
  • 网络Product manufacturing cost;production costs;Cost of goods manufactured
  1. 机械产品制造成本递归建模技术研究与应用

    Research on Recurrent Modeling for Mechanical Product Manufacturing Cost and Application

  2. 基于特征映射的产品制造成本与保证成本的优化方法非对称市场结构下企业横向兼并问题研究

    Optimization of cost structure based on feature mapping The Horizontal Mergers , Result and Welfare Analysis of Different Cost Structure Manufacturers

  3. 多用户协作环境下的递归建模及合理决策机械产品制造成本递归建模技术研究与应用

    A Recursive Modeling and Rational Decision-Making in Multi-User Cooperative Environments Research on Recurrent Modeling for Mechanical Product Manufacturing Cost and Application

  4. 以案例证明了在预热器制造环节中是可以应用成本累计曲线法和项目网络优化技术来控制产品制造成本的。

    Use cases to proof that the cost accumulative curve technique and network optimize technique can be applied to manufacture phase of air-preheater to control the cost .

  5. 基于工艺设计对产品制造成本、质量和效率的重要影响,提出了一种基于工艺设计的制造过程建模方法,以通过对过程模型的仿真,预测、分析和优化工艺设计效果。

    Due to significance of process planning on manufacturing cost , quality , and efficiency , a modeling method for the manufacturing process based on process planning was proposed . Through simulation of process model , process design effects were predicted , analyzed , and optimized .

  6. 复杂产品制造业成本控制模型初探

    Preliminary Exploration for Cost Control Model of Complex Product Industries

  7. 指销售商品之原始成本或产品之制造成本。

    Refer to the original costs of merchandise sold or the production costs of goods sold .

  8. 随着半导体工艺的快速发展,专用集成电路产品的制造成本日益降低,但是产品设计的非重复工程费用却越来越昂贵。

    The manufacture costs of ASIC products become much lower along with the rapid development of semiconductor processing ; however , the non-recurring engineering cost increases a lot .

  9. 它的理论基础为经验曲线理论,即当总产量增加时,标准产品的制造成本会以某一固定的、可以预计的方式下降。

    It is based on the Experience Curve Theory , that is , when output increases , the manufacturing cost of standard products fall by a fixed , predictable way .

  10. 生产实践表明,应用该技术可提高型材弯曲的质量和效率,降低产品的制造成本。

    It has been proved in production that the application of this technology can improve the quality and efficiency of the bending of profiles , and reduce the manufacturing cost as well .

  11. 通过对项目投产所需的基础设施及配套设备成本、产品材料制造成本、资金来源与投资回报的研究,分析了此项目进入批量生产后的经济效益。

    By research of infrastructure to invest and equipment costs , product material costs , sources of funding and return on investment , analysis the economic benefits of this project into mass produce .

  12. 随着工业的高速发展,在热处理领域,对冷却效果提出了越来越高的要求,传统的淬火方式使得冷却结构越来越复杂,使得产品的制造成本越来越高。

    With the rapid development of industry , in the heat treatment area , the increasingly high demand for the cooling effect is requested , the traditional way of quenching is making the workpiece structure more complex and making the production cost is increasing .

  13. 目前金属塑性成形正向净成形或近净成形方向发展,以减少后续的机加工量,从而降低产品的制造成本,冷挤压成形就是其中的一种最为重要的净成形或近净成形工艺。

    Nowadays , in order to reduce the subsequent machining and the product cost , metal forming is developed forwards net forming or near - net forming . Cold extrusion process is one of the most important processes of net or near - net forming .

  14. 产品销售的制造成本

    Manufacturing cost of goods sold

  15. 更有效地管理物料清单,产品开发和制造成本,以改善产品的供应,平台和选择。

    More effectively manage bill of material , product development and manufacturing costs to improve product offerings , platforms and options .

  16. 在中密度纤维板的生产制造过程中,施胶是个至关重要的工序,它对中密度纤维板的产品质量和制造成本影响很大。

    In the process of medium density fibreboard 's production , applying glue is the important working procedure , it has big influence on the quality and cost production of medium density fibreboard .

