
  1. 第三,笔者评述了国外有关股权继承的立法例。

    Third , the author reviewed the relevant foreign legislation .

  2. 有限责任公司股权继承问题探析

    On the Equity Share of Succession of Limited Liability Corporation

  3. 然而,关于股权继承问题的诸多争议与探讨仍在继续。

    However , a lot of controversy and discussion about them still continues .

  4. 其二,股权继承会否违背有限责任公司人合之特点。

    Second , will inherit the equity against the limited liability company co-author of the feature .

  5. 最后,对如何更好的完善有限责任公司股权继承制度提出了自己的若干构想。

    Finally , how to improve the system of limited liability company made a number of options inherited ideas .

  6. 股份有限责任公司因其资合性特征,其股权继承没有什么问题。

    Joint-stock limited liability company owned jointly because of their characteristics , their stake in succession without any problems .

  7. 虽然国有股权继承了国家所有权的某些特点,但其行使制度要在公司法律规范的框架下进行构建。

    Although SOSs have inherited some characteristics from State property , their exercise system should be constructed under the framework of company law .

  8. 本章讨论继承法、公司法及公司章程在股权继承问题上的协调,其实质就是划定三者在股权继承问题上的优先效力及范围。

    The essence of discussing the coordination on the succession of shareholders ' rights was to designate the priority and scope on this issue .

  9. 而有关有限责任公司隐名股东股权继承问题的出现,势必会面临新的困惑与疑问。

    Along with the problem of inheritance of dormant partners from limited liability companies , it tends to be confronted with new confusion and interrogation .

  10. 第三部分,例举了一些国内外的关于股权继承的县官相关规定,其中德国和法国的一些规定非常具有借鉴的价值。

    The third part , examples of a number of domestic and foreign equity inheritance magistrate on the relevant provisions , including Germany and France , with some reference value is provided .

  11. 第四部分,理清股权继承的思路,指出现行股权继承规范应当改进的地方,以其为今后的司法实践提供理论参考。

    Part IV , to clarify the idea of inheritance shares , pointing out that the current equity inheritance norms should be improvement , with its judicial practice for the future and provide a theoretical reference .

  12. 笔者认为《继承法》对股权继承的规定应仅限于原则性规定股权可以作为遗产继承,而有限责任公司股权的取得、转让、继承则是《公司法》中必须规定的内容。

    The author believes that the inheritance law should be limited to the principle provisions that shareholders ' rights can be inherited and the acquisition , transfer and succession of shareholders ' rights must be provided in company law .

  13. 无论是上位法优于下位法,特别法优于一般法,还是新法优于旧法,在股权继承问题上,公司法应优先于继承法适用。

    Regardless the upper-law is better than the below-law , the particular law is better than the general law or the new law is better than the old law , the company law should be given priority to the inheritance law .

  14. 另一方面,《公司法》对股权继承问题的规定,显得抽象概括也不够严密,使司法界与学术界仍旧各持观点,没能形成一个统一的操作标准。

    On the other hand , the provisions about stock equity in the Company Law seem to be abstract and imprecise , which results in a situation that the legal professionals and academic world both different view about that and fails to achieve uniform standard .

  15. 第二部分,从两个方面论证了股权可被继承的性质。

    The second part , from demonstrated both the nature of equity that can be inherited .

  16. 在某企业中享有股权罪犯依法享有继承权。

    Have an interest in a Business Criminals have the right of inheritance under the law .