
  • 网络Leadership process
  1. 领导力作为国防生综合素质的重要方面,是国防生在校期间,经过有目的培养、训练、转化而形成,能够服务于未来军事领导职务、能够完成未来领导过程的多种能力的统称。

    The leadership skill is the important part of the overall quality , which is formed by purposeful cultivation , training and conversion , and can be used to serve for the future military leadership positions and finish the future military leadership process .

  2. 试论领导过程&关于领导方法和领导艺术的一点思考

    On the process of leadership & the approaches and arts of leadership

  3. 浅议授权领导过程

    On Process of the Leadership by Authorization

  4. 没有什么比在领导过程中给公众虚假的,会迅速破灭的希望来的更糟的错误了。

    There is no worse mistake in public leadership than to hold out false hopes soon to be swept away .

  5. 授权领导过程是领导者授权几个有机环节构成的连续工作。

    The process of the leadership by authorization is made up of several phases of leadership that have organic and continuous links .

  6. 海军造船厂皮吉声不断展现高超的领导过程改进在生产力、环境管理、和技术创新。

    Puget Sound Naval Shipyard has demonstrated superb leadership and continuous process improvement in the areas of productivity , environmental stewardship , and technical innovation .

  7. 授权领导过程中,领导者必须根据授权领导的环节不同而进行不同的领导活动,关注不同的事项,有所为有所不为。

    In the process of the authorization , according to the different authorization phase , leaders must carry out the different leadership activities and pay attention to the different issues .

  8. 案例分析表明,两大公司的中法管理者在合作中对对方的文化认知程度存在巨大差异,而这种差异导致他们在领导过程中使用不同的权力来源,最终致使两家公司在华经营命运迥异。

    The two cases show that great differences exist in French and Chinese managers ' intercultural awareness and use of power sources , which leads to their respective experience in China .

  9. 在开发共享领导的过程中垂直领导者的作用非常重要。

    And vertical leader plays an important role in the development of shared leadership .

  10. 如果这真是一个操作性问题,那么他本应是领导应对过程的最佳人选。

    If it had been , he would have been the perfect candidate to lead the response .

  11. 我们建议由那些对程序交付机构负责的人来领导这个过程。

    We suggest that the executives who are responsible for your application delivery organization lead this process .

  12. 论文写作的思维过程和干部领导思维过程有着诸多共同的规律。

    The thought process of thesis writing has the same regular pattern with the leader 's thinking course .

  13. 同时,本文也对当前我国实施文化领导权过程中存在的问题进行深入的分析。

    Meanwhile author makes a depth analysis on the problems in the process of the implementation of hegemony .

  14. 意愿统一起在你跟老师、上司和领导相处过程中相应内在化的内在家庭极性。

    Intend to unify the poles within that were internalized in your experiences of teachers bosses and leaders in your life .

  15. 第三,在争取领导权过程中对党和人民群众的的重视。

    Third , the process of fighting for the leadership , we must pay attention to the party and the people .

  16. 在领导实践过程中,追随者与领导者共同构成领导活动的主体,且贯穿领导活动的始终。

    In leaders ' practice process , followers and leaders together constitute the main body and they both run through the whole course of the leading activities .

  17. 目前为止,我们到达了进行系统构建的阶段,I&T团队完全的投入到并领导这个过程。

    By the time we got to the stage of doing system builds , the I & T team was fully ramped up and competently leading the process .

  18. 作为秘书,要充分发挥自己在领导决策过程中的参谋职能,必须做到主动参与,摆正位置,适应领导,善于参言。

    So , if a secretary wants to give full play to his role of advisor during the decision-making , he must be active , know his role , adjust to the leaders and be good at expressing .

  19. 试论政治领导的一般过程

    On the General Process of Political Lead

  20. 我想感谢博纳议长和里德参议员,谢谢他们的领导和在此过程中的全身心投入。

    I want to thank Speaker Boehner and Senator Reid for their leadership and their dedication during this process .

  21. 我们的目标是在创造、分享知识和领导思想的过程中扮演重要角色,这将对新中两国均有裨益。

    Our aim is to play a key role in creating and sharing knowledge and thought leadership that will benefit both Singapore and China .

  22. 阅读者在阅读无背景知识的文章时,对阅读过程的监控能力较差,也不能领导整个对话过程。

    The students ' abilities of self-monitoring and self-regulation are not good when they read those kinds of texts , they can 't lead the dialogue , either .

  23. 改革开放以来,吸收少数民族高级领导干部的过程和条件已与汉族高级领导干部越来越相似。

    Since the Reform in China , the process and conditions for selecting the senior minority leaders have been quite similar to those for the Han senior leaders .

  24. 本文试图从治理理论的视角来研究公开选拔党政领导干部的过程。

    The key point of this paper is to discuss how these problems arise and how to solve them , and try to study the process of public selection of leading cadres from the perspective of governance theory .

  25. 利用实际案例对创业企业管理的组织设计、领导决策、过程控制等进行研究,将现代混沌理论与科技创业企业的管理有机地结合起来。

    At last , a related case is also put forward to study the organization design , leadership , decision , and process control , which is a good combination of the chaos theory with the management of high-tech new ventures .

  26. 因此,冲突成为现在企业尤其是中小企业在管理中不得不面对的一个事实和问题,无疑也是管理层团队在领导企业运行过程中不可或缺的一部分。

    Therefore , Conflicts have become a fact and problem that present enterprises had to face in the management , especially small and medium private enterprises , and no doubt the management team leader to run an integral part of the process .

  27. 通过研究发现,大连市公开选拔领导干部测评过程确实有效合理、公平公正公开,能够根据大连市发展的实际选出组织满意、人民满意、符合岗位需求的领导干部。

    Through the study , we can find that in the work of open selection of leading cadres in Dalian , only if the evaluation process is effective and reasonable , can we elect the leading cadres who satisfy the development needs of Dalian and people needs .

  28. 领导思维的创新过程,是发现规律、认识规律、掌握规律的过程;

    The course of intellectual innovation for leading is a process of detecting , recognize and grasp the regularity ;

  29. 而企业的外部环境和内部环境会影响创业导向、领导行为和领队过程三个因素,同时创业团队和企业的绩效也会对企业的内外部环境有所影响,但是这种影响是比较弱的。

    At the same time , internal and external environments also affect entrepreneurial orientation , leadership behavior and leadership process .

  30. 指出在实施领导和整合的过程中,应该着重考虑的几个方面,提出了适当的解决方案。

    Then it points out what should be paid sound attention in the process of leading and integrating , and gives proper settlement scheme .