
lǐng liào dān
  • material requisition;store requisition
领料单[lǐng liào dān]
  1. 您是否正在使用工作订单和领料单?

    Do you have formal work orders and pick lists ?

  2. 根据领料单备料、发料,确保及时、准确供应生产所需要的材料。

    Prepare and release material to production based on requisition form , ensuring prompt and correct supply for production need .

  3. 非经部门总监批准不得从仓库领取物品。领料单应被妥善保管以备财务人员抽查。

    Items from the storeroom can not be issued without approval of division head . Requisition must be available for the checking by Finance representative from time to time .

  4. 原料和工厂用物料领用的记录:这笔记录反映将在生产中耗用的全部材料的领用(由领料单证明)。

    Recording Requisitions of Raw Materials and Factory Supplies : This entry reflects the requisition ( evidenced by the material requisitions ) of all materials to be used in production .

  5. 中间件技术在仓储物流管理系统中的应用与研究材料一般储存在仓库中,需要材料的车间凭领料单领取材料。

    The Application and Research on Middleware in Warehouse Management System Materials are kept in a warehouse or a storeroom . A " materials requisition " would be send to the warehouse or storeroom when the department of the firm needs materials .