
  1. jason,你觉得如果由你领导,结果会不同吗?

    Jason , do you think if you were the leader , the result would have been different ?

  2. 其中,哪些是成为领导的结果,哪些是成为领导的原因?

    Which of these differences are a result of being a leader ? Which of them are a cause of being a leader ?

  3. 如果美国国民认为,这种缺乏变动是公平的,是精英领导的结果,反映了不同家庭的价值,那么社会阶层缺乏变动就不是什么大问题。

    If US citizens think this lack of mobility is a fair and meritocratic outcome , reflecting the value of different families , the lack of social mobility is no great problem .

  4. 学生须根据自我评量及分配领导评估结果,设计一个改进特定领导能力的行动计划。

    Based on your Self-Assessment and the results from the Distributed Leadership Survey , you will create an Action Plan , a plan to improve specific areas of your leadership abilities during this course .

  5. 在众多影响企业经营业绩的因素中,一个非常重要的变量就是CEO在企业经营管理过程中所表现出来的领导行为和结果。

    In many factors affecting business performance , A very important variable is the CEO shown in business management in the process of leadership behavior and results .

  6. 不用怀疑,这是在伟大的领导之下的结果。

    This is the result , no doubt , of great leadership ,

  7. 知行观的不同导致其所领导的革命结果不同。

    Also , the difference results in the different results of the revolution they lead .

  8. 如果把这类东西看作是坚持党的领导,其结果,只能走向事情的反面。

    To think that such a practice upholds Party leadership can only produce results opposite to those intended .

  9. 这项由杜克大学领导的研究结果发表在美国实验生物学会杂志3月刊上。

    The Duke University-led study has published the result in the March issue of the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology ( FASEB ) .

  10. 这项研究由微生物学和免疫学教授JohnBoothroyd博士领导主持,研究结果将发表于12月15日的《科学》上。

    The findings will be published in the Dec.15 issue of Science by a team led by John Boothroyd , PhD , professor of microbiology and immunology .

  11. 这是我们党的领导和教育的结果。

    It is the result of leadership and education by our Party .

  12. 通过新的考核机制提高高校中层领导干部考核评价结果的准确性和说服力。

    The new mechanism is used to improve the accuracy and conviction of university middle-level cadre 's assessment .

  13. 昨天威尔逊先生成为表明自己主张的第一个候选人,这样使领导权竞争的结果难以预料。

    Yesterday Mr Wilson became the first candidate to declare himself , thus blowing the leadership race wide open .

  14. 应用维护模块实现了领导对会议表决结果的查询和秘书对应用参数的维护功能。

    Summary inquiry module achieved that leadership require the voting result of the meeting . Application maintenance module achieved that secretary maintain application parameters .

  15. 包装行业取得如此成就是党和国家领导亲切关怀的结果,是包装行业全体同仁努力奋斗的结果。

    The accomplishments are the result of the intimate care from the party and state leaders and also come from the hard work of all the packaging industry personnel .

  16. 领导-部属交换对领导和部属工作结果的双向影响机制

    Before the summit talk between the two Korean states , Dual Mechanism of the Effects of Leader-member Exchange on both Leaders and Subordinates ' Work-related Outcomes

  17. 领导-部属交换(lmx)的回顾与展望领导-部属交换对领导和部属工作结果的双向影响机制

    Dual Mechanism of the Effects of Leader-member Exchange on both Leaders and Subordinates ' Work-related Outcomes

  18. 现实中,领导和企业文化在组织中扮演着不可或缺的角色,而且,企业的绩效是通过企业文化和领导共同作用的结果。

    In reality , organizational culture and leaders play an indispensable role in enterprises and the performance of enterprises is the collaboration of organizational culture and leaders .