
  1. 股权联系不能保证更深的战略利益。

    Equity ties are no guarantee to deeper strategic benefits .

  2. 唯一可能的途径是透过母子公司间的股权联系,追究特殊情况下的母公司责任,而这又要求突破传统法律制度关于有限责任原则的设计。

    The only possible way is apply the equity between parent and subsidiary companies to investigate the responsibility of parent company under special circumstances . In this way , it is required to break through the traditional law system about limited liability principle .

  3. 国内MBO应该表述为以管理层为主的、与股权激励相联系的通过融资对目标公司部分股权进行收购并意在获取公司实际控制权的收购行为。

    The MBO in China can be defined as the buyout process carried out by managers . It is related with the shareholding inspiration and aims at obtaining the control of the target enterprise by means of financing .

  4. 人力资本股权由有机联系的三个要素构成:一是劳动者以其人力资源投入企业而形成的人力资本投资额;

    The stock right of manpower capital is made up of three factors : the sum of capital that laborers invest in enterprise by manpower ;

  5. 上市公司股权转让引起了区域之间的资本流动和股权联系。

    The stock right transference of listed company leads to inter-regional capital flow and ownership connection .

  6. 请记住,是戴尔主动联系私募股权投资公司,而不是私募股权投资公司主动联系戴尔。

    Remember , it was Dell that reached out to private equity firms & not the other way around .