
  • 网络leadership;leader
  1. 领导人才素质测评探讨

    On Tests and Evaluations of Leadership Quality

  2. 增加场所的速度要看可运用受过训的教员、当地的领导人才及足够的时间来鼓励出席。

    The pace of adding sites is somewhat dependent on available trained faculty , local leadership and sufficient time to promote attendance .

  3. 领导人才品德评价的AHP模型

    The Model of AHP to Assess the Moral Character of the Leaders Leading Reformation

  4. 正是为了降低此类危机发生的频率、严重程度和公共成本,20国集团(g20)领导人才承诺大幅提高本国银行业体系的资本金和流动性水平。

    It is with the aim of reducing the frequency , severity and public costs of such crises that the leaders of the group of 20 are committed to significantly increasing the levels of capital and liquidity in their national banking systems .

  5. 我们必须培养出一代杰出的领导人才。

    We have got to provide a generation of outstanding leaders .

  6. 企业里谁才是真正的领导人才?

    Who is really the talented leader in an enterprise ?

  7. 我们需要能够更快做出决策的更好领导人才。

    We needed better leaders out there who could make decisions quicker .

  8. 班子建设是领导人才队伍建设的关键;

    The construction of organized groups is vital for building up talent teams ;

  9. 加强领导人才队伍建设促进企业的发展

    Strengthening Leader Cultivation to Promote Fast Development in Enterprises

  10. 党政领导人才素质评价指标体系与综合评价方法

    Research on the Evaluating Indication System And Method of Leading Cadres ′ Qualities

  11. 新世纪我国领导人才素质研究

    A Study on the Quality of Leader Talent in China in the New Century

  12. 大力推进领导人才教育培训的改革创新

    Reform and Innovation in Leadership Education and Training

  13. 行政领导人才素质的综合评价

    Synthetical evaluation of goverment administration leader qualities

  14. 首先分析了干部教育的思路:必须以三个代表为总体思路,最终培养出符合三个代表要求的新时期领导人才。

    At first it analyses the train of thought - " The Three Representative " .

  15. 原因在于,该公司缺乏领导人才和工程技术人员。

    Leadership and engineering talent was lacking .

  16. 这是一个相关的资讯,寻求全球性事业和领导人才密集的项目机会。

    It is a relevant IT-intensive program for professionals seeking global careers and leadership opportunities .

  17. 转变选拔领导人才的观念

    To Change Ideas on Selecting Talented Leaders

  18. 领导人才素质测评是人才测评的理论与方法在领导领域中的实践。

    Assessment on leaders competency is the practice of assessment theories and methods for the leadership .

  19. 因为只有这些领导人才有绝对权力救我命!

    Because only these leaders only then to have the absolute authority to rescue me to assign !

  20. 这是符合领导人才成长规律的选择,是西方国家值得关注的动向。

    This is the choice fit for the leader development rule and the trend deserving the attention .

  21. 适合现代社会需要的领导人才,必须是具有高强创新素质和创新能力的人才。

    Qualified leaders who are suitable to the needs of modern society must have creative qualities and abilities .

  22. 第五部分,促进地方党政领导人才健康成长的对策建议。

    The fifth section summarizes the countermeasures to promote the healthy growth of local party and government executives .

  23. 心理测验在党政领导人才选拔中的作用分析

    Investigation on the Functions of Psychological Test Applied in the Pocess of Selecting Leaders in Chinese Public sectors

  24. 总统仅仅是挂名的首脑,党的领导人才真正握有实权。

    The president is just a figurehead ; it 's the party leader who has the real power .

  25. 我过去几年也在不断学习和帮助一些中国的全球化企业去培养全球化的领导人才。

    I have actually been studying and involved in helping some global Chinese companies to develop global leaders .

  26. 树立领导人才教育工作面向世界、面向未来、面向现代化的观念;领导人才教育要树立终身学习的观念。

    What 's more , the education of leadership should be oriented towards the whole world , future and modernization .

  27. 21世纪是创新的世纪,创新的世纪需要创新的领导人才。

    21st century is a century of innovation , and a century of innovation needs leading talents with creative capacity .

  28. 第四,整合救援人员力量,建设一支高素质的应急管理领导人才队伍与多方参与救援的人才队伍。

    Fourth , the integrated strength of rescue workers and building a high-quality emergency management leadership team and multi-stakeholder involvement rescue personnel .

  29. 就实践操作层面而言,改革开放以来,干部交流工作不断取得新的进展,为党和国家提供了大量优秀的领导人才。

    Since the reform and opening-up , new progress was achieved in cadre exchange and it has provided immense amounts of excellent leaders .

  30. 只有卓越的领导人才知道何时该放下财富、权力和怨恨,并与时俱进。

    It takes a remarkable leader to understand when to put aside riches , power and grudges and walk in step with the times .