
shǒu xù fèi
  • commission;charge for trouble;service charges/fee
  1. 我们必须向您收取少许手续费。

    We must charge you a small commission on this transaction .

  2. 但兑换这笔外币,您得另外付5%手续费。

    But you have to pay5 % commission on this money exchange .

  3. 兑现旅行支票收取1%的手续费。

    1 % commission is charged for cashing traveller 's cheques .

  4. 透支的存户须付手续费。

    Customers who overdraw their accounts will be charged a fee .

  5. 银行提高手续费,损害了客户的利益。

    The banks are socking customers with higher charges .

  6. 所有的价格都包括邮资和手续费。

    All prices include postage and handling .

  7. 每次到银行换币都会要求付1%到2%的手续费。

    You can expect to pay the bank a fee of around 1 % to 2 % every time you change money

  8. 一经批核,贷款将于扣除手续费后直接存入您指定的银行账户。

    On approval , we will disburse the fund to your designated bank account directly .

  9. ups对于托运不规则形状的物品,会收取附加手续费。

    UPS has specific additional handling charges for shipping irregularly shaped items .

  10. 索赔可以依照统一比例的手续费,或者损失换算系数(lossconversionfactors,LCF)。

    The claim can be either subject to the flat handling charge , or loss conversion factor ( LCF ) .

  11. 然后店主就能把这笔钱付给ram,外加少量手续费。

    The shopkeeper could then advance ram the money , minus a small fee .

  12. 如果贵公司已经向EMS支付了信用证通知手续费,请忽略以上付款指令(付款通知)。

    Please disregard above payment instruction , if you have paid the LC advising commission to EMS .

  13. 另外,该计划还因为被当成一种特殊待遇而流行,举例来说,美国运通(AmericanExpress)会为其白金卡和黑金卡客户垫付那100美元的手续费。

    The program is also catching on as a perk & American Express ( AXP ) , for example , covers the $ 100 fee for its platinum and Centurion card customers .

  14. 最重要的是,市场需要对CDS有真正的需求,最关键的是来自最终投资者、而非渴求赚取手续费的银行销售员的需求。

    Most importantly , there needs to be genuine demand for CDS & most crucially from end investors rather than fee-hungry banking salesmen .

  15. Dealogic的数据表明,2003年,在实现的所有投行手续费中,国际银行占66%,而本土银行占34%。

    In 2003 , international banks took 66 per cent of all fees to domestic banks ' 34 per cent , according to Dealogic .

  16. 汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)的数据显示,三年半以来,通过告诉别的公司如何借助收购来少给美国做贡献,高盛获得的手续费已经超过了2亿美元。

    According to Thomson Reuters , Goldman has raked in just over $ 200 million in fees in 3.5 years advising companies on how to do deals that will allow them to contribute less to the United States .

  17. 2007年,假定手续费按IPO总额的2%计算,美国和英国机构获得了逾20亿美元收入,而这还没有考虑律师、会计师、基金经理甚至印刷工人的费用。

    In 2007 , IPOs generated more than $ 2bn in revenues for US and UK institutions , assuming fees came to a conservative 2 per cent rate on gross proceeds . And that is before considering ancillary work for lawyers , accountants , fund managers and even printers .

  18. Kickstarter成立之初专注于为布皮书、iPhone手机套等创意项目提供大众集资资金,它对全额融资项目收取5%的佣金(部分融资则不收取佣金)和相关的信用卡手续费。

    Founded to focus on crowdsoucing funding for creative projects such as cloth-backed books and iPhone cases , KickStarter takes a 5 % commission on projects that get fully funded ( no fee for partial funding ) and passing along credit card processing fees .

  19. hovelstay.com是个新网站,名字很可爱,它的服务费不到3%,而且房价是每晚最高99美元(不含手续费)——不用再艳羡地浏览Airbnb上那些租不起的漂亮房子。

    A new start-up with a cute name , hovelstay.com , charges a lower 3 percent service fee and caps its ( pre-fee ) prices at $ 99 a night - no more browsing jealously through those gorgeous , unaffordable Airbnb digs .

  20. 新型的代理制可以是全方位的服务性理念,采用代理制的外贸公司不是单纯的收取手续费,而是要为生产企业开辟市场及营销宣传。

    The new agency system may be the omni-directional service idea .

  21. 欧盟已就跨境交易手续费立例。

    The European Union already regulates such fees on cross-border transactions .

  22. 请告诉我兑换支票收手续费吗?

    Will you please tell me whether you charge for cheques ?

  23. 银行为兑现我的旅行支票而收取手续费。

    The bank charged commission to change my traveller 's cheques .

  24. 顾客须负责银行徵收的手续费。

    Customer has to be responsible for any bank transaction fees .

  25. 手续费包括地产检察及协议登记费。

    It includes land search and registration fee for your agreement .

  26. 你能再重新发行一张票只收手续费吗?

    Could you reissue another ticket for the handling fee only ?

  27. 奇科:借款手续费包括什么?

    Kiko : And what 's included in the closing costs ?

  28. 使用自动取款卡不用付手续费。

    There 's no charge for the use of your passcard .

  29. 请问你行有各项手续费标准吗?

    Excuse me , do your bank have service fee standard ?

  30. 保险业务手续费退费管理系统委托代销中收取手续费的纳税认定

    The Manage System of Commission Charge and Returned Charge in Insurance Business