
fú dǎo
  • Floating island;chinampa
浮岛[fú dǎo]
  1. 此外,以生态浮岛系统为中心的强化植物净化系统还能有效地减少水体中的总固体悬浮物(TSS)、大肠杆菌数和重金属浓度。

    In addition , the concentrations of total suspended substance ( TSS ), Escherichia coli and heavy metals were also significantly decreased .

  2. 与生态浮岛-微生物相比,INCB-微生物对COD(Mn)、TN、NH4~+-N和TP的去除率保持在更稳定的水平上,平均分别为31.9%、21.3%、23.3%和21.3%。

    The removal rates of COD_ ( Mn ) TN , NK ~ + _4-N and TP maintained more stable compared with these of ecological floating islands-microorganism , and they were averagely 31.9 % , 21.3 % , 23.3 % and 21.3 % .

  3. 在温度降低前,生态浮岛-微生物技术净化污染水体效果很好,对COD(Mn)、TN、NH4~-N和TP的去除率最高可以分别达到50.2%、29.8%、49.3%和57.9%。

    Before temperature decreased , ecological floating islands-microorganism performed well on purifying contaminated water and the best removal rates of COD_ ( Mn ), TN , NH ~ + _4-N and TP were 50.2 % , 29.8 % , 49.3 % and 57.9 % , respectively .

  4. 人工生物浮岛载体的研究进展

    Development in the Study of Man-made Floating Culture Islands ' Carrier

  5. 混合植物型人工浮岛对生活污水的生态修复

    Ecological Remedy of Sewage Water by Hybrid Plants Artificial Floating Island

  6. 这个浮岛与一个专业的网球场相连。

    This floating island is the links of a professional tennis court .

  7. 混合型植物人工浮岛处理生活污水的试验研究

    Improving Sewage Water Quality by Hybrid-plant Artificial Floating Island

  8. 乌鲁斯人是生活在喀喀湖中由芦苇形成的浮岛上的一群人。

    The Uros are a group of people who live on the lake on floating islands fashioned from the reed .

  9. 新型人工浮岛流场数值模拟与结构优化分析

    Numerical simulations of the flow field and analyses of the optimal filling structure for a new type of constructed floating island

  10. 文章介绍了生态工程中较为主要的人工湿地、蚯蚓微生物生态滤池、生物栅和生物浮岛等生态废水处理技术。

    This paper also gave out the concept and application of wetland wastewater treatment , vermifiltration , floating culture island , etc.

  11. 人工浮岛,作为一种新型的景观形式和水质净化载体方式,在世界各地得到了广泛的应用。

    Artificial floating island is a new kind of landscape and water purification carrier , which has found wide application worldwide .

  12. 浮岛技术作为一种新兴的富营养化水体生态处理措施,已得到人们越来越多的重视。

    As a new ecological treatment technique of eutrophication water , artificial floating-island ( AFI ) has won more and more attention .

  13. 结果表明新型生态浮岛的除污效果明显高于普通浮岛和生物栅。

    The result showed that the decontamination effect of ecological floating island was better than that of common island and biological island .

  14. 以期寻找人与自然和谐相处的生态学途径。浮岛基础构造属于斜坡式砂石人工岛范畴。

    Ecological approach in order to find harmony with nature . The floating island basis construct a sloping gravel artificial island areas .

  15. 试验研究结果表明,人工浮岛技术对微污染水源水体中污染物拥有较好的去除效果且具有一定的经济和综合利用价值。

    Results show that , Artificial Floating Wetland can effectively remove the pollutants of water and bring about social and comprehensive benefits in some extent .

  16. 人工浮岛是一项新兴的园林生态工艺,其措施是在水体上建造浮岛,栽种植物。

    Artificial floating island ( AFI ) is a newly arisen gardening and ecological technic , which is planting suitable plants on a floating " island " .

  17. 认为那个庞然大物是浮岛的想法很快被人们抛在脑后,因为海怪在如此短的时间内移动这么远的距离。

    The idea of the sea monster being a floating island was soon forgotten , as the monster traveled great distances in quite a short amount of time .

  18. 本文介绍最新开发的一种不受自然条件严格限制的新型植物浮岛制作技术。该种植物浮岛主要应用于水位较深的湖泊、河口水域及城市景观水体生态修复工程。

    This late-model technique of preparing plant floating islet can be mainly utilized for ecological restoration projects in lakes with high depth , estuaries and water bodies for urban landscape .

  19. 从国内外浮岛的研究现状看,目前在工程实例中广泛采用的是有机高分子材料载体,无机材料的浮岛尚处于实验研究阶段。

    From the present study condition of floating islands both here and abroad , we know that it is far-ranging to use organic carriers in projects and infrequent to use inorganic material .

  20. 依据浮岛景观性质和研究目标,遵循规划指导思想,应用景观生态学的相关原理,将景区划分为:生态保育区和生态体验区。

    Follow the planning and guiding ideology , based on the nature of the floating island landscape and research objectives , the relevant principles of landscape ecology , Will be scenic area is divided into : the conservation areas and ecological experience zone .