
  1. 为了节省材料和提高生产率,采用劈开式旋压工艺将拉深的毛坯旋压成汽车发动机用V型或多模式皮带轮。

    In order to save materials and promote the productivity , the cleavage spinning technology is adopted to the formation of V-type or multiple moulding sheave of auto engine .

  2. 较准确地计算毛料外形,可以提高板料的可成形性、材料利用率和生产率。

    It can improve the formability of sheet , make full use of material and improve productivity to precisely calculate the blank shape for sheet metal forming .

  3. 因微切削技术加工材料范围广泛、生产率高,加工成本低而成为微细产品的主要加工技术之一。

    Microcutting is becoming increasingly important for its capability of producing parts with three dimensional features in a wide range of materials , high productivity , and low power consumption .

  4. 这样既可以保证较高的材料利用率和生产率,又能够使模具的结构得到简化。

    In this way , we can assure the relatively high rate of material consumption and productivity , and in the same time , the mold structure can get simplified .

  5. 针对特殊材料钢球热冲压生产率、材料利用率低的缺点,将热冲压改为冷冲压,克服了上述缺点,效果良好。

    Because hot-press producing rate of special material steel ball and availability of materials are low , hot-press is changed as cold-press , these shortcomings are overcome , its effect is better .

  6. 经小批量生产验证,用辊锻工艺生产管子钳钳柄的初成形毛坯比原来使用空气锤制坯具有降低材料消耗、提高生产率、锻件内部流线分布合理、改善劳动条件等优点。

    Compared with formerly billet by using air hammer , the small batch has proved reduction of the consumption of materials , improvement on productivity , reasonable interior streamline distributing , better work conditions etc.

  7. 冷挤压是加工齿形零件的一种重要方法,与传统的齿成形加工方法相比,可以提高原材料利用率和生产率,降低能耗,提高齿形零件的机械性能和使用寿命。

    Cold extrusion is an important method for some gear-type parts . Compared with traditional gear machining method , it can increase raw material 's utilization and productivity and reduce the energy consumption , and also can improve their mechanical performance and their useful life .

  8. 合理的仓储决策能支持企业的物流策略,提高客户服务水平,并降低物流成本,使物流真正成为企业除节省原材料与提高劳动生产率以外的第三利润源泉。

    Rational storage decision will support the internal logistics tactic well , helping the companies to improve their service level and reduce the logistics cost . And finally make the logistics a real " the third profit source " besides saving inputs and raising efficiency .