
  • 网络leadership;leadership skills;leadership ability;Leadership Potential
  1. 担任这个队的队长需要强有力的领导才能。

    Strong leadership is needed to captain the team .

  2. 她的领导才能是保守党最宝贵的财富。

    Her leadership qualities were the greatest asset of the Conservative Party

  3. 领导才能就是要有实施变革的能力。

    Leadership is about the ability to implement change .

  4. 他们一再质疑他的领导才能。

    They repeatedly questioned his leadership abilities

  5. 须具备过硬的技术、设计及领导才能,具有LEED认证者更佳。

    LEED accreditation a plus , strong technical , design and leadership skills are required .

  6. 你卓越的领导才能和管理能力对BYK公司的成长与成功举足轻重。

    Your excellent leadership and management was pivotal to BYK 's growth and success .

  7. 不过,除了领导才能,idg还希望灌输“服从者才能”(followership)的概念。

    As well as leadership , however , IDG aims to instil the concept of " followership " .

  8. 沃达丰(Vodafone)原本专注于磨练高级管理人员的领导才能,后来引入了被公司内部称为“零售骨干”的职业发展项目。

    Having previously concentrated on honing the leadership skills of executives near the top of the organisation , Vodafone has introduced a career development programme , known internally as " Retail Spine . "

  9. 对付这些环境挑战将需要真正的眼光和领导才能。

    Tackling these environmental challenges will require real vision and leadership .

  10. 他组织有方,证明了自己的领导才能。

    With a clear mind , he proved his leadership qualities .

  11. 领导才能是把智慧转化成成果的催化剂。

    Leadership is the catalyst for transforming those talents into results .

  12. 那些更为主动更为上进的人则被认为具有领导才能。

    Those with more dominant and aggressive behaviour were seen as'alpha'personalities .

  13. 良好的领导才能和组织能力。

    Good leadership and excellent organizational and interpersonal skills are required .

  14. 他们的成功很大程度上应归功于他具有远见卓识领导才能。

    Their success owes a lot to his visionary senior leadership .

  15. 不俗的竞争力、天赋或领导才能?

    Do you have any unusual competence , talent or leadership abilities ?

  16. 有很强的领导才能并具很强的集体精神。

    Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit .

  17. 持正不倚的领导才能真正地为老百姓说话。

    Only even-handed leaders can truly speak for the people .

  18. 在领导才能上胜过(别人,尤指对手)

    To surpass ( another , especially an opponent ) in leadership .

  19. 他们往往是那些具有优秀领导才能的人。

    These tend to be people with good leadership capabilities .

  20. 误解5:女性缺乏高层需要的领导才能

    Myth 5 : Women lack the leadership qualities needed at the top

  21. 我还要感谢他卓越的领导才能。

    I want to thank him for his extraordinary leadership .

  22. 如果你是这样的话,对你的领导才能会有严重的影响。

    If you do , you have a serious threat to your leadership .

  23. Q:作为行政人员,你有什么样的领导才能?

    Q : What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel ?

  24. 这些特征可以被用来发展价值无限的领导才能和创业就能。

    These traits can be used to develop invaluable leadership and entrepreneurial skills .

  25. 同时,我们也利用这段时间来培养这些年轻人的领导才能。

    We also use this time to focus on discipleship and leadership development .

  26. 高级管理人员,高级经理需要提高领导才能的高级管理人员、管和执行者。

    Senior Managers , directors and executors who want to improve leader ability .

  27. 请给我们一个例子,你在其中展现领导才能。

    Please give an example of activity in which you have demonstrated leadership .

  28. 领导才能与有效沟通的研究

    Studies on Talent of Leading and Effective Communication

  29. 他不具备任何领导才能。

    He did not have any leadership qualities .

  30. 我只是在展现我的领导才能。

    What I 'm exhibiting are leadership skills .