
  • 网络EEG;electrical activity;brain electrical activity
  1. 目的:探讨一种可以把头皮脑电活动(EEG)记录中的参考电极位置近似地转化到无穷远点的新技术。

    Objective : To explore a new techique to approximately standardize the reference electrode of scalp EEG recordings to a point at infinity .

  2. 目的:(1)探讨利用立体定向方法建立大鼠颞叶癫痫模型的方法以及观察发作后的脑电活动、MR表现和病理变化。

    Objective : ( 1 ) To explore the method of establishing the temporal lobe epilepsy model in SD rats with stereotactic technique , and to study the EEG 's characteristic , the appearance of MR and pathological changes after epileptic seizures .

  3. 试验记录下了脑电活动。

    The test records the electrical activity of the brain

  4. 棘波是最基本的阵发性异常脑电活动,在临床EEG检查中,最重要的是识别EEG中是否出现棘波和尖波。

    In the clinical EEG check , the most important is to identify the presence of spike and sharp .

  5. 阿尔茨海默病患者REM睡眠期脑电活动研究

    Study of brain electrical activity during rapid eye movement sleep in patients with mild and moderate Alzheimer disease

  6. 结论低强度HeNe激光照射鼻腔后家兔脑电活动有明显变化,提示低强度HeNe激光对中枢神经系统确有一定影响。

    Conclusions It is suggested that low power He-Ne laser irradiation in nasal cavity of rabbits may markedly lead to change of EEG .

  7. 只有当一个区域的输入信号与其自身的脑电活动同步时,才能够在EEG中区分出简单、周期性的波形。

    It is only when the input to a region is synchronized with electrical activity occurring at the same time that you begin to distinguish simple , periodic waveforms in an EEG .

  8. 为探讨小量氯氮平(25mg)对精神分裂症患者脑电活动的影响与近期疗效之间的关系,对60例精神分裂症患者进行BEAM检测。

    BEAM detection were made in 60 schizophrenics to study the relationship between the effect of small dosage clozapine ( 25mg ) on brain electrical activities and short-term effect .

  9. 目的探讨丙戊酸钠(VPA)与卡马西平(CBZ)对脑电活动的影响。

    Objective To explore the effect of VPA and CBZ ( valproate and carbamazepine ) on the electroencephaletro activity .

  10. 事件相关电位(ERPs)是突触后电位的总和,ERPs反映了与刺激呈现时间同步的脑电活动的信号,ERPs技术是进一步探索不同认知方式个体信息加工过程的脑机制的非常有价值的工具。

    ERPs is the totality of potentials in posterior synapses and reflects the signals of electroencephalographic activities simultaneous with stimulation .

  11. 结论应用AEEG对发作期脑电活动进行监测分析,有助于婴儿发作性事件的诊断与鉴别诊断。

    Conclusions Ictal AEEG monitoring has important values for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis in epilepsy and non_epileptic seizures in infant .

  12. 0.7MPa氮氧混合气对大鼠脑电活动的影响

    Effects of 0.7 MPa Nitrogen Oxygen Gas Mixture on Electroencephalogram and Somatosensory Evoked Potential

  13. 在疼痛情境下,接受与CPT相关的威胁性信息时的脑电活动与接受中性信息和与CPT无关的威胁信息时存在显著不同。

    In situations of CPT pain , EEG activity was significantly different with the acceptance of threatening information related to CPT and the acceptance of neutral information and the threat unrelated with the CPT .

  14. 本文报道在横向16G超重作用下10只猕猴(Macacomulatta)的实验,连续记录呼吸、心电和脑电活动。

    Ten rhesus monkeys ( Macaco , mulatta ) are exposed to 16G hypergravity force , the respiratory rate , EEG are continuously recorded .

  15. 方法:用低于急性致惊厥剂量的戊四氮(PIZ,25mg·kg~1)给成年雄性猫每日肌肉注射,观察脑电活动和行为特征。

    Methods : Pentylenetetrazol ( PTZ 25 mg · kg-1 muscular injection im , daily ) was used to kindle male adult cats .

  16. 报告24h动态脑电图(AEEG)监测210例颅脑损伤病人脑电活动,其异常率为85.2%,略高于文献报道的脑电图及脑电地形图的异常率。

    The brain electrical activity of 210 patients with craniocerebral trauma are monitored by 24 h ambulatory electroencephalogram ( AEEG ) with an abnormality rate of 85.2 % which was slightly higher than that previously reported by EEG and BEAM .

  17. 安静闭眼状态和图形推理测试的压缩谱阵(CSA)的分析结果显示:在两种状态下,我们均可以看到30Hz以上(γ频段)的频带存在脑电活动;

    Under eyes closed state and graphics reasoning task , the results of compressed spectrum array ( CSA ) showed that in both states evidence exists for the presence of γ frequency band .

  18. 背景:24h动态脑电图是在常规脑电图基础上延长描记时间,以便对各个状态下的脑电活动进行监测,从而大大提高了癫痫患儿的检出率。

    BACKGROUND : Twenty-four hours dynamic electroencephalogram ( EEG ) is to prolong the time of scanning on the basis of routine EEG to monitor electrical activity of brain in various states , by which , the detectable rate of epilepsy is much improved in children .

  19. 方法采用线栓法制作大鼠右侧大脑中动脉阻塞(MCAO)模型,监测大鼠脑电活动,检测海马组织中胶质谷氨酸转运体-1(GLT-1)的表达。

    Methods Right middle cerebral artery occlusion ( MCAO ) rats models were made by threads methods . Sub-clinical seizures were detected with recording apparatus at the same time . Glial glutamate transporter-1 ( GLT-1 ) were detected by immunohistochemical method in rats hippocampus .

  20. 为了探讨氯氮平对精神分裂症病人脑电活动的影响,预测该药的近期临床疗效,应用定量药物脑电图(QPEEG)方法对63例精神分裂症病人进行了自身前后的对照研究。

    In order to investigate the effect of clozapine on the brain electrical activity of schizophrenics and predict the short term clinical curative effect of this drug , the pre post control studies were made by recording quantitative pharmaco EEG ( QPEEG ) in 63 schizophrenics .

  21. 肝硬化患者的脑电活动地形图

    Brain Electrical Activity Mapping ( BEAM ) of Patients With Cirrhosis

  22. 托吡酯对癫癎患者脑电活动的影响

    Effect of topiramate on brain electrical activities in patients with epilepsy

  23. 细辛挥发油的毒性及对家兔脑电活动的影响

    The toxicity of Xixin oil and its effect on EKG of rabbits

  24. 次声对兔脑电活动的影响

    The effect of exposure to infrasound on EEG of rabbits

  25. 同时采用事件相关电位技术记录被试在完成三种任务时的脑电活动。

    While brain electrical activity using event-related potentials were recorded .

  26. 心算任务中与自主神经有关的头皮脑电活动研究

    Scalp Electrical Activity Related to Autonomic Nervous During a Mental Arithmetic Task

  27. 目的探讨肌电生物反馈中肌电与脑电活动间的相关联系及其机制。

    Objective : To study the mechanism of electromyographic ( EMG ) biofeedback .

  28. 精神分裂症患者脑电活动障碍对照研究

    Abnormality of Brain Electric Activities in Patients with Schizophrenia

  29. 目的:了解行为问题儿童的脑电活动特征。

    Objective : To investigate the EEG abnormality in children with behavior problems .

  30. 奥氮平对精神分裂症患者睡眠脑电活动的影响

    Effects of olanzapine on sleep in patients with schizophrenia