
lǐng tǔ
  • territory;land;soil;domain
领土 [lǐng tǔ]
  • [territory;domain;land] 包括一国的陆地、河流、湖泊、内海、领海以及它们的底床、底土和上空(领空)

领土[lǐng tǔ]
  1. 军队在5月1号又接管了另一长条领土。

    On May 1st the army took over another swathe of territory

  2. 多方主张拥有对马其顿的领土主权,结果在巴尔干地区引发了冲突。

    Rival claims to Macedonian territory caused conflict in the Balkans .

  3. 我们决定在第三方领土上会晤。

    We decided to meet on neutral ground .

  4. 这个国家在设法扩张领土。

    The country was trying to expand territorially .

  5. 我们时刻准备着为每一寸领土而战。

    We are prepared to fight for every inch of territory .

  6. 总统谈到了在领土问题上达成和解的必要性。

    The President spoke of the need for territorial compromise .

  7. 这个共和国是巴西人民的领土。

    The Republic is a dominion of the Brazilian people .

  8. 在1967年的战争中,以色列占领了这块领土。

    Israel captured the territory in the 1967 War .

  9. 它是唯一和其他国家没有领土争端的共和国。

    It is the only republic which has no territorial disputes with the others

  10. 希腊一直强调它对这片领土没有任何企图。

    Greece has always stressed that it had no designs on the territory .

  11. 这块新领土将会使加拿大陆地面积扩展1/5以上。

    The new territory would extend over one-fifth of Canada 's land mass .

  12. 在土耳其领土上驻扎外国军队这个问题非常敏感。

    The issue of foreign troops on Turkish soil is a sensitive one .

  13. 以领土或土地换取和平的交易

    the tradeoff of territory or land for peace .

  14. 智利和阿根廷对于南极的领土主张都持强硬态度。

    Both Chile and Argentina feel very strongly about their territorial claims to Antarctica .

  15. 梵蒂冈成功地调解了1984年阿根廷与智利之间的领土争端。

    The Vatican successfully mediated in a territorial dispute between Argentina and Chile in 1984

  16. 格鲁吉亚拒绝出让任何领土。

    Georgia refuses to give up any territory

  17. 他们在敌方领土上。

    They were in hostile territory .

  18. 美国军队继续驻扎在韩国领土上这一事实仍然让这些学生深感气愤。

    The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students .

  19. 这张单子列出了世界范围内有争议的领土。

    Here is a list of disputed territories around the world .

  20. 国王谋求扩大领土。

    The king sought to expand his realm .

  21. 不容许侵略者赖在别国的领土上。

    The aggressors must not be allowed to hold on to the territories of other countries .

  22. 那些部队对邻国领土发动了入侵。

    Those forces launched an invasion of a neighbor 's territory .

  23. 行政官员不能将我们领土的任何部分让给他人。

    The executive could not alienate any part of our territory .

  24. 谈判由于领土争论而破裂了。

    Talks have broken down over the disputed territory .

  25. 我国领土神圣不可侵犯。

    Our territory is sacred and inviolable .

  26. 那一天,法国的领土在羊皮纸的文件上获得了绝大的扩张。

    On that day , the realm of France received on parchment a stupendous accession .

  27. 他们开垦了西北领土。

    They pioneered the Northwest territory .

  28. 我可以告诉你,为了得到那张照片,我愿意拿我领土中的一个省来交换。

    I tell you that I would give one of the provinces of my kingdom to have that photograph .

  29. 殖民主义者大肆烧杀,顽固防守他们吞并的领土

    The colonialists stubbornly defended their annexations with fire and sword .

  30. 危害国家统一、主权和领土完整

    undermining the sovereignty , unification and territorial integrity of China