
dào jì shí
  • countdown
  1. 现在开始圣诞节倒计时。

    The countdown to Christmas starts here .

  2. 开始倒计时之前还有3件事要做。

    There were three more things to do before countdown .

  3. 她已经在对这一重大日子倒计时了。

    She 's already counting down to the big day .

  4. 诺丁山狂欢节已经进入了最后几个小时的倒计时。

    The countdown to the Notting Hill Carnival is in its final hours .

  5. 美国航天飞机的发射已于今天晚些时候开始进入倒计时。

    The countdown has begun for the launch later today of the American space shuttle

  6. 在今年的MathCounts全国赛激烈紧张的倒计时轮,前12名学生正面交锋,快速解决复杂的问题,之后数学视频挑战赛决赛选手上台展示自己的视频。

    After the high-pressure Countdown round at this year 's national Math Counts competition , in which the top 12 students went head to head solving complex problems in rapid fire , the finalists for the Math Video Challenge took the stage to show their videos .

  7. 根据您计划参加的比赛类型,您可以在比赛前设置还剩几周的倒计时表。

    Depending on the kind of race you plan to enter , you can set up a timetable for the remaining weeks before the race .

  8. 我们在为这次旅行倒计时。

    We are counting down the days to the end of this tour .

  9. 全世界都在倒计时迎接新千年的到来。

    The whole world was counting down to the new millennium .

  10. 基于GPS的高精度无误差倒计时牌的设计

    Design of high-precision and error-free timing plate based on GPS

  11. 基于GPS授时的霓虹灯倒计时广告牌

    Neon lamp countdown billboard based on GPS

  12. 例如,Date对象是创建倒计时钟表或其他与时间相关的功能的基础。

    For example , the Date object is the basis for creating a countdown ticker or any other time-related functionality .

  13. NASA已经恢复发射发现号航天飞机的倒计时。

    NASA has resumed the countdown for the launch of space shuttle Discovery .

  14. 基于VHDL语言的倒计时抢答器设计

    Design of Countdown Responder Based on VHDL

  15. 加入WTO后,我国零售业进入全方位开放的倒计时阶段,国际大型零售集团加快向我国零售业市场渗透的步伐。

    After entering WTO , China retail enters the count-down stage of complete opening , international retail groups accelerate permeating to the market of our country .

  16. 利用Ajax技术实现了考试倒计时、一页一题、权限分配等功能。

    Use Ajax technology to achieve the test countdown , a page and a topic , the authority distribution function .

  17. 她在Instagram故事中发布倒计时并发文:“《Imagine》周四晚。”

    She posted a countdown on her Instagram Story and posted : " 'Imagine ' Thursday night . "

  18. “XP支援服务停止倒计时”显示的是距离2014年XP停止服务还剩多少天。

    " Windows XP End of Support " gadget shows the number of days remaining until Windows XP End of Support in2014 .

  19. 现场直播以及来自Hulu的就职倒计时节目为可嵌入式。

    The live stream is embeddable , as is an inauguration countdown from Hulu .

  20. 几个街区之外软银(SoftbankCorp.)的一个门店外,立着一个数字倒计时时钟,也有几百名iPhone粉丝已经在排队。

    A few blocks away a digital countdown clock ticked outside a Softbank Corp. store where several hundred more iPhone fans had lined up .

  21. 这则广告视频于周六在美国广播公司的“NBA倒计时”节目中首次播出,之后才播出NBA卫冕冠军金州勇士队与休斯顿火箭队的对决。

    The video was shown last Saturday on ABC 's " NBA Countdown " ahead of Curry 's playoff opener with the defending champion Golden State Warriors against the Houston Rockets .

  22. 该机制通过设置资源预留激活标记和离线倒计时,有效地减少了QoS切换信令并降低了切换时延,从而降低了网络传输负担和用户服务中断概率。

    By setting the reserved resource active flag and the offline count down timer , the scheme effectively reduces the QoS signaling cost and handover delay , thus reduces the network transmission burden and service interruption probability .

  23. 有没有空间,我后,MSNBC的发射倒计时:伊拉克-每天一小时的显示,似乎更热衷于glamorizing一个潜在的战争比审议或辩论。

    There was no room for me after MSNBC launched Countdown : Iraq – a daily one-hour show that seemed more keen on glamorizing a potential war than scrutinizing or debating it .

  24. 这一数字被输入到手表Tikker中,倒计时就开始了。

    This score is entered into the Tikker and the countdown begins .

  25. 随着中国加入WTO,金融全面开放已进入倒计时,面对正在发生剧烈变革的外部金融环境,国有独资商业银行的改革显得更加迫切。

    With China 's entry into the WTO , it is the countdown to the full opening of Chinese money market to the outside . Facing with the dramatic change of the external financial environment , the reform of solely state-owned banks seems to be more urgent .

  26. 辞典编撰学家,电视节目《倒计时》(Countdown)的常驻专家苏西•登特认为,这种现象源自于拼写检查和自动纠错等工具的流行。

    Susie Dent , lexicographer and resident word expert on TV show Countdown , believes the results were partly down to the prevalence of tools such as spellcheck and auto-correct .

  27. 想要验证,接通BeagleBoard-xM电源,然后按一个键停止引导倒计时。

    To verify , apply power to your BeagleBoard-xM , and type a key to stop the boot countdown .

  28. 倒计时达到零正如弗兰克Borman和詹姆斯洛弗尔,在双子七,通过开销。

    The countdown reached zero just as Frank Borman and James Lovell , in Gemini Seven , passed overhead .

  29. 家蚕滞育生物钟是依赖卵内酯酶A4(EA4)的倒计时型生物钟。

    The diapause biological clock protein of Bombyx silkworm is a count down clock which depends on esterase A4 ( EA4 ) in their eggs .

  30. 金融服务公司CowenandCompany在新闻稿中表示,[西蒙]呆了这么久令人意外,我们原本以为他会尽快离职,尽早启动2年内不得服务于竞争对手的倒计时。

    Financial services firm Cowen and Company in its own release said that it was surprised that [ Simon ] stuck around for so long , as we thought he would want to start the clock on his 2-year non-compete as quickly as possible .