
  • 网络equity valuation
  1. 股权估值方法是建立在预期基础上的。

    Equity valuation techniques are based on forecasts .

  2. 股权估值模型及其比较研究

    Comparative Research on Different Equity Valuation Models

  3. 目前股权估值模型很多,有现金流贴现法、EVA方法、市盈率模型以及市净率模型等等。

    There are many valuation models such as CDF , EVA model , P / E model and P / B model etc.

  4. 乘数估值法在证券市场股权估值中的应用

    Application of Multiplier Valuation Method in Stock Share Valuation in Securities Market

  5. 然后我们通过建立二元股权估值模型,明确了决定股票价值的核心因素。

    Then , it is clear that the kernel factors determine the value of stock by dual shareholding valuation model .

  6. 中国私募股权投资估值困境的产生机理及解决思路

    The Formation Mechanism and Solutions of Valuation Dilemma in Chinese Private Equity Investment

  7. 乘数估值法是在成熟的资本市场上最常使用的对公司股权进行估值的方法。

    Multiplier Valuation Method is the most common one in companies ' stock valuation .

  8. 第二文章首次利用实物期权模型对企业股权进行了估值,并对其影响因素进行了分析。

    Secondly , the article use real options model to value the corporate equity for the first time , and analysis their impact factors .

  9. 几乎所有私募股权投资机构在对企业进行价值评估时都沿用西方经典估值理论,导致了我国私募股权投资企业估值的模糊。

    Almost all of the Chinese PE institutions follow the Western classical valuation theory to evaluate the companies , resulting in the blur valuation of private equity investment .

  10. 私募股权投资巨头黑石集团Blackstone最近出资收购了美国犹他州普若佛市一间专事安装家庭保全系统的公司的股权并为其估值20亿美元。

    The powerhouse private equity firm Blackstone recently invested in an Provo , Utah company that installs home security systems in an equity deal that valued it at $ 2 billion .