
mǔ zhì
  • parental material
  1. 成土母质(土壤)pH值对樟树黄化的影响

    Effect of soil parent material pH value on Cinnamomum camphora yellowing

  2. As、Cr和Ni是受控于成土母质的元素组合;

    As , Cr and Ni are elements controlled by pedogenesis ;

  3. C水平层是相对未风化的母质土,其它层的矿物都源于此。

    Horizon C is relatively unweathered parent material form which the mineral components of the above layers are derived .

  4. 对广东省5种不同母质上发育的水稻土进行了P素等温吸附试验。

    Isothermal adsorption experiment of phosphate on paddy soils drived from five different parent materials in Guangdong Province was carried out .

  5. 成土母质和种植制度对土壤pH和交换性铝的影响

    PH and the exchangeable aluminum content in acid soils as affected by parent materials and cropping systems

  6. 然后分析湖南土壤酸缓冲性能的时间特征(滞后性和阶段性),分析影响湖南土壤酸缓冲性能的因素,如土壤pH值、成土母质、海拔高度、土壤层次、耕作程度等。

    Secondly , the paper analyzes the time characteristics and the influential factors of Hunan 's soil acid-buffer ability .

  7. 应用显微FTIR光谱技术原位研究沉积岩中生油母质干酪根

    Situ-Study on Generative Kerogen in Sedimentary Rock by FTIR-Microspectrometry Technique

  8. 土壤ph值、有机质含量、成土母质及农业利用方式等对土壤中微量元素的有效化有一定关系。

    ORGANIC MATTER AND THE QUALITY OF THE DEFLUENT FROM MIXED BED Organic matter contents and parent materials of the soils .

  9. 青海黄土母质发育的土壤对铬(III)吸附量的初步研究

    Preliminary studies of Cr ( III ) absorbing capacity in Qinghai soil of development from loess

  10. 该区土壤pH值变化明显受成土母质、土地利用方式、施肥措施和工业发展的影响。

    The change of soil pH is remarkably influenced by soil parent material , land use types , fertilization measure and industry development .

  11. 同一种母质的土壤其有效P含量随土壤活性Si和交换性Ca、Mg的提高而增加;

    The concentration of soil available P in same mother material was increased along with concentration of soil active Si and exchangeable Ca and Mg .

  12. 四川盆地遂宁组(J(35))母质发育紫色土的平衡施肥与水土保持

    Balanced fertilization and soil and water conservation in the purple soil developed from J_ ( 35 ) material

  13. 试验结果如下:(1)在相同土壤含水量的各种母质砖红壤上,随着土壤pH的上升,尿素以氨挥发形式损失的氮量增多,损失率增大。

    In experimental scope , along with the soil pH rise , the quantity of volatilization of ammonia increases in latosol soils with same soil water content .

  14. 红砂岩母质红壤侵蚀作用的~(137)Cs法初步研究

    Preliminary Estimate of Soil Erosion Rate on Red Soil Developed From Red Sandstone Using ~ ( 137 ) Cs Measurements

  15. 成土母质、土壤有机质、土壤pH值和土壤的农业利用方式是影响土壤有效铜含量的主要因素。

    Moreover , soil parent material , soil organic matter , soil pH and agricultural utilization methods of soil were the main factors to affect the content of available Cu in soil .

  16. 3种母质中,第四纪红土母质果园土壤pH值下降达1个单位,花岗岩母质和砂页岩母质果园土壤pH值依次为088和054个单位。

    Among three kinds of parent material , the soil pH value of Quaternary red soil dropped one unit , the soil pH value of Granite and Sand shale dropped 0.88 and 0.54 , respectively .

  17. 黑云母花岗岩母质水稻土的现实速效钾最大,玄武岩母质者最小;但在ARc~k一致的条件下则机反。

    The rapidly available potassium in the paddy soils derived from biotite granite are maximal and that from basalt are minimal , but it 's opposite in same AR_e ~ K.

  18. 其影响因素主要有成土母质、粘土矿物组成、土壤阳离子交换量、pH值、有机质含量、碱解氮含量和土壤溶液中铵离子浓度等。

    The soil factors affecting the capacity of fixing-ammonium in tested soils were mainly parent material , soil clay composition , pH , CEC , organic matter , available N and concentration of NH4 + in soil .

  19. 影响土壤中可溶态稀土元素含量的主要因子有:成土母质,气候条件(温度,降水量),土壤pH,土壤质地。

    The major factors which influenced the contents of soluble rare earth clements in soil included types of soil forming parent materials , climate conditions , such as air temperature and rainfall , soil pH and soil texture .

