
lǐnɡ shì bǎo hù
  • consular protection
  1. 论海外中国公民安全与中国领事保护

    On the Safety of Chinese Citizen Overseas and Chinese Consular Protection

  2. 因此,加强对领事保护法律制度的探索与研究是当务之急。

    Therefore , it is imperative to strengthen the exploration and research on consular protection system .

  3. 完备的领事保护预警机制对做好领事保护工作十分重要。

    An advanced warning system is of vital importance to the success of consular protection .

  4. 第三章简要介绍了中国领事保护的基本情况,主要通过参考既往案例来分析中国领事保护机制。

    Referring to the main case studies , we finally understand the Chinese consular protection mechanisms .

  5. 领事保护法律制度是领事制度的核心部分。

    The legal system for consular protection is at the right center of the consulate system .

  6. 由于当下中国领事保护在发展的过程中所面临的挑战和转变与美国所面临过的挑战和转变较为相似。

    Recently , the development of the Chinese consular protection has encountered different variations of challenges and changes .

  7. 领事保护是国际法的一个特殊问题,也是国家间关系的一项重要内容。

    Consular protection is a particular problem for international law , is also an important element of inter-State relations .

  8. 美英领事保护预警机制的特点及对我国的启示

    Features of the Consular Protection Warning System of the United States and the United Kingdom and Implications to China

  9. 为解决这一问题,美国领事保护发生了一次重大的转变。

    In solving this issue , the American consular protection started an important change which focused on two aspects .

  10. 因此,本文重点论述领事保护在维护中国公民海外安全方面所发挥的重要作用。

    So , this paper mainly analyzes the function of consular protection in the security issue of overseas Chinese Citizens .

  11. 外交保护是一个古老的国际法问题,包括外交使节保护和领事保护,在性质上属于国家的权利而非个人的权利。

    Diplomatic protection is an old issue in international law , which includes the ambassador protection and the consul protection .

  12. 第二章通过介绍领事保护和外交保护,对中国公民境外安全保护的现状进行分析。

    The second Chapter is to analyze the working of Overseas Protection according to the introduction of Consular and Diplomacy Protection .

  13. 本文对这些变化产生的原因、变化的积极意义和变化所带来的问题进行了分析和评述,并将中国领事保护机制的发展与主要发达国家进行了比较。

    This thesis made an analysis on the factors leading to these changes , positive outcomes of these changes and issues incurred .

  14. 而领事保护的案例几乎都是危机事件,难以处理,复杂程度较高。

    And consular protection cases are almost crisis cases . It is difficult to deal it with a high degree of complexity .

  15. 从国际法的人本化来研究中国的领事保护无疑更具典型性。

    From the perspective of the humanization of international law , the study on China 's consular protection is no doubt more typical .

  16. 在全世界许多地区,寻求领事保护的需要日益高涨,中国等母国正在满足这种需要。

    In many parts of the world , the demand for consular protection is surging , and homelands such as China are meeting it .

  17. 第四章主要论述领事保护与中国公民海外安全,本章针对中国公民的海外安全问题,结合领事保护,重点论述解决中国公民在海外安全问题的对策。

    Chapter Four combines consular protection with the security issue of Overseas Chinese Citizens , and tries to seek Countermeasures for the security of Overseas Chinese Citizens .

  18. 在“执政为民”和“外交为民”新理念的推动下,中国的领事保护机制取得了重大发展。

    Under the new concept of " governing for the people " and " diplomacy for the people ", great progress has been achieved in China 's consular protection mechanism .

  19. 其中,正文部分分为四章。正文分别介绍了领事保护的基础理论,领事保护的现状,我国现行领事保护制度存在的主要问题及对策。

    Text part is divided into four chapters , which include the basic theory , International status quo , the main defect of the current consular protection system and its solutions .

  20. 近年来,保护海外中国公民的合法权益引起各界关注,领事保护工作成为中国外交的新重点。

    In recent years , protecting the legal rights and interests of overseas Chinese has drawn the concern of all circles and consular protection becomes one of the focuses of China 's diplomacy .

  21. 专家日前表示,去年领事保护与协助案件数量的激增显示出,海外中国公民和企业急需加强自我保护意识。

    A sharp increase in cases of consular protection and assistance last year shows a strong need for Chinese people and businesses abroad to enhance their awareness of self-protection , according to experts .

  22. 新的一年,我们将继续全力打造海外民生工程,大力提高领事保护与服务的水平。

    In the new year , we will continue to do our best to implement the initiative to better protect and serve overseas Chinese , and we will further improve consular protection and service .

  23. 本文以此为导引,围绕外国人的管辖、外国人的待遇、外交和领事保护等基本问题,从国际法和国内法两个不同的角度展开了全面而深入的分析。

    This paper tries to make , on a theoretical basis , a comprehensive analysis of the jurisdiction of the aliens , the treatment of the aliens , the diplomatic protection and the consular protection .

  24. 最后一部分以利比亚大撤侨为例,叙述了我国领事保护机制在此次事件中的具体应用,做到了理论联系实际。

    Taking the evacuation activity in Libya as a case study in the last chapter , the application of our consular protection mechanism is stated , which is a combination of the theory with the reality .

  25. 本文希望通过对海外公民安全现状与中国领事保护现状的分析,为我国公民的安全保护提供一种解决途径。

    All those events give a grave threat to their personal safety . This paper hopes to give an analysis of Chinese citizen overseas security status and consular protection , in order to provide a solution for it .

  26. 我想预先告诉大家一个消息:外交部将在年内建成领事保护与服务全球应急呼叫中心,这是一个24小时的电话热线。

    Let me disclose a piece of news to you . In 2014 , the Foreign Ministry will establish a global emergency call center for consular protection and services . It will be a 24-hour telephone hot line .

  27. 上述中国公民在香港特别行政区和中华人民共和国其它地区不得因其持有上述英国旅行证件而享受英国的领事保护的权利。

    The above Chinese nationals will not be entitled to British consular protection in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and other parts of the people 's Republic of China on account of their holding the above-mentioned British travel documents .

  28. [中国新闻社、中国新闻网记者]王部长您好,您作为外长在上任之初就到外交部领事保护中心考察,强调外交官要随时倾听民众心声,维护民众利益。

    China News Service : Foreign Minister Wang , shortly after you took office , you visited the Foreign Ministry 's Consular Service and Protection Center . You stressed that Chinese diplomats must listen to the voice of the people at all times and uphold their interests .

  29. 笔者认为,在经济全球化与和谐世界的大背景下,我国应积极参与外交保护规则的制订与研究,在实践中始终固守国家主权原则,大力发展领事保护制度。

    The author believes that under the circumstance of the economic globalization and harmonious world , our county should take part in making and studying the diplomatic protection rules actively , holds the principle of the state sovereign in practice and makes efforts to develop the consular protection system .

  30. 外交学院外交与外事管理系副教授任远喆表示,领事保护与协助案件数量的激增,是我国出国留学人员人数快速增长的自然反映,他们对改善的、多样化得领事服务的需求也越来越强烈。

    Ren Yuanzhe , associate professor in the Department of Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs Management at China Foreign Affairs University , said the increase in consular protection and assistance cases is a natural reflection of the rapid growth in Chinese going abroad and their stronger need for improved and diversified consular services .