
  1. (一)加强领导协调和组织保障

    Strengthen Coordination of Leadership and Assurance of Organization

  2. 领导协调层和辅助支持层则是以传统科层组织形式建构的,分别由校&院两级的研究生德育工作委员会和领导小组以及党政管理部门构成。

    The other two layers are constituted of leading and management departments of the university and the college . As an intellectual-based organization , the universities can also be regarded as an academic organization full of flexibility .

  3. 针对其存在的问题和困境,本文提出了推进新疆物流业发展的对策:(1)建立权威的领导协调机构,统一管理,规范物流市场;

    This paper gives some advice on how to improve it through the analysis of problems existing in Xinjiang logistics industry . ( 1 ) Authoritative organization of cooperation in Xinjiang can be built to consolidate management and standardize logistics market ;

  4. 排名前10位的政策建议分别涉及防治经费、工作队伍、领导协调、工作对象、宣传教育、工作措施、救助关怀和稳定、技术支持、经济责任、操作程序10个方面。

    Secondly , the policies ranking in the top ten are involved in the funds of prevention and control , work team , leader coordination , work object , propaganda education , work policy , Medicaid , technology support , economic duty and process program .

  5. 在CMO期间,我有更精进的产品开发、专案领导、协调与合作的经验。

    During the CMO , I have got the more experience of product development , project leading , coordination and cooperation .

  6. 因此,马丁奴同意指定小组领导协助协调双方的合作。

    So Mr. Martino agreed to appoint team leaders to help coordinate .

  7. 必须能够领导和协调本土的团队工作。

    Has to be able to lead , coordinate the team in China .

  8. 企业基层正职领导不协调的原因及解决对策

    Reasons and countermeasure for the un-coordination of the chief leaders of enterprise grass-roots unit

  9. 因此首先必须加强领导组织协调。

    Therefore , the first thing to be done is to strengthen organization and coordination .

  10. 该小组负责人将负责领导和协调彩管的所有活动。

    The Team Leader will provide leadership to and coordinate all activities of the CPT .

  11. 图书馆领导关系协调;

    Coordination of relations among leaders ;

  12. 就项目现状和问题的解决方案与本部门员工和其它部门领导进行协调和沟通。

    Coordinate and communicate with department staff and other department team leaders on project status and problem resolutions .

  13. 军队后勤领导综合协调论不同军兵种官兵对初级军官胜任特征的评价

    COMPREHENSIVE COORDINATING CAPACITY OF MILITARY LOGISTIC COMMANDERS Evaluation of competency in low-ranking commanders in different armed services and arms of services

  14. 发挥社区基层组织的领导、协调和支持作用,保证社区居民居住环境的稳定和谐;

    Exertive community basic level organization of leadership , moderate and support function , assurance the community residents living environment of stability harmony ;

  15. 区、县人民政府负责本行政区域内展会知识产权保护工作的领导和协调。

    The people 's governments of districts and counties shall take charge of the IPRs protection during exhibitions within their respective administrative area .

  16. 李·艾柯卡具备管理者应有的各种素质,而在领导和协调人际关系方面尤为家出。

    Lee Iacocca has all the skills needed by managers , but is especially strong in the areas of leadership and human relations .

  17. 在高校实施好电影德育,应从5个方面着手:建立组织、领导与协调机构;

    To well implement movie moral education in universities , we should begin with the following five aspects : establish organizing , leading and coordinating instituaions ;

  18. 国务院设立国家统计局,负责组织领导和协调全国统计工作。

    State Statistics Bureau shall be established under the State Council to be responsible for organizing , directing and coordinating the statistical work throughout the country .

  19. 北约说,他们还轰炸了利比亚精锐的第32旅总部。北约说,这支部队一直被用来领导和协调对平民的攻击。

    NATO says it also bombed the headquarters of Libya 's elite 32nd Brigade which it says has been used to lead and coordinate attacks on civilians .

  20. 政府层由政府部门相关工作领导小组协调组织,主管交通部门的职能局负责行业管理。

    Government stratum is coordinated and organized by the leading group of the corresponding government department , and the transportation authority is in charge of this industry .

  21. 荷兰政府非常重视全球变化研究,并通过荷兰皇家艺术与科学研究院IGBP/WCRP委员会领导和协调全国的全球变化研究工作。

    Dutch government consider global change research as an important research field , encouraging Dutch scientists to contribute to international global change programme such as IGBP and WCRP .

  22. 良好的分析能力、沟通能力、成本控制能力、较强的管理、领导、协调和计划能力。细致、耐心和责任心。

    Excellent analytical skills , communication skills , costing , operational skills and management skills with high level of leadership , detail-oriented , patience and a sense of responsibility .

  23. 加强政府对新农村建设的组织、领导、协调,是有利有序有效推进新农村建设的根本保证。

    Strengthening the building of a new countryside , leadership and coordination will be advantageous to the fundamental order to ensure the effective implementation of the new rural construction .

  24. 团队成员个体情绪智力高,有利于形成高团队情绪智力,但不是绝对的,更多地还要依靠一把手的领导和协调。

    High emotional intelligence of team members may bring high emotional intelligence teams , but not absolutely , it is more rely on leadership and coordination of top leaders . 2 .

  25. 由此来看,管理可归纳为七大功能:计画、组织、用人、领导、协调、控制、绩效回馈。

    In sum , the course of " Management " can be divided into seven significant functions : Planning , Organizing , Staffing , Leadership , Communicating , Controlling , and Performance Feedbacks .

  26. 这类扶助机构有不少都需要重新整顿。稳定扶贫开发工作机构,增强扶贫开发的组织领导和协调管理能力。

    Many of these support systems are in disrepair . Poverty relief organs should be stable , and their leading ability and ability of coordinated management in the poverty relief work should be raised .

  27. 本文首先总结了国外危机管理计划与组织的经验,然后对非典前期政府应对中的领导、协调与控制职能的问题进行了分析。

    The essay summarizes foreign experience in planning and organizing of crisis management at the first , and then analyzes problems of the function of lead , coordination and controlling when authorities were confronted with SARS .

  28. 加强领导和地区协调。

    Tighten up management and coordination among local areas .

  29. 论领导系统的协调艺术

    On the Coordination Art of Leadership

  30. 协调配合:团队是否有领导核心来协调工作、帮助个小组取得成功?

    Coordination : are teams coordinated by a central leadership thatassists the groups to obtain what they need for success ?