
  • 网络Leadership Behavior;leader behavior;team leadership
  1. 公路工程企业监理与施工管理两方中层PM领导行为有显著差异。

    PM leadership behaviors in engineering and contract have significant difference .

  2. 初级指挥官人格类型与PM领导行为类型有效性的关系

    The Relation of Personality and PM Leadership Behavior in Military Officials

  3. 军队初级指挥官PM领导行为类型的研究&与中、日企业领导行为的比较

    A research on PM leadership behavior in military officers & A comparison with Chinese and Japanese enterprise

  4. CPM领导行为评价量表的建构

    Construction of CPM scale for leadership behavior assessment

  5. 在学术界,很多系统的研究也探讨了CEO的领导行为与企业经营成败的关系。

    In academic circles , research of many systems also explores the relationship between leadership behavior and business success or failure of CEO .

  6. 1985年,Bass正式提出了交换型领导行为理论和变革型领导行为理论。

    In 1985 , Bass made a formal exchange of leadership behavior theory and transformational leadership theory .

  7. 在众多影响企业经营业绩的因素中,一个非常重要的变量就是CEO在企业经营管理过程中所表现出来的领导行为和结果。

    In many factors affecting business performance , A very important variable is the CEO shown in business management in the process of leadership behavior and results .

  8. 在对西方的领导行为复杂性理论(ExecutiveLeadershipBehavioralComplexityTheory)研究的基础上,提出了中国CEO的行为复杂性;

    Based on the research for the western literatures about behavioral complexity theory of executive leadership , the authors point out the behavioral complexity of CEOs in the Chinese context .

  9. 因此,CEO的领导行为对企业经营与成败的影响和作用,以及CEO的领导行为如何影响企业经营与成败等问题还缺乏一致的结论。

    Thus , the role of leadership behavior of CEO impact on business and success , and the CEO leadership behavior influence business success and failure problems such as lack of consistent conclusion .

  10. 调查结果显示,H公司总体员工工作满意感一般,在工作本身、领导行为、绩效考核、薪酬回报、培训发展这五个主要测量指标中,薪酬回报的满意感最低,培训发展和绩效考核其次。

    Among these five measurement indicators of job , leadership behavior ,' performance assessment , salary and reward , training and development , the satisfaction on salary and reward is the lowest , next is the training and development , performance assessment .

  11. 正面领导行为与LMX有显著的正相关关系;而负面领导行为与LMX没有显著的负相关关系。

    Second , positive leadership behavior is positively related to LMX , and negative leadership behavior has no significant correlation to LMX .

  12. 在低LMX的条件下正面领导行为对于超额努力的提升效果要比高LMX条件下的效果好。

    Forth , positive leadership behaviors lead to much more extra-efforts under the condition of low LMX than it do under high LMX .

  13. 企业领导行为作用机制研究

    The Research on the Mechanism by Which Leadership Functions in Enterprises

  14. 教练员的领导行为与方式分析

    The Analysis Of The Leading Conduct And Form Of The Coach

  15. 建筑企业管理者情绪智力与领导行为研究

    Research on Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Behavior of Construction Enterprise Managers

  16. 企业领导行为方式与个性特征

    The Relationship of Leadership Style and Personality Characteristics among Chinese Managers

  17. 教练员领导行为与运动团队凝聚力关系的模型构建

    Coaches Leadership Behaviors and the Relationship between Sport Team Cohesion Model

  18. 高一学生学校适应与教师领导行为关系之初探

    The relationship between Students ' School Adaptation and Teacher Leader Behavior

  19. 影响领导行为的因素既有内源性的,又有外源性的。

    There are internal and external factors influencing leadership behaviors .

  20. 领导行为领域也是如此。

    It also happened in the field of leadership science .

  21. 我国优秀青少年男子足球队教练员领导行为的研究

    A Research on the Coaches'Leadership Behaviors of Chinese First-rate Teen-aged Soccer Teams

  22. 大学生心理压力与体育教师领导行为关系研究

    Relationships between college students ' psychological pressure and P.E.masters ' leadership behavior

  23. 运动员期望教练员领导行为方式与实际认知之间存在较大差距;

    There existed big difference between coach leading behavior and actual cognition .

  24. 企业领导行为对员工态度的影响研究

    Research on the Effects of Leadership on Staff 's Attitude

  25. 传统文化对我国高校领导行为的影响

    On the Influence of Traditional Culture on Transformational Leadership Behavior

  26. 教师领导行为与中学生自我概念的关系

    Relationship Between Teacher Leadership Behaviors and Self-concept of Middle-school Students

  27. 教师领导行为与儿童同伴关系的研究

    Research on the relationship between Teacher Leadership Behavior and Children Peer Relations

  28. 构建了变革型领导行为影响团队效能的理论框架。

    Constructed the theoretical framework of transformational leadership behaviors affect team performance .

  29. 领导行为的动力模式与绩效评价研究

    Study on Force Model and Results Evaluation of Leading Behavior

  30. 领导行为对政务信息化绩效的影响研究

    Research on Influence of Leadership on Performance of Government Informationization