  20. 研究建立了荆州市耕地地力评价指标体系,选取了有机质、有效磷、速效钾、有效锌、质地、pH、剖面构型、地貌类型、成土母质、灌溉保证率和排涝能力11项指标。

    The system have 11 indicators , including the organic matter , phosphorus , potassium , zinc and effective , texture , pH , profile configuration , landform type , soil parent materials , guaranteed rate of irrigation and drainage capacity .

  21. 研究结果如下:(1)不同母质紫色土的基本性质和养分含量分析表明,供试土壤的pH、有机质、有效磷、S、Mg、Mn和Cu均存在显著性差异。

    The results were as follows : ( 1 ) The value of pH , the content of organic matter , effective phosphorus , effective sulfur , Mg and Cu were significant different among the three purple parent soils .

  22. 结果表明:不同土属耕层土壤中Ca、Mg交换量有较大差别,交换性Ca/Mg的比值主要受母质等成土因素的影响;

    The results showed that exchangeable capacity of Ca and Mg in cultivated soil varied significantly in different genera , and the ratios of Ca / Mg in topsoil were mainly influenced by parent materials and other soil formation factors .

  23. 各类成土母质对茶品质的影响可用地球化学性质来解释,有关的元素有Si、K、Fe、Al、Ca、Mg、Mn等。

    The influences of various types of soil-forming parent material on tea quality can be explained by their geochemical properties . The elements associated with these properties are Si , K , Al , Fe , Mg , Ca and Mn .

  24. 结果:广西莪术道地产区的分布受GBS的制约,广西莪术最适宜的地质背景为沙岩和页岩混合型黄红壤区。结论:广西莪术道地产区土壤受其成土母质影响;

    Results : The genuine producing area of Curcuma Kwangsiensis was showed to be influenced by GBS , and the most suitable GBS was red soil mixed with shale .

  25. 以青紫泥(BlueclayeyPaddysoil,BP)和红黄泥(RedPaddysoil,RP)为例,研究发育于不同母质的水稻土高光谱和SOM含量光谱参数模型的差异性。

    Blue clayey paddy ( BP ) soil and red paddy soil ( RP ) were selected as a case study of differences in hyperspectral and soil organic matter ( SOM ) spectral-parameter-models of paddy soils derived from different parent material .

  26. 对于不同母质发育的相同土壤&青紫泥,研究发现,该类土壤对Cu的吸附与土壤有机质含量呈正相关,而土壤pH对该类土壤对Cu的吸附影响较小;

    The study shows that Cu 's adsorption of cyanotic mud , the same soils produced by the different mother material , is depended on organic matter content of the soil , while the pH indicator will not effect the Cu 's adsorption of this type of soil .

  27. 作者于1984&1986年对不同母质的77个土样进行了一系列理化分析,并采用放射性~(86)Rb示踪原子法研究钾在土壤中移动和固定。

    The author analysed 77 soil of different mother material in 1984 & 1986 , and study with radioactive labelled atom of ~ ( 86 ) Rb on the movement and fix - ation of potassium in soil .

  28. 采用Kriging最优插值法得到了表层土壤氟含量的空间分布图,显示土壤氟元素的3种形态与土壤母质、pH值、有机质、土壤质地等含量关系密切;全氟含量集中在200~300mg/kg;

    Adopting the most excellent Kriging method the spacial distribution map of the surface soil fluorine content was obtained , finding close relationship of these 3 forms of soil fluorine element with soil parent material , pH value , organic matter and soil texture .

  29. 通过源岩吸附烃和天然气轻烃指纹特征的研究,开发并筛选出甲基环己烷指数(MCH)和环烷指数Ⅰ(CA1),分别作为轻烃指纹中最佳的母质类型参数和成熟度参数。

    Among the fingerprint parameters of light hydrocarbon , indexes of MCH and CA are developed and selected as optimum parameters for parent material type and maturity , respectively , by studying the characteristics of hydrocarbons absorbed by source rocks and light hydrocarbons in natural gas .

  30. 利用方式中,母质层和荒地土壤的大团聚体消散系数(RSI)最大,其次是耕地。而小团聚体中,耕地的RSI最小。3不同测定方法获得的稳定性指标,土壤稳定性排序不同。

    In addition , the big aggregate of parent material layer and bare soils had the biggest slaking index ( RSI ) and the cultivated soils ranked the next place . 3 .