
lā tuō wéi yà
  • Latvia
  1. 最终,大部队在拉脱维亚赶上了他。

    Eventually , the army caught up with him in Latvia

  2. 北爱尔兰队将对阵拉脱维亚队。

    Northern Ireland will play Latvia

  3. 他告诉记者他是来支持拉脱维亚同胞的。

    He told reporters he 'd come to be with his Latvian brothers .

  4. 与此同时,拉脱维亚女性的平均身高为169。8厘米,从1914年的第28位升至一个世纪后的世界第一位。

    Larvian women . Meanwhile , rose from 28th place in 1914 to become the tallest in the world a century later , with an average height of 169.8cm .

  5. 拉脱维亚的两大后台欧盟和IMF似乎存在分歧。

    Latvia 's paymasters the EU and the IMF seem divided .

  6. 拉脱维亚已经在12月份从IMF获得了90亿多美元(的贷款)。

    Latvia received more than nine billion from the I.M.F.in December .

  7. 已有3个东欧国家匈牙利、拉脱维亚和乌克兰获得了国际货币基金组织(imf)的紧急贷款。

    Already three Hungary , Latvia and Ukraine have secured emergency International Monetary Fund loans .

  8. 这两年里,拉脱维亚私人部门平衡的转移幅度预计将达到GDP的32%。

    In Latvia , the private sector balance is expected to shift by 32 per cent of GDP in two years .

  9. 成为第一个取得ATP世界巡回赛冠军的拉脱维亚人,你有怎样的体会?

    How does it feel to be the first Latvian to win an ATP World Tour title ?

  10. 现在,IMF要求拉脱维亚今秋将政府预算再削减10%。

    Now the IMF requires Latvia to cut another 10 per cent from the state budget this autumn .

  11. IMF或欧盟(EU)可能会加大对拉脱维亚的资金援助,但就像在阿根廷时一样,这么做只会赔了夫人又折兵。

    The IMF or the European Union could increase financial support for Latvia but , as in Argentina , this would be throwing good money after bad .

  12. 拉脱维亚不得不向国际货币基金组织(IMF)申请贷款,立陶宛和爱尔兰可能被迫走上同样的道路。

    Latvia has had to go to the International Monetary Fund for a loan . Lithuania and Ireland may be forced to tread the same route .

  13. 难怪欧盟委员会预测,2009年拉脱维亚GDP可能会萎缩13%,而立陶宛和爱沙尼亚将分别缩水11%。

    No wonder the Commission forecasts that GDP may shrink by 13 per cent in Latvia , 11 per cent in Lithuania and 10 per cent in Estonia in 2009 .

  14. ERMII是为尚未引入欧元的欧盟国家构想的,现阶段其成员包括丹麦、拉脱维亚、立陶宛。

    Conceived for EU member states that have not yet introduced the euro , the ERM II at present includes Denmark , Latvia and Lithuania .

  15. maid:女仆你应该见见Brigitte新来的拉脱维亚女仆。avoid:躲开,远离person:人哦,不不不!

    Chuck : You should meet Brigitte -- new Latvian maid . -

  16. 爱沙尼亚和南面的波罗的海国家拉脱维亚(Latvia)以及东面的俄罗斯陆上接壤。

    Estonia has land borders with its fellow Baltic country Latvia to the south and Russia to the east .

  17. 匈牙利、拉脱维亚和乌克兰均被迫向国际货币基金组织(imf)寻求资金援助,此举明确表明它们未与西方脱钩。

    Hungary , Latvia and Ukraine have all been forced to turn to the International Monetary Fund for financial support in a clear sign they have not decoupled from the West .

  18. 出生于拉脱维亚,辞世于1997年的牛津哲学家IsaiahBerlin爵士足可跻身于世间曾有的最伟大的健谈人士之列。

    SIR ISAIAH BERLIN , a Latvian-born Oxford philosopher who died in 1997 , may well have ranked among the greatest conversationalists who ever lived .

  19. 在两年内,拉脱维亚和立陶宛政府削减财政支出的举措,已使两国GDP缩减了逾20%,而拉脱维亚公共部门的工资水平则下降了30%。

    Government cuts have shrunk the gross domestic product of Latvia and Lithuania by more than 20 per cent in two years , while wages in Latvia 's public sector have fallen by 30 per cent .

  20. 随后,拉脱维亚(Latvia)的一位牧师收养了她,直到17岁那年俄军入侵,她被俘虏。

    She was raised by a pastor in Latvia until she was 17 , when the Russians invaded and took her captive .

  21. 最近几周,这种金融动荡之汹涌,令许多发展中国家包括乌克兰、匈牙利、拉脱维亚、土耳其和巴基斯坦被迫向国际货币基金组织(imf)求援。

    Such has been the turmoil that a number of developing countries including Ukraine , Hungary , Latvia , Turkey and Pakistan have been forced to seek assistance from the International Monetary Fund in recent weeks .

  22. 波罗的海各小国的数据格外反常:欧盟委员会预计,2007年至2009年间,拉脱维亚的经常账户赤字下降了GDP的21%,爱沙尼亚与立陶宛分别为17%和13%。

    The figures for the tiny Baltic states are extraordinary : reductions in current account deficits forecast by the Commission of 21 per cent of GDP for Latvia , 17 per cent for Estonia and 13 per cent for Lithuania between 2007 and 2009 .

  23. 面对全球新兴市场的紧张局势,以及有关方面要求欧盟(europeanunion)牵头救援拉脱维亚、匈牙利和罗马尼亚等国、以避免其银行系统崩溃和陷入货币危机的呼声,imf一直在忙于筹措更多的资金。

    Amid strains in emerging markets across the world and calls for the European Union to take the lead in rescuing countries such as Latvia , Hungary and Romania from collapsing banking systems and currency crises , the IMF has been scrambling to increase its firepower .

  24. 1999-2001年在阿根廷以及2008-09年在拉脱维亚推出类似政策的经验本应提醒imf,在欧元体系(最为固定的汇率体系)下,这类政策注定会造成最为严重的经济衰退。

    Experience with such policies in Argentina in 1999-2001 and in Latvia in 2008-09 should have informed the IMF that , under the euro the most fixed of exchange rate systems such a policy was bound to produce the deepest of economic recessions .

  25. 要说清楚在拉斯(Lasi)谁住在什么地方,那是不可能的。拉斯是深藏在拉脱维亚美丽乡村中的一个小村庄,我应朋友之邀,到那里蛰居了一个周末。

    It was impossible to tell who lived where in Lasi , the tiny village deep in Latvia 's glorious countryside where I had holed up for the weekend at the invitation of a friend .

  26. 结果显示,爱尔兰、冰岛和拉脱维亚都亮起了警灯。

    Ireland , Iceland and Latvia emerged with red lights flashing .

  27. 最终;终于最终,大部队在拉脱维亚赶上了他。

    Eventually , the army caught up with him in Latvia .

  28. 拉脱维亚帕克思银行多年来一直是拉脱维亚最大的银行。

    For years we have been the largest bank in Latvia .

  29. 语言:原官方语言为俄语,1988年改为拉脱维亚语。

    Language : Latvian replaced Russian as the official language in1988 .

  30. 面对拉脱维亚寒冷的冬季,取暖费也在飙升。

    Heating bills also shoot up in the cold Latvian winter .