
  • 网络Reservation;reserve;Indian reservation
  1. 她工作出色,我毫无保留地把她推荐给你。

    She is an excellent worker and I commend her to you without reservation .

  2. 1.7万印第安人生活在亚利桑那州的保留地。

    Seventeen thousand Indians live in Arizona on a reservation .

  3. 她毫无保留地把对他的看法照直告诉了他。

    She made no bones about telling him exactly what she thought of him .

  4. 她将爱毫无保留地给了她的孩子。

    She gave her children unconditional love .

  5. 政府已有所保留地支持这个观点。

    The government has given qualified support to the idea

  6. 她毫无保留地献身于这伟大的事业。

    She has devoted herself unreservedly to the great cause .

  7. 他们把技术知识毫无保留地传授给了我们。

    They unreservedly passed on to us their technical know-how .

  8. 我终于找到机会,把我对他的行为的看法毫无保留地说了出来,这种机会我是要充分利用的。

    At last I 've got the chance to go to town on what I think of his conduct , and I shall make capital of it .

  9. 我想,我可以毫无保留地信任萨莫维尔先生吧?

    I can trust Mr. Somerville implicitly , I suppose ?

  10. 他赞成我们把杰克派往香港。speakout毫无保留地说出

    He agreed to our sending Jack to Hong Kong .

  11. 加入WTO之后,中国将无所保留地履行WTO各项协议与规则,这将是必然的选择。

    After entry into WTO , China must perform all WTO agreements and regulations without reservation and other choice .

  12. 因此,在1848年P村庄的印第安人拥有比其他人优先的水权,那一年P村庄应该被认为成为了保留地。

    Therefore , the reserved water rights of Pueblo Indians have priority over other citizens'water rights as of1848 ,( 70 ) the year in which pueblos must be considered to have become reservations .

  13. 本人相信吴先生是个能干的年轻人,因此本人毫不保留地把他推荐给阁下。n.港口vt.庇护;心怀

    I believe Mr. Wu is a competent young man , so I recommend him to you without reservation .

  14. 其他分销点存在于怀俄明州的Riverton,和亚利桑那州拉古纳印第安人保留地。

    Other distribution points exist at Riverton , Wyoming and on the Laguna Indian Reservation in Arizona .

  15. 她在自画像中毫无保留地描绘身体上的痛苦,坦率地暗示充满动荡的情感生活,漫不经心地令自己上升到那个由炽烈燃烧、命运多舛的星辰组成的奇异星座,其中包括詹姆斯·迪恩(JamesDean)和玛丽莲·梦露(MarilynMonroe)等人。

    Through self-portraits that unsparingly depict her physical travails and that make frank allusion to a tumultuous emotional life , Kahlo inadvertently vaulted herself into that strange constellation of bright-burning , ill-fated stars , alongside James Dean and Marilyn Monroe .

  16. GT请求法院为了GT债权人、股权持有人及其他利益相关者的利益,以及为了确保程序的公开、透明和公平,批准它无保留地在文件中披露其详细情况。

    It asked the court for permission to file unredacted details of its situation in the interest of their creditors , equity holders and other stakeholders , as well as to ensure an open , transparent and fair process .

  17. GT请求法院“为了GT债权人、股权持有人及其他利益相关者的利益,以及为了确保程序的公开、透明和公平”,批准它无保留地在文件中披露其详细情况。

    It asked the court for permission to file unredacted details of its situation " in the interest of their creditors , equity holders and other stakeholders , as well as to ensure an open , transparent and fair process . "

  18. 将出你知道的一切,且毫不保留地讲出来。

    Tell all that you know and tell it without reserve .

  19. 我毫无保留地为我的行为引起的众怒而道歉。

    I unreservedly apologise for my behaviour in causing any offence .

  20. 爱情终于完全地,毫无保留地占据了她的整个心灵。

    Now at last , completely and unreservedly passion possessed her .

  21. 美国印第安保留地高等教育发展研究

    A Study on Development of American Indian Higher Education in Reservations

  22. 你认为我们有机会冲过去到达保留地吗?

    You think we could get past them to the reserve ?

  23. 如果谁有什么问题,请不加保留地提出来。

    If anyone has nay questions , please fire away .

  24. 我毫无保留地向您推荐他。

    I strongly recommend him to you with no reservation .

  25. 我们有保留地同意了他们的计划

    We agreed to their plan with a grain of salt

  26. 他对美国无保留地持友好态度。

    He was an unconditional friend of the United States .

  27. 我毫无保留地支持这一措施。

    I support this measure without reservation , ie completely , wholeheartedly .

  28. 必须提醒陪审团对其证词有保留地对待。

    The jury must be warned to treat his evidence with reserve .

  29. 他毫无保留地直言不讳地述说了他在监狱中的事。

    He spoke without reserve ie freely of his time in prison .

  30. 周六,王室粉丝们毫无保留地欣然接受了这对夫妇。

    On Saturday , royal fans embraced the couple unreservedly .