
  • 网络Leadership Objectives;leadership goals
  1. 要实现领导目标,领导创新是关键。

    To achieve the leader 's goal , the leader 's innovation is the key element .

  2. 实际上,无论是领导目标的确定,还是组织、指挥、协调等活动,其中都包含了领导行为动力的问题。

    In fact , either in the confirm for leading target , or in the organizing 、 directing 、 moderating , they are included to leading behavior .

  3. 同时,权力转移又是一个极为复杂的问题,必须依据一定的原则,才能有利于领导目标的实现。

    Meanwhile , power transferring is a very complex factor , which must be based on some basic principles , thus contributes to the fulfillment of leadership goal .

  4. 调研所得的数据表明,领导目标不同的管理者在企业日常经营管理和制定战略决策时,面对员工愿意水平的差异,会使用不同的权力来源。

    The empirical data demonstrates that with distinct leadership orientations , French and Chinese managers ' use of power sources differs a lot in daily operation and strategic decision-making when facing various employees ' readiness levels ;

  5. 摩羯座统治在职业化、领导、目标和志向、成功、公民义务、公开公认和收入我们的同辈尊敬。

    Capricorn rules over professionalism , leadership , goals and aspirations , success , civic duty , public recognition , and earning the respect of our peers .

  6. 工程施工单位建立了一个在项目经理领导下目标到岗、责任到人的施工现场环境保护责任保证体系,实现施工环境管理的系统化,标准化。

    The construction company has established a responsibility assurance system for job site environmental protection under the leadership of project managers , so that environmental management is systemized and standardized .

  7. 在教学领导指向目标上,新手小学语文教师给学生自主阅读课文的时间明显少于专家型教师,阅读形式较少;新手教师很少鼓励学生表达独特情感体验,课堂气氛比较沉闷。

    Again , significantly less than mature teachers , novice primary school language teachers to the students own time reading the text to the target in instructional leadership , less legible form ; novice teachers rarely encouraged students to express their unique emotional experience , the classroom atmosphere is boring .

  8. 其规范(由Oracle领导)的目标在于为XQuery的Java实现提供标准的便捷的访问接口。

    The spec ( being led by Oracle ) aims to provide standard programmatic access for XQuery implementations in Java .

  9. 【对象与方法】利用营养KAB问卷调查993名学生,了解中小学营养教育效果,958名家长、246名教师和67名校领导作为次级目标人群参与调查;

    【 Subjects and Methods 】 993 students were assigned to do the nutrition KAB ( Knowledge-attitude-behavior ) questionnaire for the NE effect in primary and secondary school . 958 parents , 246 teacher and 67 headmasters were treated as secondary targets .

  10. 联合国坚称,自己能够也将领导对减排目标而言必不可少的行动。

    The UN insists it can and will lead the necessary action to cut emissions .

  11. 第二,自我领导的自我目标设置、自我谈话、工作内在奖赏维度对工作投入的活力、奉献、专注三个维度均有显著的正向预测作用。

    Second , self-goal setting , self-talk , inner work reward can positively predict vigour , dedication , concentration in job engagement .

  12. 实施这一战略的政策措施:一是加强领导,建立目标责任制;

    The policy measure to put this strategy into practice as follows : Firstly , to strengthen leading and establish the target duty system ;

  13. 以全球领导地位为目标的任何大企业,都必然把欧盟视为自己增长道路上的一个天然组成部分,他表示。

    Any of the big companies who aim at a global leadership must see the EU as a natural part of their growth journey , he said .

  14. 如今,随着我们加速朝着2014年大幅削减驻军和移交国家领导权的目标迈进,我们即将重蹈覆辙。

    Now , as we accelerate towards a major troop reduction and transfer of national leadership in 2014 , we are on the verge of a repeat .

  15. 实施以人为本的教师管理对学校管理者的素质与能力、管理理念、领导行为以及目标取向都提出了新的要求。

    The people-centered teacher 's administration has some clean request for the school administrator 's quality and ability , administrative thought leadership behavior and the pursuit of the object .

  16. 完成这一使命,必须切实抓住几个主要着力点:明确提高领导水平的目标取向,认清提高领导水平的重大意义;

    To fulfill this mission , we must attach our importance to the following main points : first , to define the aim to leading standard and get a clear understanding of its significance ;

  17. 关键是领导重视,目标明确,齐抓专管,加强建设,知识更新,完善制度,强化管理。

    The key is the leader recognition , the objective is definite , the together holding and the special manage , the strengthening construction , the knowledge updated , perfecting the system , consolidating the management .

  18. 本文在近几年的国内外文献的基础上,着重讨论几个与群体绩效有关的长期存在的问题,主要包括群体构成、凝聚力、激励、领导、群体目标等因素。

    Based on extensive literature review , particularly on those recent advancement , this paper discusses several long standing issues , such as group composition , group cohesiveness , leadership , motivation and group goals , which are crucial to group performance and team effectiveness .

  19. 作为领导,他的主要目标就是要使党内各派团结起来。

    As leader , his main aim is to reunite the party .

  20. 领导失效以及战略目标的失控。

    Invalidation of leadership and lose control of strategy objective .

  21. 护士长四种领导类型在成就目标定向上差异显著。

    There were significant differences among different leader types in achievement goal orientations .

  22. 决定和领导为实现部门目标而采取的措施。

    Decide and lead activities for reaching department aim .

  23. 如果人们要听从他的领导并实现共同目标的话,领导人必须要有热情。

    A leader must have zest if people are to follow him and achieve the corporate mission .

  24. 概括为建立两个保障体系、三大技术系统、四大社会管理职能和一个统一领导的十年目标推进策略。

    Two guarantee systems and three technique systems are established , and four social management functions are strengthened .

  25. 三个代表是培养、监督当代高素质领导干部的根本目标

    The " Three Represents ", the Basic Objectives in Training and Supervising the High-caliber Leading Cadres of Our Time

  26. 建国以来我国高校领导体制改革预期目标及其实现的研究

    A Study on Expected Target and Its Realization of Leadership System Reform in Universities Since Our State 's Founding

  27. 由于官僚主义和践踏人权,欧盟和美国曾对津巴布韦高层领导进行了有目标的制裁。

    The European Union and United States have imposed targeted sanctions on senior Zimbabwean officials because of authoritarianism and human rights abuses .

  28. 中职教育和高职教育都是职业教育,但在领导体制、培养目标、教学方法等方面有很大差异。

    Both of them belong to vocational education , but there exist big differences from each other in leader system , training goal , teaching methods , etc.

  29. 情绪智力的运用情绪提高绩效维度对领导效能的团体目标达成和工作满意度维度预测力分别为13.5%和15.5%;

    The dimension of use of emotion facilitate performance ( UOE ) in emotional intelligence can forecast group target reached and job satisfaction . Its forecasting force is 13.5 % and 15.5 % respectively .

  30. 现阶段边疆民族地区党政领导能力建设的目标是加强领导能力、提升学习能力、增进创新能力和丰富心智能力。

    The target of capacity construction of the party and governmental leadership in national frontier area at present is to enhance leading capacity , to improve study ability , to increase innovative ability and enrich wisdom ?