
  1. 股权托管在中国已经不是什么新鲜的事物,实际上自从2000年下半年以来,民企受让上市公司股权的运作一直没有停止过。

    Since the latter half of 2000 , the operation that the equity of listed company is entrusted to private enterprises has never stopped .

  2. 股权转让过程中,因出让方处于信息上的优势地位,其对股权和公司信息的隐瞒,会直接影响着受让方对股权价格的判断和合同目的实现。

    In the process of share transfer , if the transferor , at the dominant position of share and corporate information , hides the information , it will restrict the purpose of share transfer contract .

  3. 明确出让人和受让人在股权转让中的义务和责任,并且对其他主体的权利救济有了具体的方式,希望对出资瑕疵股权的出让能起到一定的规范作用。

    The obligations and responsibilities of the transferor and transferee in the transfer are made clear , and there are detailed ways of right relief for other parties . I hope this can help with regulating the transfer of defective equity at some degree .

  4. 首先对善意受让人行使撤销权的条件应当根据瑕疵股权的瑕疵程度来具体情况具体分析,同时还要结合受让人受让股权的行为受到出资瑕疵的影响程度来判断。

    Firstly , the right that the bona fide assignee exercises revoke , which should be based on the degree of defective equity , and it also depends on the combined assignee transferee of equity by the defective capital to determine the extent .