
lā dīnɡ zì mǔ
  • Latin alphabet;Latin letter
  1. 中国采用拉丁字母作为汉语拼音字母。

    China has adopted the Latin alphabet as the Chinese phonetic alphabet .

  2. GB/T13142-1991书目信息交换用拉丁字母代码字符扩充集

    Extension of the Latin alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange

  3. 教师教这个班的学生练习拉丁字母的发音。

    The teacher drilled the class in pronunciation of Latin words .

  4. 字符“A”的十六进制表示是x‘41’而“上面带圈的大写拉丁字母A”的十六进制表示是x‘C385’。

    The hexadecimal representation of the character " A " is x '41'and the " Latin capital letter A with ring above " is x'C385 ' .

  5. 中国大陆的孩子不熟悉拉丁字母。

    In China , students are not familiar with roman characters .

  6. 超过一半的互联网用户使用的是拉丁字母以外的字符。

    More than half of internet users use other scripts .

  7. 而对于许多中国人来说,记住数字比记住拉丁字母要容易。

    For many Chinese , numbers are easier toremember than Latin characters .

  8. 给定一串小字的拉丁字母。

    You 're given a string of lower-case Latin letters .

  9. 在官方文件中阿拉伯字母被拉丁字母所取代。

    Arabic script was replaced by the Roman alphabet in official documents .

  10. 例如,老式的日语键盘就将拉丁字母转换成平假名和片假名。

    For instance , old Japanese keyboards transliterated Latin letters into Hiragana or Katakana .

  11. 只有包含拉丁字母的文本才会有正确的返回结果。

    Only for text containing letters from the Latin alphabet is a correct result returned .

  12. 汉字与拉丁字母书写网格的比较研究

    A Research on the Comparison of the Writing Griddings between Chinese Characters and Latin Letters

  13. 一套是用现代维吾尔文字来转写,另一套是用拉丁字母来转写。

    One used modern Uyghur language writing , another used the Latin alphabet for transliteration .

  14. 拉丁字母和罗马字母

    Latin Alphabet and Roman Alphabet

  15. 这个样例代码显示任何语言的输入都被音译为拉丁字母并规范化。

    This sample code shows that input in any languages is transliterated to Latin alphabet and normalized .

  16. 官方和常用的语言克罗地亚语是南方斯拉夫语言,使用的是拉丁字母。

    The official and common language , Croatian , is a South Slavic language , using the Latin alphabet .

  17. 我们对字母词的实证研究表明现代汉语的方块字中已经接纳了拉丁字母的书写形式。

    Our empirical research in letter words proves that Chinese has adopted the Latin letters into its pictograph writing system .

  18. 另外,我们可以创建一种输入法将标准的拉丁字母键盘转换成其他语系的拼字法。

    Moreover , it 's possible to create an input method that transliterates a standard Latin alphabet keyboard to another orthography .

  19. 这些早期的玛雅文化学者在很大程度上依靠殖民档案文件中数据,这些数据是用玛雅文字书写和拉丁字母记录的。

    Those early Mayanists relied heavily on dates found in colonial documents written in Mayan languages and recorded in the Latin alphabet .

  20. 文中给出这种识别系统的基本理论,并给出它应用于拉丁字母识别及汉字识别的实验结果。

    Its basic theory is presented , and the experimental results of its application to Latin letters and Chinese characters are shown .

  21. 希腊地名用拉丁字母转写,有时候以几种不同的拼法。

    On the road signs , the Greek place names have been transliterated into the Latin alphabet , sometimes in several different ways .

  22. 代码转换功能,是不同符号系统进行等值转换的能力,如汉字与拉丁字母之间的相互转换。

    Code-switching function is the ability of equivalent switch in different symbol system , such as the inter-switching of Chinese characters and Latin letters .

  23. 鲁恩文字是模仿希腊和拉丁字母造成的,仅仅用作暗号,并且专供宗教巫术之用。

    Runic writing ( imitated from the Greek or Latin letters ) was a purely secret form of writing , used only for religious magic .

  24. 苏联时期,中亚各民族的文字在上个世纪前半期都曾经历过拉丁字母化和基里尔字母化两次较大的文字改革。

    In the first half of the20 century , each nation of Central Asia once used the Latin alphabet , and used Russian alphabet later .

  25. 不译指对一些使用拉丁字母文字语言中的一些词语,干脆不译,照样写进汉语中。

    Non-translation suggests that some words using the Latin alphabet , be written in the Chinese language just the way they are in an original text .

  26. 当书写,虽然拉丁字母和西里尔字母的书写系统也偶尔被使用,但一种变体格鲁吉亚字母的使用仍占主要地位。

    When it is written , a version of the Georgian alphabet is usually used , though the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets are also used occasionally .

  27. 传说他在传教时使用当地的三叶草作为神圣的三位一体的象征,并且把拉丁字母表介绍到爱尔兰。

    Legend has it that he used the native shamrock as a symbol of the holy trinity when preaching and brought the Latin alphabet to Ireland .

  28. 希腊文字由腓尼基文字与拉丁字母发展而来,外型有时介于两者之间,是活文明的碎片。

    Developed sometime between the appearance of the Phoenician and Latin alphabets , the Greek system of written language is a shard of a living civilization .

  29. 但是,A的长度是一个字节而上面带圈的大写拉丁字母A的长度则是两个字节。

    However , the length of " A " is one byte and that of " Latin capital letter A with ring above " is two bytes .

  30. 路标不是英文,而是用拉丁字母书写的马来西亚官方语言马来文,至少这让地名还能辨认。

    Road signs are not in English . The official language , Malay , is written in a Latin script , at least rendering place names recognisable .