle of financial power to match administrative power , the principle of benefiting the scope of the principle of balance of payments , and so on the principle of income and expenditure ratio , to adjust the division of administrative powers .

  17. 在产权明晰的基础上,必须以法律和事实为依据,本着谁投资,谁所有,谁受益的原则,从严从简,兼顾各方利益,使后勤资产产权界定得以顺利实现。

    Based on the clear property rights , we must base on laws and facts , the principle of " who invests , who owns it and who benefits from it ", and realize the definition of property rights of rear-service assets in a simple , balanced and smooth way .

  18. 目前,依照“政府推动、学校主办、部门监管、农民受益”的原则,农村劳动力转移培训已在广西各地逐步开展。

    The training for rural migrant labor force is developing gradually in Guangxi now follows the principle " government promotes , schools operate , departments supervise , peasants benefit " .

  19. 积极寻求社会力量的支持,本着“谁投资,谁受益”的原则吸引社会资金参与红色景区的建设;通过发行文物保护彩票、吸引社会尤其是企业捐助、基金会资助。

    The government section , as the main body to construct the public service cultural places , should actively take the responsibility and obligation of investment , programming and supervising .

  20. 在国家政策允许的范围内建立多元投融资机制,实行“谁投资,谁受益”的原则,鼓励区内外企业、单位、个人投资农业信息化建设。

    Within the country policies ' permission , set up pluralistic financing mechanisms , perform the rules that people who invest are beneficial , encourage enterprises , individual person to invest .

  21. 谁受益谁奖励的原则。鼓励项目业主对社会引资者进行奖励。

    The principle of " he who is benefited shall give rewards " . The project owners shall be encouraged to reward the non-governmental attractors .

  22. 根据教育成本分担理论以及谁受益谁投资的原则,社会、企业和家庭都应该分担一部分教育成本。

    In accord with the theory of education cost sharing and the principle that those who invest shall benefit , the society , enterprise and family should split education cost .

  23. 解决的办法是在谁受益谁承担风险原则基础上,重新设计国家助学贷款制度。

    The resolve method is that the system of national loan of education will be redesigned based on the principle that who gets the benefits and who should take on the risks .

  24. 并对国外和国内农业专业合作经济组织的经验进行总结,得出启示:发展农业合作经济组织,必须尊重职工的意愿和选择,体现民办、民管、民受益这一基本原则。

    And foreign and domestic agricultural specialized cooperative economic organizations , to sum up the experience , draw inspiration : the development of agricultural cooperative economic organizations , employees must respect the will and choice , of " private , public management , public benefit ," the basic principle .