
  1. 本文旨在建立一个有利于创新决策的领导控制模型。

    The article is devoted to establish a leader control model which is good at innovative decision .

  2. 想要在需要取得高绩效表现的组织结构和对之有影响的领导控制之间取得一个平衡,这对敏捷团队是个挑战。

    For Agile Teams the challenge is to strike a balance between the structure required to achieve high performance and the leadership control to effect it .

  3. 论述了领导控制的一些基本理论问题,指出领导控制在维护和促进社会稳定中的作用。

    This paper introduces some basic theoretical points in leadership control , points out the role of leadership control theory in maintaining and promoting a stable society .

  4. 国企中薪酬与晋升紧密联系,而由于国企中人治大于法治,所以晋升决策主要是由掌握相关资源的领导控制。

    In state-owned enterprises , compensation closely relates to promotion , because man rather than rule is more important , promotion depends upon those supervisors controlling related resources .

  5. 什么是经理人以及他是如何管理的,HenriFayol把它归纳为四项管理的职能:规划,组织,领导和控制。

    What a manager does and how it is done can be categorized by Henri Fayol 's four functions of management : Planning , Organizing , Leading and Controlling .

  6. 不论发生什么事,一个领导应该控制住局面。

    A leader should stay on top no matter what happened .

  7. 可以从计划、组织、领导、控制四个方面构建企业道德管理的框架体系,其内容包括:企业道德层次定位,选择企业道德管理策略,制订企业伦理规范,进行决策的伦理分析;

    The system of ethics management can be constructed of planning , organization , leadership and controlling .

  8. 管理与督导的职能的作用一样,因为他们都要制定计划、实施组织、领导和控制。

    Managers and supervisors are the same in function because they do planning , organizing leading , and controlling .

  9. 尤其是他们在规划中充分利用组织、领导和控制职能,建立了一套完善的规划管理体系,可以为我国的城市应急规划与管理提供前车之鉴。

    Especially the application of organizing , leading and controlling functions are very useful for urban emergency management of Chinese cities .

  10. 负责一个部门或机构的保健服务的计划,组织,领导,控制和评估工作。

    Plan , organize , direct , control and evaluate the delivery of health care services within a department or establishment .

  11. 一个组织的计划,组织,领导,控制或协调人员,培训,劳动关系或活动。

    Plan , organize , direct , control or coordinate the personnel , training , or labor relations activities of an organization .

  12. 对管理过程和控制体系的评价分为计划、组织、领导、控制四个方面。

    The evaluation on management process and control system is divided into four aspects : planning , organizing , directing and controlling .

  13. 结构:对协会事务和业务的领导、控制和管理由协会理事会行使。

    Structure : the government , control and management of its affairs and business are vested in the Council of the society .

  14. 管理的四大基本职能:计划、组织、领导、控制,其中计划是其他管理行为的首要基础。

    Management has four basic functions : Plan , organize , lead , control . Plan is the primary foundation of other functions .

  15. 企业领导能控制决定但是股东可以选择一个新的董事担任领导。

    But still the head of the corporation is still in control of the decisions , but the shareholders can choose a new director .

  16. 本文研究重点是在计划、组织、领导和控制等职能中具体运用中庸思想的技术方法。

    This study focuses on the concrete application of doctrine of the mean in the management of planning , organizing , leading and controlling function .

  17. 而项目管理正好是一种计划、组织、领导和控制任务完成的理念、方法和工具。

    The project management is rightly a good concept , method and tool of planning , organization , lead and controls the task to achieve .

  18. 计划,组织,领导,控制和评估餐厅,酒吧,餐厅或其他食物或餐饮服务场所的运营情况。

    Plan , organize , direct , control and evaluate the operations of a restaurant , bar , cafeteria or other food or beverage service .

  19. 在此基础上提出由目标设定子系统、监测评价子系统和激励调节子系统等三部分组成的政府领导干部控制系统一般框架。

    Based on the model , the general framework of GLCS composed of goal setting subsystem , monitoring-evaluating subsystem and incentive adjusting subsystem is built up .

  20. 管理是通过计划、组织、人员安排、领导和控制等职能活动而实现的,管理的技能也就体现在这些职能活动之中。

    Management is realized through such activities as planning , personnel arrangement , exercising leadership and control , and the skill of management is revealed in these activities .

  21. 通过分析政府领导干部控制系统中各子系统与组织治理结构的对应关系,论述了如何从制度上实现政府领导干部控制系统。

    On the basis of the analysis of the correspondence relation between the subsystems of GLCS and organization governance structure , the institutional implement of GLCS is concerned .

  22. 最后,以基层税务机关领导干部控制系统为例,采用模糊层次分析法确定了系统中各状态变量的权重,并在此基础上实现系统状态的综合评价。

    Then the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process ( Fuzzy-AHP ) is used to determine the weights of state variables in the background of the basic level tax institution leaders control system .

  23. 最后,提出了战略实施与控制的总体要求,包括战略目标分解、组织机构变革、资源配置、战略领导以及控制与评估指标等方面。

    Finally , draft the overall requirements of strategy implementation and control , including strategic target decomposition , organization change , resource allocation , strategic leadership , control and evaluation index , etc.

  24. 管理会计用于向管理人员,即企业和团体内部从事领导和控制经营活动的人员提供信息。

    Management accounting is concerned with providing information to managers , that is , to those who are inside an organizations and who are charged with I directing and controlling its opera-tions .

  25. 知识管理项目同其他任何IT项目一样,可以从计划、组织、领导和控制等四个方面全面应用项目管理的原理和方法。

    Knowledge management , like any other information technology projects , may apply comprehensively the principle and methodology of project management from the four aspects of planning , organizing , leading and controlling .

  26. 任何一个项目要保证特定目标的实现,都必须系统地应用计划、组织、领导、控制的方法进行全过程的管理,有效地组织实施。

    Any specific project ensure the realization of a certain aim , all need a systematic application of planning , organizing , leading and controlling in the whole process of management to effectively implement .

  27. 最后,对作为城市公共管理手段的城市规划的计划、组织、领导、控制等基本职能进行了论述,并给出了在公共管理视角下对城市规划的新的定义。

    Finally , the basic functions of planning , organization , leadership and control of urban planning have been elaborated and the new definition of urban planning in view of public administration has been defined .

  28. 历来管理者都以他们对人的认识为依据,采用相应的方式来组织、领导、控制和激励着人们,对人的不同认识性在实践中则体现为不同的管理理念和行为。

    Always the administrators have adopted the corresponding way to organize , lead , control and encourage people all based on their thoughts of the human , different human theories reflect as different management ideas and behaviors in practice .

  29. 最后,借鉴国内外电信企业大客户管理的经验,从计划、组织、领导、控制四方面提出了做好永州联通大客户营销管理的具体对策。

    At last , draw lessons from key account management experiences of China and foreign telecom companies , this paper give specific strategies to fulfill Yong Zhou Unicom ker account marketing management from four aspects-plan , organization , leadership and controlling .

  30. 管理职能从法约尔开始,经历了五职能说、三职能说、七职能说,四职能说等等,职能内容有计划、领导、控制、组织、创新、决策、人事、报告等等。

    There are theories of five functions , three functions , seven functions , four functions and so on . These functions contain planning , leading , controlling , organizing , innovating , decision-making , personnel , reporting and so on .