  17. 上月,谷歌眼镜(GoogleGlass)曾限时一天公开发售,售价高达1500美元。然而,据一家调研公司称,这款产品的硬件和制造成本总额仅为152.47美元。

    Google Glass fetched $ 1,500 when it was sold during a one-day promotion last month , but according to one research firm , the device 's hardware and manufacturing costs totaled just $ 152.47 .

  18. 所谓车间调度问题即可描述为在一定约束条件下,如何将某项可分解工作在台理分配资源和准确安排其各组成部分的加工顺序使其达到产品制造时间或生产成本的最优化问题。

    The so-called shop scheduling problem can be described as a problem that how to make the reasonable arrangements in order to make production time or costs optimization .

  19. 公差设计影响产品的功能和制造成本,是CAD/CAM信息集成中的关键技术,已经成为CAD/CAM信息集成的瓶颈。

    Tolerance design affects functional roles and manufacturing costs of products . It has been become a key technique and choke point of information integration in CAD / CAM .

  20. 同时从企业角度考虑产品质量对产品制造成本的影响,以此为基础建立了基于顾客价值的质量经济性模型,并在分析过程中提出了持续改进产品质量、相对折价等提升顾客价值的途径。

    It also tries to develop a model on the basis of quality impact on customer value , and meanwhile through the analysis it provides some ways to improve customer value for enterprises .

  21. 本文从提高产品性能,降低制造成本和环境保护等方面简述了21世纪日本材料及热处理装备的发展动向。

    : Development trend of material and heat treatment equipment in Japan has been briefly discussed in this paper with regard to raising of product properties , reducing of manufacture cost , environment protection and so on .

  22. 为解决传统砂型铸造生产气缸套存在的产品质量差、制造成本高、劳动强度大、环境污染严重及产品寿命低等问题,采用了离心铸造这种较新的工艺。

    Centrifugal casting process is used to produce cylinder liner in order to solve the problems of conventional sand casting process such as low quality , high costs , high labouring strength , environment pollution and short product life and so on .

  23. 通过该系统对三维设计数据进行质量检测,快速地找出设计数据中存在的的缺陷,从而提高产品质量,降低制造成本,缩短产品上市时间。

    The quality of 3D designing data can be tested by the system , the defects of the designing data can be found quickly . Therefore , the quality of the product can be improved , the cost can be reduced and the time-to-market can be shortened .

  24. 对于缩短产品设计周期,降低产品设计制造成本,增强企业的竞争力具有重要意义。

    The application of those technologies will shorten product design cycle , reduce products cost and improve the competitive capacity of enterprise .

  25. 产品结构工艺性评价是降低产品制造成本,提高产品质量,实施并行设计(CE)的核心环节。

    The evaluation of product structure processing is core part in decreasing manufacture cost , improving product quality and implementing CE .

  26. 有限元法已经成为现代汽车设计的重要工具之一,与传统的设计方法相比,它的优势在于提高汽车产品的质量、降低产品开发与生产制造成本,提高汽车产品在市场上的竞争力。

    FEA , compared with traditional methods , has became an important tool in modem automobile design , its advantage lies in improving the quality of car products , reducing the cost of product-developing and production , and increasing the competition of car products in the market .

  27. 公差设计的优劣不仅直接影响产品零件装配精度的实现,而且对产品制造成本亦将产生重大影响。

    The quality of tolerance design has a direct effect on assembling accuracy of the products , and also has a great effect on the manufacturing cost of the product .

  28. 为了使产品设计师能在设计阶段就较准确地预测产品的制造成本并进行成本优化,为产品市场报价或重新设计及改进提供依据,需要提供一个能快速准确建立产品成本模型的系统。

    To make the designers can predict the cost of product in design phase precisely for providing the basis of price in market or designing again , a quick and precise system of modeling is needed .

  29. 目前,由于产品制造过程装配作业比重的日益增大,影响了产品制造成本份额的增加,装配自动化的落后面貌,已成为制约现代制造业发展的瓶颈。

    At present , due to the increasing proportion of the manufacturing process assembly operations , affected increasing share of the product manufacturing cost , the backwardness of the automatic assembly has become " bottleneck " of modern manufacturing development .

  30. 计算机辅助工艺设计(CAPP)是连接产品设计与制造的桥梁和纽带,对产品制造的质量和成本有着重要的影响。

    Computer Aided Process Planning ( CAPP ) acts as the bridge between Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing , which has an important effect on the quality and cost of product development .