
  • 网络CCP
  1. 本文运用HACCP原理对浓缩苹果清汁生产过程进行了危害分析及关键控制,确定了其关键控制点为:原料果和无菌包装材料的验收、原料果拣选、后巴氏杀菌和无菌灌装。

    The HACCP approach was used to identify the critical control points in the production of concentrated apple juice . The CCPs are : Accepting of apple and sterile packing ; Selection of apple ;

  2. 在砌筑陶瓷杯过程中运用全面质量管理(TQC)对陶瓷杯耐火材料的验收、预组装以及砌筑等工序进行了严格的控制和管理,使陶瓷杯砌筑一次成功,达到了总体验收标准。

    TQC ( Total Quality Control ) was applied to the refractory acceptance , preliminary assembly and brick laying of ceramic cup . The ceramic cup was laid successfully and the laying quality reached acceptance standard .

  3. 制定冶金用原辅材料企业验收标准的建议

    Suggest working on acceptance standard of raw material and supplementary material

  4. 焊接材料的验收、储存、运输及使用;

    Acceptance inspection , storage , transportation & usage of welding materials ;

  5. 即使由于业主检验师的疏忽和失误导致工作或材料的验收,有缺陷的工作或材料也不能被认可和接受。

    Any omission or failure on the part of the Owner 's inspector to disapprove or reject any work or materials shall not be construed as an acceptance of any defective work or materials .

  6. 数理统计在电池原材料采购和验收中的应用

    Application of mathematical statistics in the procurement and inspection of battery raw material

  7. 新材料技术项目验收评价方法研究

    The Evaluation Method of Accepting Advanced Materials Technology Items

  8. 设备、材料必须经验收合格并填写“进货验收单”后方可入库。

    Equipments and materials cannot be put in storage until they are verified and the form Acceptance Sheet for Incoming Products has been filled .

  9. 对市政道路工程的特点进行了分析,从工程的前期准备工作,材料的检查验收等方面,提出了城市道路工程施工监理工作应采取的一些针对性措施。

    According to the features of municipal road engineering from first phase preparation work , check and accept of materials and other aspects some practical measures are proposed for construction supervision in municipal road engineering .

  10. 城市建设档案主要包括各种建设工程的设计规划图,施工进度,材料合格证明以及验收记录等资料。

    City construction archives including various engineering construction design plan , schedule , material quality certificates and inspection records .

  11. 今后应加强电网中金属材料方面的质量验收和检验。

    Therefore great importance should be attached to the quality acceptance and checkup of metal materials in the future .

  12. 在对半刚性基层材料在施工及验收过程中所出现压实度超密现象的综合分析的基础上,结合工程实例,提出解决半刚性基层检测压实度超密的完善方法,具有重要的实践意义。

    Based on comprehensive analyzing on overdense of compaction degree occuring in construction and inspection of semi-rigid grassroots materials , it is significant to present perfect measures to solve this problem combining practical engineerings .

  13. 系统功能覆盖了所有的材料管理业务活动,包括材料入库、验收、出库、入帐、变动、调拨、盘点、统计、处置、维护,对包装材料进行了整个生命周期的管理。

    System functions cover all the material management business activities , including material storage , acceptance , a library , recorded , change , transfer , inventory , statistics , disposal , maintenance , packaging materials for the entire life-cycle management .