
  1. 原材料采购成本价值链环节中采用的与供应商结盟的采购控制体系和ABC库存管理法;

    The purchase control system which forms an alliance with the supplier and the ABC stock management used in the cost value chain link of material purchase ;

  2. 实践证明,韶钢实施JIT后取得了原材料采购成本下降、实物质量稳定和提高、直供直卸率从1996年37.5%提高至2000年的90.2%的效果。

    Practice shows that the purchasing cost of raw materials is lowered , and the quality of the purchased materials is stabilized by using the new purchasing method , with the direct supply / acceptance rate increased from 37.5 % in 1996 to 90.2 % in 2000 .

  3. 施工企业强化材料采购成本管理的措施探讨

    Probe into Strengthening Material Procurement Cost Management Measure in Construction Enterprise

  4. 据统计,原材料采购成本每降低1%,相当于销售额增长8%-10%。

    According to some statistical investigation , while the purchasing cost decrease 1 % , it has the same meaning of 8 % - 10 % sales increase to the company .

  5. 提高整个汽车产业的生产效率,降低原材料的采购成本及产品生产、销售成本已成为当务之急。

    Thus to promote the productivity , reduce the cost of raw material purchase , production and sale is finding its own way .

  6. 随着互联网的发展,电子商务的地位已日益突出,它可以为建设项目材料采购、成本控制等许多方面提供高效、高质的服务。

    It may provide high efficiency service for material purchase and cost controlling and lead to considerable saving in terms of time and money for construction projects .

  7. 锅炉制造企业原材料的采购成本占销售成本的70%以上,降低材料采购成本是降低企业成本的关键,是提高企业经济效益的重要途径之一。

    The procuring cost of raw material accounts for 70 % of the overall cost for furnace manufacturing enterprise . The reduction of procuring cost is crucial in bringing down enterprise cost as well as improving income .

  8. 主要包括产品开发阶段的成本控制,原材料采购及库存成本控制,人工成本控制,期间费用控制,并结合具体的生产经营活动来加强员工的成本控制水平。

    It mainly contains product development phase cost control , raw materials purchase and inventory cost control , artificial cost control , period cost control , and enhancement of the employees ' level of cost control combined with the specific production and business activities .

  9. 研究显示制造行业原材料和服务的采购成本占到了总成本的50%到80%。

    Studies have shown that the raw material and service purchasing cost in the manufacturing industry accounts about 50 % to 80 % of the total cost .