
  • 网络Engineer;Product engineer;production engineer
  1. 她是二十年来首位掌管公司的产品工程师,各种建议势必将纷至沓来,令人应接不暇。这些建议小到新皮卡上的空调出风口,大到别克(Buick)和雪佛兰(Chevrolet)这些品牌的前景,无所不包。

    As the first product engineer to head the company in two decades , she will be deluged with suggestions about everything from air conditioning vents in new pickups to the future of brands like Buick and Chevrolet .

  2. 供应商是否进行了设计评审并与通用产品工程师一起进行评审?

    Has a design review been done by the supplier and reviewed with the GM product engineer ?

  3. 您可以将这个SaaS销售给许多用户,比如顾问或产品工程师,并通过更实惠的按需付费方式减少提前购买软件的成本。

    You can sell the SaaS to a large customer base , such as consultants or product engineers , and reduce the up-front expenses of purchasing software by offering less costly , on-demand pricing .

  4. 线长应该协助新产品工程师进行操作工在线培训。

    Cell leader should assist NPI Engineer on operator training on-line .

  5. 及时把异常坏机率反馈给测试工程师/产品工程师/直线经理等相关人员。

    Initiatively feedback those abnormal failure rate to responsible TE / PSE / LM etc.

  6. 可以作为食品包装机械、冷水机组产品工程师的参考。

    This article can be reference of produce engineer of packaging and food machinery and water chiller .

  7. 在各个试生产期间和新产品工程师一起研究产品。

    Study product with NPI engineer during each phase production such as beta build , pilot run .

  8. 积极联络新产品工程师、采购或本地认证工程师去鉴别未知的物料或工具。

    Actively contact related NPD manufacturing engineer , buyer or qualification engineer to identify unknown parts , or tools .

  9. 让我们引以为荣的是拥有各专业领域训练的高科技产品工程师后勤支援的销售体系。

    We are also proud of our sales structure backed up by field-application engineers trained with skills to handle high-tech products .

  10. 按要求与产品工程师合作促进文件汇编、实验程序、生产线规划,以及确定并购买主要的设备来达到生产量。

    Work with product engineers to develop and document assembly and test procedures , line layout , and identify and purchase capital equipment as required to reach volume production release .

  11. 与产品工程师一起设定射频产品的测试顺序,测试设定及测试参数,优化测试设置保证产品测试的准确及高效。

    Work with product engineer to set up the RF products'testing sequence , testing settings and testing parameters , optimize all the testing setup to get better testing accuracy and efficiency .

  12. 苹果或三星开发的所谓“智能手表”到底有什么功能目前还不得而知,但它实在用不上100位天赋出众的苹果产品工程师为它绞尽脑汁地工作。

    It is unclear what a " smartwatch " by either Apple or Samsung will actually do , but it doesn 't take the brainpower of 100 gifted Apple product engineers to figure it out .

  13. 产品集成工程师将已经过编译构建的Build提交到测试环境中。

    Product Integration Engineer will be built has been compiled to submit to a test environment , Build .

  14. Oracle的产品为工程师提供了快速方案创建。

    Oracle 's stack provides quick solution creation for engineers .

  15. 多数MPEG-4的体验者一直都是一些压缩算法的研究人员、消费类电子产品设计工程师,以及专用软件的开发人员。

    Most MPEG-4 experimenters have been compression-algorithm researchers , consumer-electronics design engineers , and developers of proprietary software .

  16. 与产品设计工程师共同工作,负责协调产品的工艺可行性。

    Work with designing engineers and adjust the technique feasibility of the model .

  17. 按时根据新产品导入工程师提供的清单准备普通工具。

    Prepare styourdard tools on schedule dependent on list provided by NPD engineer .

  18. 没有工程、产品的工程师也是工程师。

    No construction , product engineers are engineers .

  19. 来自深圳酷比通信设备有限公司的产品设计工程师廖琼(音译)评论如下:

    Comment by Liao Qiong , product design engineer at Koobee Mobile Company in Shenzhen :

  20. 在上海,谷歌成立了一个专门开发本地广告产品的工程师团队。

    In Shanghai , Google set up a dedicated engineering team to develop local advertising products .

  21. 同时我们产品销售工程师最快能够在1个小时内对全球用户询求的常规产品作出准确的价格回复。

    Our product sales engineers will provide in-time and correct price reply service within one hour for the worldwide customers .

  22. 还得到了一个附产品:工程师用带原点位移的逆幂法(简称反迭代法)解(1)的有限元特征方程时,靠经验确定反迭代次数。

    And get a by-product : Using inverse interative method , engineer decided times of iterative as a matter of experience .

  23. 和设备工程师一起辅助新产品导入工程师采购一些设备和工具。

    Work with Equipment ( SMT / AI ) Engineer to assist NPD manufacturing engineer to get some tools during NPD period .

  24. 产品开发工程师直接向产品开发部部长汇报工作,全面负责产品国产化及相关的技术协调工作。

    The Product Engineer directly reports to the Director of Product Development , and takes the overall responsibility for product localization work and related technical coordination .

  25. 乍一听,这似乎不算一个特别大胆的举动,但试想一下,从一家印度半导体公司的产品营销工程师转身变为一家加拿大医院的战略咨询顾问是怎样一番情景。

    At first blush , it may not sound like a particularly bold move , but imagine switching from product marketing for a semiconductor firm in India to strategy consulting for a hospital in Canada .

  26. 该产品还只是工程师头脑中尚未成形的想法。

    The product is still only a gleam in an engineer 's eye .

  27. 在美国,它们能找到经验丰富的产品设计师、工程师、营销专家,并接触到高端消费市场。

    In the U.S. , they get experienced product designers and engineers , marketing experts and access to the high-end consumer market .

  28. 远在七年之前的1999年,一群爱好幻想的乐高产品开发者和工程师开始梦想让大家自己设计他们自个儿的乐高模型。

    As far back as1999 , a group of visionary LEGO product developers and engineers started thinking about letting people design their own LEGO products .

  29. 如果设计师不是和产品经理、工程师工作在同一战线,那么每个人的工作都不好开展。

    If your designers are not working side by side with your product managers and engineers , you will limit what each of you can do .

  30. 我面试了一家电子产品公司的设计工程师职位。

    I was interviewed by an electronic product company for the role of design engineer .