
  • 网络osamu tezuka;Tezuka Osamu
  1. 本文的研究对象是在日本号称漫画之神的手冢治虫。

    This article is a study in Japan , known as " God of Comics " Osamu Tezuka .

  2. 我也会在一些以青少年为目标消费群的杂志中临摹由藤子不二雄和手冢治虫他们两位大师为短篇故事所创作的插图。

    And I also followed the short illustrated stories by Fujio Fujiko and Osamu Tezuka in magazines aimed at a younger crowd .

  3. 为迎接圣诞这个普天同庆佳节,九巴替一架三菱MK巴士(AM159/FP4975)松上一个以漫画家手冢治虫笔下角色为题的圣诞广告。

    KMB decorated a Mitsubishi MK ( AM159 / FP4975 ) with characters written by Tezuka Osamu , a famous Japanese cartoonist , to celebrate the Christmas Eve .

  4. 它最初是作为一本漫画系列于1951年开始由手冢治虫,被称为“漫画之神”。

    It originated as a manga comic series starting in1951 by Osamu Tezuka , known as the " god of manga " .

  5. 宫崎骏在打破手冢治虫巨人阴影的同时,用自己坚毅的性格和永不妥协的奋斗又为后代动画家做出了榜样。

    As he broke the giant shadow cast by Osamu Tezuka , he has also set an example for animators to come with his persistent disposition and uncompromising struggle .

  6. 公司的创始人弗朗西斯·高不仅确保影片的正确,而且把铁臂阿童木创造者手冢治虫的儿子请来作为创作顾问。

    The company 's founder , Francis Kao , not only secured the movie rights but also hired the son of Astro Boy creator Osamu Tezuka as a creative consultant .