
  1. 钢铁企业产品目标成本决策支持系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of a Product Target Cost Decision Supporting System for Iron and Steel Company

  2. 阐述了开发钢铁企业产品目标成本决策支持系统的重要意义,提出系统开发总体思想,并介绍了系统功能结构及主要模型。

    To expound the great significance to develop a production target Cost Decision Supporting System for the products of iron & steel enterprises , and put forward a general principle for the system development and introduce the systems functional structure and some main of models .

  3. 机械产品设计过程成本决策及控制方法与技术研究

    Research on Methodology and Techniques for Cost Decision and Control in Product Design Process