
lǐng hǎi
  • territorial sea;territorial waters;mare clausum;marine belt;closed sea
领海 [lǐng hǎi]
  • [territorial sea;territorial waters] 沿海国主权管辖下与其海岸或内水相邻的一定宽度的海域。是国家领土的组成部分。领海的上空、海床和底土,均属沿海国主权管辖

领海[lǐng hǎi]
  1. 许多国家都禁止那艘船进入其领海。

    A number of governments banned the ship from their territorial waters .

  2. 这艘船将继续呆在中国领海之外。

    The ship will remain outside Chinese territorial waters .

  3. 我们接受了调查结果,并没有使悬而未决的领海问题进一步恶化。

    We accept the outcome of the inquiry , without prejudice to the unsettled question of territorial waters .

  4. 当然,在我国的领海内没有一个国家有捕鱼的特权。

    Of course , no country has the privilege of fishing in our coastal water .

  5. 帕劳剩下的20%领海将被留给当地个人捕鱼及出口有限的小型商业捕鱼公司。

    The remaining 20 percent of the Palau seas will be reserved for local fishing by individuals and small-scale commercial fishing businesses with limited exports .

  6. 不允许他们在我国领海捕鱼。

    They were not allowed to fish in our territorial waters .

  7. 美国海军在中国领海附近一般都是执行“日常工作惯例”而不在进入B级战备。

    China 's territorial waters in the vicinity of the United States Navy are generally implementation of the " day-to-day working practices ," rather than into the B-grade combat readiness .

  8. 我国领海广阔,海洋资源丰富,开展SAR图像舰船检测研究具有重要意义。

    Our motherland has large ocean which is full of resources . It is of grate significance in developing ship detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) image .

  9. 但在中国地图上,这些岛屿位于一条圈定其领海的U形线内,这条线向南延伸,囊括了大部分南海。

    On China 's maps , however , the islands are inside a U-shaped line of its territorial waters , which stretches down to cover most of the South China Sea .

  10. 另一起事件发生在2004年。当时,一艘中国核动力潜艇进入冲绳县石垣岛(IshigakiIsland)附近的日本领海。

    The second incident took place in 2004 when a Chinese nuclear-powered submarine entered Japanese territorial waters near Okinawa Prefecture 's Ishigaki Island .

  11. 国际危机组织(internationalcrisisgroup)的朝鲜专家丹尼尔品克斯顿(danielpinkston)警告说,如果禁止朝鲜船只进入韩国领海,可能会导致朝鲜方面关闭领空,尽管朝方每年从经飞经航班中赚取数百万美元。

    The decision to ban their entry could prompt Pyongyang to block flights even thought the North earned several million dollars each year in overflight fees , warned Daniel Pinkston , a North Korea expert at the International Crisis Group .

  12. 今年5月,丹麦在格陵兰的伊路利萨特主持北极圈5国峰会,以期约束竞争,重申各国对管理领海事宜的《联合国海洋法公约》(UNCLOS)的联合承诺。

    Denmark in May called a summit of the five Arctic powers in Ilulissat , Greenland , to try to restrain competition and reiterate the countries ' joint commitment to the United Nation 's Law of the Sea Convention that governs territorial waters .

  13. 预计这些船只将不会进入以色列领海。

    The ships were not expected to enter Israeli territorial waters .

  14. 英挪渔业案与领海基线的确定

    Fisheries Case between Britain and Norway and Establishment of Maritime Belt Baseline

  15. 韩的岛屿有一部分属于我国的领海。

    Han 's Island rests partly within our territorial waters .

  16. 朝巡逻艇被指闯入韩国领海

    A North Korea patrol boat infiltrated into South Korea waters

  17. 离朝鲜的领海太近了。

    It was too close to the sovereign waters of North korea .

  18. 解决好领土、领海纠纷;

    To solve the territory and marginal sea disagreements well ;

  19. 沸石在废水厌氧生物处理技术中的应用顺驰:生态技术护领海

    Application of zeolite to the anaerobic biological wastewater treatment

  20. 关于领海和海峡通航的条款

    Articles on Navigation through the Territorial Sea and Straits

  21. 不久前在我领海内我们的雷达侦测到3艘敌方潜水艇。

    Our radar detected three enemy submarines in our waters just moments ago .

  22. 菲律宾方面坚称枪击发生在菲律宾领海。

    The Philippine side contends the shooting took place in Philippine territorial waters .

  23. 中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法

    Law of the Peoples Republic of China Concerning Territorial Waters and Contiguous Zone

  24. ,中国南海诸岛拥有内水、领海、毗连区、专属经济区和大陆架。此外,中国在南海拥有历史性权利。

    In addition , China has historic rights in the South China Sea .

  25. 严格来说,这里不是中国的领海。

    Technically they 're not in Chinese territorial waters .

  26. 按照国际法,海岸线12海里以内属于各国的领海。

    Under international law , nations control 12 nautical miles around islands and coasts .

  27. 中国完成东海领海基点界标建设工作。

    Boundary monuments built on East China Sea .

  28. 在部署海监船之前,中国政府宣布了有争议岛屿的领海基线。

    Before deploying the ships , Beijing had announced territorial baselines for the islands .

  29. 但中国从未就其领海范围做出过清晰的说明。

    However , China has never specified the precise extent of its territorial claims .

  30. 一只现代化的海军会保卫我们的领海。

    A modern navy will defend our seas .