
  • 网络leadership functions;Leading;Leading function
  1. 丰富了党的领导职能的科学内涵;

    The enrichment of the scientific contents of the leading function ;

  2. 战略思维能力是干部实现其领导职能的根本保证。

    Strategic thinking competence is the guarantee of officials'performing their leading duty .

  3. Z校长认为六个向度中应该不包括共定学校发展目标,认为这是校长的行政职能,不该被归到教学领导职能中去。

    Principal Z considers that the six principals should not include " setting the school development goals ," because she regards this belongs to the field of principal administrative function and should not be in instructional leadership scope .

  4. 试论现代行政领导职能的动态把握

    On a dynamic grasp of the leadership function of modern administration

  5. 行政领导职能具有系统化的理论。

    There exists a systematic theory on the leadership function of administration .

  6. 基于领导职能视角的高校学术问题分析及策略建议

    The Problems and Countermeasures of Academic Management in Universities from the Viewpoint of Leadership Function

  7. 其次,从现实层面对村级党组织的四项基本职能进行实证分析,即政治领导职能、利益整合职能、服务提供职能和组织发展职能;

    Secondly , it analyzes the present functions : political leadership , interest coordination , offering service , organization and development .

  8. 以及决定领导职能相对重要性的团队特征与作业特征,最后探讨了团队领导对团队有效性的作用及机制,并指出将来研究的方向。

    And the mechanisms underlining leadership and team effectiveness . Finally the authors indicated some promising field that the research would be conducted .

  9. 根据这一标准以及领导职能和领导岗位的要求,跨世纪的领导干部应当在不断创新中求得发展。

    According to this standard and the requests of leading positions and functions , leaders crossing centuries should develop in the continuous innovation .

  10. 它的形成是由于社会发展导致公共领域领导职能、领导权力和领导能力等构成发生了变化。

    The cause of its forming is that the development of society leads to the change of the function , power and ability of the leadership in the public area .

  11. 并进而构想院长作为医院的领导者行使领导职能,职能科室负责人作为医院管理者行使管理职能的医院管理模式。

    This paper introduces an idea of hospital management model that the president of hospital exercises lead functions as a leader , while persons in charge of functional departments exercise administrative functions as administrators .

  12. 要成功地实施研究性学习,就应该加强校长的课程领导职能、建立自然合作的教师文化、发展积极的家庭与学校伙伴关系,以及改善研究性学习的资源支持。

    In order to successfully implement Inquiry Learning , we must try to reinforce school principals ' function of curriculum leadership , establish collaborative teaching culture , develop active home-school partnership , and improve the supporting resources of Inquiry Learning .

  13. 从整体风貌、基本精神,思维方式和价值取向等方面分析了中国传统文化的基本特征,并针对这些特征分析了中国传统文化在领导职能等方面对管理的启示。

    The basic characteristics of chinese traditional culture is analyzed from integral style and features , basic spirit , thinking manner and value-oriented et. Based on the characteristics , analyzes the leading functions in China traditional cultures , which gives an inspiration to management .

  14. 领导跨职能团队,给予客户增值服务。

    Lead cross-functional team members to deliver value-added services to customers .

  15. 团队领导的职能、决定因素及有效性

    The Functions , Determinants and Effectiveness of Team Leadership

  16. 为单位领导、职能部门、网络业务人员、专业网管人员、网络终端用户等不同层次的人员提供其各自需要的实时网络运行信息。

    It can also display the real time information of the network operation for the department leaders , functional department , network business personnel , professional network management personnel , network end user of the client and so on .

  17. 在副行长兼董事会秘书这一职位的招聘广告中,亚投行称该职位要求“在多边开发银行重要领导层职能和岗位上拥有至少20年至25年的工作经验,或同等背景”。

    In its advertisement for the vice-president and corporate secretary post , the AIIB said the job required a " minimum 20-25 years in a leadership function and position of influence in multilateral development bank ( s ) or equivalent . "

  18. 正职领导的基本职能及必备的能力

    The Basic Functions and Necessary Ability of A Chief Official

  19. 配合车间领导完成车间职能分配和考核。

    Assist the workshop leader to distribute and assess functions of the workshop .

  20. 如何充分发挥质量保证领导小组的职能,是药检所日常工作顺利运转的保障。

    Giving full play to functions of the quality assurance group is the guarantee of daily work smoothly .

  21. 水行政执法主体可分为职权性水行政执法主体和受权性水行政执法主体,前者是由国家领导、管理职能决定的,后者是法律授权的。

    The water administrative main body of enforcing the law is divided into the functional power and the empowered .

  22. 尤其是他们在规划中充分利用组织、领导和控制职能,建立了一套完善的规划管理体系,可以为我国的城市应急规划与管理提供前车之鉴。

    Especially the application of organizing , leading and controlling functions are very useful for urban emergency management of Chinese cities .

  23. 不少大型设计企业仍然采取计划经济时期的生产组织管理模式,企业领导垂直指挥职能部门和生产部门,工作压力很大;

    The management mode of production and organization established in the planned economy period is still widely applied in many large architectural design enterprises .

  24. 指出了现代社会的特征是追求成功,提出现代领导的首要职能应该是助人成功,同时助人成功者还必须具有一种超人的力量,即人格魅力。

    The features of the modern society is to seek the success , the first function of the modern leaders should be to help the others be successful .

  25. 军用文书包括平时文书和作战文书,是军队各级领导机关行使职能,实施指挥和管理部队的重要工具和基本手段。

    Military document , including the usual document and operational document . It is an important tool and basic means with which military organs play their roles , direct battles and manage troops .

  26. 由于野外生存生活课程高风险性,易发生意外事故,同时缺少学校领导和有关职能部门的支持,以及课程资金花费较大等因素,制约了该课程在上海市高校的推广。

    Outdoor survival course due to high risk , easy accidents , and lack of school leaders and relevant functional departments support , and course factors such as spending money larger and restricted the course in Shanghai university of promotion .

  27. 主要从射击模拟训练的组织领导结构、职能作用、组训方法和步骤及训练管理模式等方面,对模拟训练的基本模式作了概括性的总结和探讨;

    In this part , the author discussed and summarized the basic mode of training from the point view of organization leadership structure , function , methods and steps of organizing of training , as well as pattern of training management .

  28. 改变领导体制全面履行职能

    Exercise all-round functions with the change of the leadership structure

  29. 企业领导不力,从职能上找原因

    Check out reasons from function for failure of leadership

  30. 检察机关预防职务犯罪有两个基本原则,即坚持党的领导和立足检察职能;

    Six working system , namely , group systerm for Party 's preventing crime-at-post ;