
bǎo zhēn dù
  • fidelity;quality of reproduction
保真度[bǎo zhēn dù]
  1. LED显示屏的色度均匀性和色保真度

    The Chroma Uniformity and Fidelity of the LED Display Brocade Color

  2. 多粒子纠缠W态的多控制隐形传输和保真度的研究

    The Research of Many-party Controlled Teleportation for Multi-particles Entangled W State and Fidelity

  3. 对数据结构空间局部性的存储保真度的研究(III)

    A Study on the Storage Locality of Data Structure ( III )

  4. 通过研究该保真度公式,发现可以通过提高F(X)来提高通道保真度。

    Through the formula of fidelity , we find the method to improve the channel fidelity .

  5. SPOT系统结合了中等分辨率的多光谱遥感、高集合保真度以及提供多期遥感数据和立体图像。

    SPOT system includes middling – resolution remote sensing images , high authenticity and supplying period remote sensing data and tridimensional images .

  6. 光束相干驱动声子场提高SBS相位共轭保真度稳定性

    Beam Interference Driving Acoustic Wave Enhances the Stability of SBS Phase conjugation Fidelity

  7. 用列阵相机测SBS相位共轭保真度

    The phase conjugation-fidelity of SBS measured with array camera

  8. 双光子跃迁中动态Stark位移对量子信息保真度的影响

    Effects of Dynamic Stark Shift on Quantum Information Fidelity in Two-photon Transition

  9. 基于DEM的流域数字河网提取算法研究格网DEM地形模拟的形态保真度研究

    Research on the Algorithms of the Digital Channel Network Extraction Based on Digital Elevation Model

  10. 实验证明,在医疗特征与波形保真度很高的情况下,TER_DCT对ECG数据序列的压缩比可达15.2。

    The experiment reveals that the compression ratio can reach 15.2 with high fidelity of medical feature and waveform .

  11. 格网DEM地形模拟的形态保真度研究刻蚀工艺的分辨率是图形转移保真度的量度。

    The resolution of an etching process is a measure of the fidelity of pattern transfer .

  12. 对天线的反射特性、方向图以及增益都进行了测试,然后利用时域有限差分(FDTD)方法计算了天线收发脉冲信号的保真度。

    The transient pulse signal fidelity is simulated employing finite-difference time-domain ( FDTD ) method .

  13. Kerr介质腔中三能级原子与腔场相互作用系统量子保真度

    Quantum fidelities for a three-level atom-field interaction system with a Kerr medium

  14. 错配修复系统广泛的存在于生物体中,由于这个系统的存在保证了DNA复制过程中的保真度。

    Mismatch repair systems exist in a wide range of organisms , due to the existence of this system to ensure that the process of DNA replication fidelity .

  15. 在一定的外界条件下,得到非零的纠缠度以及保真度大于2/3.最后发现,当磁场B较弱、温度T很低的时候,以海森堡热纠缠混合态作为量子信道的隐形传递要优越于经典信道。

    It is found that the entanglement teleportation of the mixed channel is superior to the classical communication when the magnetic field B is feebleness and the temperature T is very low .

  16. 因其独特的制造技术,MEMS检波器具有超低噪声,大动态范围和极高的向量保真度性能。

    Since its unique manufacturing technology , the MEMS geophone has ultra-low noise , larger dynamic range and very high vectorial fidelity performances .

  17. 不同量子态在Kerr介质中传插时的保真度显著不同,但都具有振荡特性。

    The fidelities of various quantum states are quite different in Kerr medium , but each is vibrating .

  18. 双光子J-C模型中Stark效应对量子态保真度的影响

    Influence of the Stark Effect on Fidelity of Quantum State in the Two-photon J-C Model

  19. 含原子运动的Jaynes-Cummings模型中的量子态保真度

    The fidelities of quantum states of system in Jaynes-Cummings model containing atomic motion

  20. 结果表明,在拉比振荡频率线性化的情况下,量子信息保真度的演化表现出很好的周期性,周期与动态Stark位移参数有关。

    It is shown that evolutions of fidelity reveal perfect periodicity and the periods are affected by dynamic Stark shift .

  21. ProRes带来了无可比拟的高色彩保真度和更高效的视频编码,便于在FinalCutPro等专业视频编辑app里使用。

    ProRes video offers exceptionally high color fidelity and more efficient encoding for use in pro video editing apps like Final Cut Pro .

  22. 第五章通过量子保真度(fidelity)在输入信号的幺正变换下的不变性定义了量子二进制对称信道。

    In chapter 5 , we define quantum binary symmetric channels via the invariance of fidelity under unitary transformation of input density operators .

  23. 现有的D类放大器一般采用PWM控制技术,放大器输出的音频信号等于经过调制的PWM信号通过扬声器后的信号,因此,PWM调制器的性能将直接影响到D类放大器的保真度。

    The sound signal output from amplifier equals to the modulated PWM signal . Thus , the function of PWM modulator can directly affects the fidelity of Class-D amplifier .

  24. 最终达到消除PWM信号中的开关信号和电磁干扰信号,提高效率和保真度,减小输出滤波器的体积和成本。

    Filter may serve the role to eliminate switching and EMI interfere in PWM signal . Thus to improve efficiency and fidelity , lower the filter cost and component sizes .

  25. 快速PCR就是基于普通PCR的工作原理,在保证PCR反应特异性、灵敏性和保真度的前提下,在更短时间内完成对核酸分子的扩增。

    Based on the principle of common PCR , rapid PCR is to realize the amplification of nucleic acids in less time without affecting the specificity , sensitivity and fidelity of the reaction .

  26. 虚光子过程对J-C模型中量子态保真度的影响

    Influence of the virtual photon precesses on fidelity of quantum state in the J-C model

  27. 且光纤具有较长的作用长度和较高的能量密度,可以使SBS的产生阈值显著降低并获得较高的保真度。

    As the long length of fiber and high energy density in the fiber , the SBS threshold can be significantly lower and beam can obtain high fidelity .

  28. 并给出了有任意光子跃迁的J-C模型中量子信息保真度的表达式。

    The expression of fidelity of quantum information in J-C model with many-photon transition was written out .

  29. 迄今为止,在此系列中,我们已经讨论了Scala对生态环境的保真度,展示了Scala如何将众多的Java核心对象功能合并在一起。

    So far in this series I have focused on Scala 's fidelity to the Java ecosystem , showing you how Scala incorporates much of Java 's core object functionality .

  30. 还着重比较了单光子跃迁和双光子跃迁J-C模型中不同的失谐量和初始平均光子数对系统,原子和光场的量子信息保真度演化的影响。

    Time-evolution of fidelity of quantum information in J-C model with one-photon transition or two-photon transition was compared .