
rèn ɡǔ quán
  • right;right of subscription;subscription right
  1. 认股权产生的原因和基础是双务契约。

    Reason and basis to cause warrant right is bilateral contract .

  2. 认股权在未来会发挥更大的作用,将激发中层管理者的工作热情,使其有更出色的表现。

    Share options will play a bigger role in future , putting zip into the performance of middle managers

  3. 对于员工而言,Alphabet带来了提高认股权价值的希望。

    For employees , it brings the hope of more valuable share options .

  4. 作为脱离救助计划的条件,包括摩根大通(jpmorgan)和高盛(goldmansachs)在内的多家银行必须偿还资金,并就如何定价财政部持有的普通股认股权证达成协议。

    To leave the bail-out scheme , the banks , including JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs , will have to repay the funds and reach an agreement on how to price warrants that the Treasury holds over their common stock .

  5. 从不同角度考察,优先认股权表现出不同的性质。

    Observed from different perspectives , shareholders'preemptive rights embody different natures .

  6. 第二章优先认股权的性质和特点。

    Chapter Two " Nature and Characteristics of Pre-emptive Rights " .

  7. 这种情况下,投资者将不会执行该认股权。

    In this case the investor would not exercise the option .

  8. 这似乎是职工优先认股权这种激励措施仅有的明显效果。

    This seems to be the only foolproof effect of stock Options-based incentives .

  9. 薪金和优先认股权能买到某种忠诚。

    A paycheck and a stock option will buy one kind of loyalty .

  10. 附认股权证公司债产品创新对券商业务的影响

    Impact of Bonds with Warrants on Securities Companies

  11. 他们把职工优先认股权作为圣诞奖金。

    They took stock options over Christmas bonuses .

  12. 有表决权的非产权股份资本附条件的股份认购权;附条件股份认购权;附条件认股权

    Voting non-equity share capital qualified stock option

  13. 附认股权公司债价值分析关于员工认股权定价问题的研究

    Value Analysis of Conditional Stock Righ Debt Study on the Price of Employee Stock Options

  14. 员工认股权凭证之存续期间不得超过十年。

    The term of the employee stock options shall not be more than ten years .

  15. 我要提供你资讯王的认股权。

    Offer you more InfoKing stock options .

  16. 海外附认股权证公司债券的发展及启示

    Overseas Experience of Bonds with Warrants

  17. 理应获得奖金的员工,将得到优先认股权,其行权价格比当前股价高出很多。

    Deserving bonus recipients will receive stock options with an exercise price well above the current share price .

  18. 员工进公司一年就有资格获得优先认股权,并一再鼓励他们尽能力购买。

    Employees with one year on board qualify for stock options , and are urged to buy all they can .

  19. 现在有些员工的优先认股权已经成了流动证券,你是否担心有些员工会因此离开公司?

    Do you have any concerns that some employees will leave now that their vested stock options have become liquid securities ?

  20. 而后,微软和花旗干脆放弃认股权计划,戴尔公司更大量减少股票期权的发放,人们开始对股权激励进行重新审视。

    After that , Microsoft and Citibank gave up equity incentive plans , and Dell reduced the number of stock options granted .

  21. 优先认股权计划使得他以从公司提前优惠认购一定股数的股票,一旦股票价格上涨便可以卖出获利。

    A stock option plan gives him shares in the company which he can sell at a profit if the price goes up .

  22. 分离交易可转债也称为附认股权证公司债,在发达的金融市场已经走过了产生、发展、繁荣、衰退的历史过程。

    Warrants attached to bonds in developed financial markets have already gone through , developed and thrived , declined in the course of history .

  23. 假如他留在公司,就会得到丰厚的奖金、优先认股权和佣金,这为上流的生活方式提供了资金保证。

    If he stays at the firm , he 'll get lucrative bonuses , stock options and commissions . It finances a fabulous lifestyle .

  24. 投资的股息高达10%,而且伯克希尔公司也享有收购高盛50亿美元的普通股认股权证的权利。

    The investment paid a 10 % dividend , and provided Berkshire with warrants to buy up to $ 5 billion of Goldman common shares .

  25. 在这样一种相关理论严重缺失的情况下,公司立法中有关股东优先认股权的规定和保护就不可避免地存在或多或少的缺陷。

    With the severe inadequacy in the related theoretical studies , considerable defects occurred in the regulation and protection of the shareholders ' pre-emptive rights in corporate legislature .

  26. 优先认股权的设置是契约自由原则、维护股东身份和正常经济秩序的必然要求。

    The establishment of the shareholders ' pre-emptive rights is an inevitable condition for the freedom of contracting , the maintenance of shareholders ' identification and normal economic order .

  27. 国内公开发行公司募集与发行之转换公司债、海外转换公司债、附认股权公司债及海外附认股权公司债。

    Convertible corporate bonds , overseas convertible corporate bonds , corporate bonds with warrants , or overseas corporate bonds with warrants , offered and issued by a domestic public company .

  28. 月薪视乎学历、技能、经验。国家假期、劳动局标准有薪假期、认股权、月季年奖金。

    10000 RMB / month depends on qualification , skill and experience + national holiday , labor regulation leave , stock options , and monthly , quarterly and yearly bonus .

  29. 五年内,我希望能够按照我的贡献得到同等比例的拔擢,晋升的职位可以负担相当大的责任,以及可以分配到公司不少的认股权。

    In five years I hope to have been promoted in proportion to my contributions to a post that requires substantial responsibilities and entails sizable stock options in the company .

  30. 根据双方协议内容,除享有某些优先认股权以外,在18个月以后,汇丰还有权再购入越南保险公司8%的股份。

    Under the terms of the agreement , HSBC also has the rights to buy a further 8 per cent stake after 18 months as well as certain pre-emptive rights .