
mǔ niú
  • cow;bossy
母牛 [mǔ niú]
  • (1) [cow]

  • (2) 雌性牛

  • (3) 同位素子体发生器(可从中提取短寿命放射性同位素的母体元素)

母牛[mǔ niú]
  1. 我没有开玩笑,弗兰克。外面有一头母牛,就站在附近。

    I 'm not kidding , Frank . There 's a cow out there , just standing around

  2. 他宣布今后每屠宰一头母牛就要按规矩给他5兰特。

    He announced that it would henceforward be the custom to give him five rands each time a cow was slaughtered .

  3. 这些母牛被人工授精。

    The cows are artificially inseminated .

  4. 这个器具被用来为母牛实施人工授精。

    The gadget is used to artificially inseminate cows .

  5. 小母牛在牛栏里吼叫。

    A heifer bellowed in her stall .

  6. 他的母牛每年产犊时,他都给自家留上一两头。

    When his cows calve each year he keeps one or two calves for his family .

  7. 按照事情发展的自然规律,母牛每天应该挤奶两次以上。

    In the natural course of events cows would wish to be milked more than twice a day

  8. 母牛供给我们牛奶。

    Cows supply us with milk .

  9. 这头母牛食欲不振时就给它一剂药吃。

    Give the cow a dose when she falls off her food .

  10. 那头母牛尾巴一甩拂走了苍蝇。

    The cow brushed off the flies with a whisk of its tail .

  11. 你看没看见那只母牛和它的小牛?

    Did you see the cow with her calf ?

  12. 他把母牛赶进屋。

    He drove cows into the house .

  13. 我们的母牛又怀崽了。

    Our cow 's carrying again .

  14. 还有种跑累了的马身上的汗味儿与好脾气的母牛喷出的奇妙的香甜味道。

    It smelled of the perspiration2 of tired horses and the wonderful sweet breath of patient cows .

  15. 这些干草被不断地扔给下面的母牛、马、绵羊们吃。

    And there was always hay being pitched down to the cows and the hourses and the sheep .

  16. 母鹅对离她最近的母牛嚷道,威伯自由了,不久所有的母牛都知道了这个新闻。

    The goose shouted to the nearest cow that Wilbur was free , and soon all the cows knew .

  17. 珍妮喜欢和农场里的小动物一起玩耍,她的父母喂养了母牛、小鸡和小猪。

    Jenny liked to play with the animals on the farm . Her parents raised cows , chickens and pigs .

  18. 然后一头母牛把这消息告诉了一只绵羊,不久所有的绵羊也知道了。羊羔们又从他们的母亲那里了解了一切。

    Then one of the cows told one of the sheep , and soon all the sheep knew . The lambs learned about it from their mothers .

  19. 采用蛋白酶K法从母牛肝中提取染色体DNA,将其纯化后作为PCR扩增模板。

    The bovine chromosome DNA was extracted from bovine liver by proteinase K method .

  20. drycow指的是不产奶的母牛。

    A dry cow is a cow that is not producing milk .

  21. 维生素E与母牛繁殖

    Vitamin E and Reproduction Performance of Cow

  22. 安×渤F1成年母牛的改良效果调查

    Investigation on the Improvement Result of F_1 Adult Female Cattle of Angus × Bohai Black Cattle

  23. 维生素E是一种有效的抗氧化剂,具有广乏的生理功能,对提高机体免疫力,提高母牛繁殖力和预防产科疾病有重要的意义。

    As a efficient antioxidant , Vitamin E has broadly physiological function in immunologic enhancement , reproduction performance improvement and reproduction diseases prevention .

  24. PMSG诱导的双胎母牛血清中P4、LH、E2的变化及与单、双胎的关系

    Changes of P 4 , lh and E 2 levels in serum of twin and single pregnancy cows treated with PMSG

  25. 母牛分枝杆菌菌苗联合抗结核药治疗MDR-TB疗效观察

    Effect of Mycobacterium vaccae vaccine plus anti-tuberculosis drugs on multi-resistant tuberculosis

  26. B方法对160头母牛分为排卵前8~10h输精和接近排卵输精;

    B , 160 females were divided two grous , 8 ~ 10 hours spermatic before ovulate and near ovulate ;

  27. GnRH对人工孪生处理母牛下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴的调控

    Hormonal regulation of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovary axis by GnRH in beef cows treated for artificial twinning

  28. 对20头黑白花青年母牛应用孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG)处理诱发发情。

    Holstein heifer were used to induce estrus using PMSG .

  29. 三合激素+LH试验组母牛12头,情期受胎6头,受胎率为50.0%,产犊6头,双胎率为零。

    In tri - hormone + LH were pregnant with pregnancy rate of 50 . 0 % and produced 6 calves without twins .

  30. 母牛注射PMSG及其抗血清后血清孕酮含量和PMSG的残留量

    Concentrations of serum progesterone and PMSG in cows treated with PMSG and anti - PMSG serum