
  • 网络Publicis Groupe;Publicis Group
  1. 总部位于圣地亚哥的ServiceNow已赢得很多大牌客户&除了Facebook,还有竞争对手谷歌(Google)、阳狮集团(PublicisGroupe)和REI等等,不一而足。

    San Diego-based servicenow has scored plenty of big customers & not just Facebook but also rival Google ( GOOG ) , Publicis Groupe and REI , to name a few .

  2. 营销服务公司阳狮集团(PublicisGroupe)正重新把焦点对准中国,未来数年内,将拨出最多2.5亿美元在中国实施收购。该集团刚公布,第一季度营收增长10.7%。

    Publicis Groupe is renewing its focus on China , earmarking up to $ 250m for acquisitions there in the coming years , after reporting 10.7 per cent sales growth across the marketing services group in the first quarter .

  3. 现如今网络广告收入占阳狮集团的30%以上,其英国对手WPP仅占20%左右。

    Today internet advertising accounts for more than 30 % of the revenue of Publicis , against around 20 % for WPP , its British rival .

  4. 另一方面,目前的行业整合,包括阳狮集团(PublicisGroup)与宏盟集团(Omnicom)的大规模合并,意味着广告业眼下这样的好日子不会永远持续下去。

    On the other hand , recent consolidation in the industry , including the mega-merger of Publicis group and Omnicom ( OMC ) , signals that this bright era in advertising will not last forever .

  5. 几天后,被母公司法国阳狮集团(Publicis)停职的他承认自己“失败得太快”,并宣布将辞职。

    A few days later , having been suspended by parent company Publicis , he admitted that he had " failed exceptionally fast " and announced he would resign .

  6. 但是阳狮集团旗下的ZenithOptimedia公司于12月5日发布的对于明年全球广告开支的预测却相当地乐观。该报告认为今年各公司广告开支已上涨了3.5%,2012年将上升4.7%达到4860亿美元。

    Yet the forecast for global ad spending in the next few years released on December 5th by ZenithOptimedia , an agency owned by Publicis , is fairly rosy . It says spending will rise by 4.7 % in 2012 to $ 486 billion , having gone up by 3.5 % this year .

  7. 但是阳狮集团也是一个非比寻常的企业。

    But Publicis is unusual , too .

  8. 11月29日,阳狮集团声称所有的董事会成员将再任职四年。

    On November 29th Publicis said that all of them had been reappointed for four years .

  9. 当谈起对其朋友,全球广告业巨头阳狮集团的老板莫利斯.列维的评价时,这位董事长难掩溢美之词。

    When told of his friend 's comment , Maurice L é vy , boss of Publicis , one of the world 's biggest advertising firms , is visibly flattered .

  10. 新成立的阳狮宏盟集团(PublicisOmnicomGroup)的命运有待书写。即将出任联合首席执行官的莫里斯•雷维(MauriceLévy)和庄任(JohnWren)或许撑不过他们协议共事的30个月。

    The fate of the newly formed Publicis Omnicom Group remains to be written , and Maurice L é vy and John Wren , who will serve as joint chief executives , may not make it through the 30 months that they have agreed to serve together .