
  1. 她具备担当领导职责的聪明才智。

    She has the intellectual form to take up the mantle of leadership .

  2. AdamGrant的一个有趣的研究发现,这些内向的领导者往往更能胜任领导职责,

    And interesting research by Adam Grant at the Wharton School has found that introverted leaders often deliver better outcomes than extroverts do ,

  3. 当其母Sonia在国外接受医疗的时候,RahulGandhi和其他三人一起被认为是国会领导人,但她装聋作哑,既不在德里也不承担任何领导职责。

    RahulGandhi , who with three others is supposed to run Congress while his mother , Sonia , gets medical care abroad , has been deafeningly silent , absent from Delhiand offering no leadership .

  4. 党要履行依法治国的领导职责,必须实行法治领导;

    The CPC must be responsible to the law-based leadership and administration of our state .

  5. 唐宁街首相府表示:布朗先生仍在继续肩负领导职责,议会的工党党团领导也说,对上述两位前大臣的呼吁“响应寥寥”。

    The prime minister 's office downplayed the letter , saying Brown is " relaxed and getting on with his job . "

  6. 不过,这样的决定似乎表明,德国正为了国内政治而牺牲自己的欧洲视野和领导职责。

    However , it seems with decisions such as this it is allowing domestic politics to cloud its European vision and leadership role .

  7. 我的母亲则担任家里的领导职责,决定家里的大小事,例如给我多少零用钱,看多久的电视等等。

    She decides almost everything , such as giving me how much pocket money , how much time to watch TV and so on .

  8. 新的校长标准关注每一位学生的学业成就和校长的教学领导职责等核心价值,这对我国校长专业标准建设具有借鉴价值。

    The revised standards'core value is the improvement for all students and the pedagogy leadership , which will certainly make contributions to the construction of professional standards in our country .

  9. 等到帕瑞克返回西海岸的时候,李已经被迫放弃了他在公司担当的积极角色,而身为好朋友的帕瑞克不得不肩负起更多的领导职责。

    By the time Parikh returned to the west coast , his friend would be forced to give up his active role at their company , and Parikh would be stretched as a leader and as a friend .

  10. 他在紧急情况下担起了领导的职责。

    He assumed the role of the leader in the emergency .

  11. 二是关于行政领导的职责;

    Second , the duty of the administration leader ;

  12. 而布朗先生顾左右而言他,在委员会问题上喋喋不休,似乎只是一味掩饰加被动回应,并没有担负起领导的职责。

    Mr Brown , by contrast , has blathered on about committees , seeming defensive and reactive rather than leaderly .

  13. 他在紧急情况下担起了领导的职责。有四名候选人角逐该领导职位。

    He assumed the role of the leader in the emergency . The leadership election will be contested by four candidates .

  14. 举例来说,我知道其中一名间谍正在履行着英国一个反情报部门领导的职责。

    I know , for instance , that one of these agents is fulfilling the duties of head of a department of British Counterintelligence .

  15. 学校承载着保障课程体系发展与完善的任务,校长具有课程领导的职责。

    The school carries tasks of guarantee the development and improvement of the curriculum system , the principal has responsibility to lead the curriculum .

  16. 在我个人作为一名卫生领导的职责中,我承诺改善所有地方妇女的健康,使全体人民能实现我们自己确定的卫生和发展目标。

    In my personal role as a health leader , I am committed to improving the health of women everywhere , so that all people can attain the health and development goals that we have set ourselves .

  17. 一是加强领导,明确职责。

    First , strengthen leadership , clearly define their responsibilities .

  18. 总统现在应该主动放弃领导国家的职责。

    It is time for the president to spare himself the burden of leadership .

  19. 做好教职工思想政治工作,加强领导,明确职责是保证;

    In order to do the work , it is a guarantee to strengthen the leadership and make clear the functions and responsibility ;

  20. 他曾经两次担任总理职务,但由于不丹国王结束了长达一个世纪的王朝统治,吉格梅.廷里这次将担负起领导国家的职责。

    But this time , he will lead the country as Bhutan 's king ends a century of dynastic rule that has been largely peaceful .

  21. 为模范履行领导干部安全职责,应具备热情的工作态度,超前的安全意识和良好的安全技能。

    In order to fulfill cadres safe duty exemplarily , middle-level cadres should possess the working attitude warmly , leading security consciousness and good safe skill .

  22. 经理构建组织机构,招募合适员工,实施监督职能,领导除了这些职责外还要极力激励人们实现愿望。

    Manager constructs the organizations and agencies , recruits theappropriate staff , the implementation surveillance function , leadsbesides these responsibilities also must drive vigorously the peoplerealize the desire .

  23. 预计,繁荣进步党领袖吉格梅.廷里将成为不丹总理。他曾经两次担任总理职务,但由于不丹国王结束了长达一个世纪的王朝统治,吉格梅.廷里这次将担负起领导国家的职责。

    DPT President Jigmi Thinley is expected to be the country 's next prime minister , a post he has held twice before . But this time , he will lead the country as Bhutan 's king ends a century of dynastic rule that has been largely peaceful .

  24. 三要加强领导,落实部门职责,全方位地贯彻《母婴保健法》。

    The third one is to strengthen leading to MCH and carry out Mother and Infant Health Lawall round .

  25. 当代领导干部的特定职责、使命,工作环境的多样性、工作任务的复杂性及被领导者个性的时代性,更决定领导干部必须注重自身优良个性修炼和塑造。

    Contemporary leading cadres of the specific responsibilities , mission and the working environment of diversity , and the complex nature of the tasks to be led personality of the times , it was decided that leading cadres must pay attention to good practice and shaping personality .

  26. 对领导来说道理也是一样,我们再审视一下,领导的职责。

    Well , same is true from a leader 's role that if you 're approaching that leadership role again .

  27. 同时介绍了国内有关教练员领导行为的研究,包括教练员的领导功能与作用、教练员的领导职责与素质、教练员的影响力与权威体系、教练员的领导方式与效果;

    In the meantime , the research on the leadership behaviors of Chinese coaches was also introduced in the areas of coach leadership functions and utilities , coach leadership responsibilities and qualities , coach leadership influence and authority system , coach leadership styles and effects .

  28. 一些人为年轻官员获任命而喝彩,认为这是令领导阶层更具代表性的举措,还有人则质疑20多岁的年轻人是否有能力担负起领导职位的各项职责。

    Some the appointment of young officials as an effort to make the leadership ranks more representative , while others question whether people in their 20s are qualified to handle the responsibilities of high-level positions .