
  1. 家族企业员工能很好的完成岗位要求的各项工作,而且同事之间、员工和领导之间的互动效果良好,他们之间有很多的合作机会,员工能在企业中积累经验、学习知识和提高能力。

    The employees can complete the jobs well as per requirements of work , moreover , colleagues and leaders have many opportunities to cooperation , accumulate experience and knowledge , improve competency . 5 .

  2. 而管理中的一个重要职能就是组织中的管理者如何持续有效地领导本组织不断进步,保持组织的竞争力。领导效果的好坏又直接和领导的类型联系在一起。

    One of important function of management is how the manager of organization continues to lead effectively this organization to keep sustainable development and competitive power . The efficiency of leadership is directly associated with the leadership type .

  3. 同时介绍了国内有关教练员领导行为的研究,包括教练员的领导功能与作用、教练员的领导职责与素质、教练员的影响力与权威体系、教练员的领导方式与效果;

    In the meantime , the research on the leadership behaviors of Chinese coaches was also introduced in the areas of coach leadership functions and utilities , coach leadership responsibilities and qualities , coach leadership influence and authority system , coach leadership styles and effects .

  4. 中小学校长领导有效性是校长在实施领导过程中表现出来的素质与能力、行为特点和工作结果,即实现领导目标的领导能力和所获得的领导效果的系统整合。

    The effect of schoolmasters leading is the quality , the ability , the behavior and outcome that the schoolmasters show when they lead the school .